JaCoLine - Viewing Historical Command Line #11432

Analysis Date JDK Operating System CPU Architecture Debug JVM?
2024-07-26 OpenJDK8 Windows x86 N
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError boolean Dump heap to file when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
HeapDumpPath string When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or
directory) of the dump file (defaults to java_pid<pid>.hprof
in the working directory)
NULL E:\Zucchetti\tomcat_a\logs
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxMetaspaceSize int Maximum size of Metaspaces (in bytes) max_uintx 1024m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MetaspaceSize int Initial size of Metaspaces (in bytes)
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ReservedCodeCacheSize int Reserved code cache size (in bytes) - maximum code cache size
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ss <size> set java thread stack size 2m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxJavaStackTraceDepth int The maximum number of lines in the stack trace for Java
exceptions (0 means all)
1024 50000
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseShenandoahGC boolean Use the Shenandoah garbage collector false true
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
AlwaysPreTouch boolean Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
DisableExplicitGC boolean Ignore calls to System.gc() false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseStringDeduplication boolean Use string deduplication false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy boolean Print information about AdaptiveSizePolicy false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDateStamps boolean Print date stamps at garbage collection false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDetails boolean Print more details at garbage collection false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime boolean Print the time the application has been stopped false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
loggc <file> log GC status to a file with time stamps ::E:\Zucchetti\tomcat_a\logs\gc-v1a-%t-%p.log
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ErrorFile string If an error occurs, save the error data to this file
[default: ./hs_err_pid%p.log] (%p replaced with pid)
NULL E:\Zucchetti\tomcat_a\logs\java_error%p.log
Analysis OK