JaCoLine - Java Command Line Statistics

Last 10 Inspections

2025/01/17OpenJDK8Linuxx86 N
2025/01/17OpenJDK8Linuxx86 N
2025/01/17OpenJDK8Linuxx86 N
2025/01/17OpenJDK21Linuxx86 N
2025/01/17OpenJDK8Linuxx86 N
2025/01/14OpenJDK11Linuxx86 N
2025/01/14OpenJDK11Linuxx86 N
2025/01/14OpenJDK11Linuxx86 N
2025/01/14OpenJDK11Linuxx86 N
2025/01/14OpenJDK11Linuxx86 N

JVM Counts


OS Counts


CPU Counts


Switch Counts (all)

-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm"3
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX2
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XX2
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX1
-XX:UseG1GC" -XX1
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTS1
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XX1
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment 1
-XX:+UseZGC  -XX1

Switch Counts (No errors)


Switch Counts (With warnings)


Switch Counts (With errors)

-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm"3
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX2
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XX2
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment 1
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTS1
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX1
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XX1
-XX:UseG1GC" -XX1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX1
-XX:+UseZGC  -XX1

Top Error Reasons

-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11876
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11722
-XX:+UseParNewGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11614
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11559
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11513
-XlogThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8414
-XX:+KABOOMSwitch not found in any JDK369
-XdebugThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11235
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17231
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeaturesSwitch not found in any JDK215
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11214
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17212
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17200
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17192
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8184
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11172
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11171
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8162
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11158
-XX:+TraceRangeCheckEliminationRequires a debug JVM155
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11155
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8145
-XX:Switch not found in any JDK141
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17141
-XX:+TrialSwitch not found in any JDK141
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?140
-XX:+PrintAssemblyRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions138
-XX:InitialRAMPercentageThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8135
-XX:+UseZGCRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions133
-XmxBad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.131
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8129
-XrunjdwpSwitch not found in any JDK125
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17121
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17101
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1196
-XshareSwitch not found in any JDK88
-XX:FlightRecorderOptionsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK887
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1786
-XshowSettingsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1184
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1783
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1782
-XX:+UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK879
-XX:+UseParNewGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1765
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1762
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1760
-XX:StartFlightRecordingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK860
-XmsBad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.60
-XX:+UseContainerSupportThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK853
-XX:+UseShenandoahGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK852
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1148
-XdebugThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK848
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemarkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1747
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStampsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK847
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1746
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1745
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1144
-XX:+UseCMSSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ?43
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1143
-XX:ActiveProcessorCountThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK842
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCacheThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK841
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK838
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1738
-XshowSettingsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK838
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK838
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabledSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled' ?37
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK836
-XX:MinRAMPercentageThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK834
-XincgcThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1134
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1733
-XX:+BADSWITCHSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'batch' ?31
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1131
-XX:G1NewSizePercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions30
-XSwitch not found in any JDK30
-XX:+FlightRecorderThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK828
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1728
-XverifyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1127
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions26
-XverifyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK826
-XX:+UseCompressedStringsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ?24
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK2124
-XXSwitch not found in any JDK24
-XcompilationThreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompilationRepeat' ?23
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK823
-XnoagentSwitch not found in any JDK23
-XX:+UseStringCacheThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK823
-XX:ParallelCMSThreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ?22
-XmsXmx must be >= Xms.22
-XX:G1LogLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1122
-XX:LogFileRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions21
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions21
-XX:MinHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK820
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1720
-XX:+UseShenandoahGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1120
-XX:+UseParallelOldGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1720
-XrunhprofSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'prof' ?18
-XX:+PrintGCCauseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1118
-XX:+PrintReferenceGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1717
-XX:UseCMSSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ?16
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK2116
-XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdleSwitch not found in any JDK16
-XX:UseG1GCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.15
-XX:+UseStringDedupIicationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?15
-XmxXmx must be >= XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx900m15
-XX:Minin1iningThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinInliningThreshold' ?15
-XssBad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.15
-XX:+UseAESIntrinsicsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions15
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK815
-XX:-TraceClassUnloadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1114
-XX:MaxInlineLeve1Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxInlineLevel' ?14
-XX:+MonitorInUseListsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1714
-XX:+UseFPUForSpi11ingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFPUForSpilling' ?14
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1714
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ?14
-XX:+InsertMemBarAfterArraycopyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1713
-XshareclassesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:auto' ?13
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1113
-XX:+UseStringCacheThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1113
-XX:+PrintGCCauseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1713
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1713
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions13
-XmnDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmn:1024m. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.13
-XX:0nStackReplacePercentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OnStackReplacePercentage' ?13
-XX:IniineSmallCodeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineSmallCode' ?13
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1713
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK612
-XX:+EnableSharedLookupCacheSwitch not found in any JDK12
-XX:+InlineNIOChecklndexSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineNIOCheckIndex' ?12
-XX:+PrintReferenceGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1112
-XX:+UseSpinningThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK812
-XX:+ZGenerationalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK812
-XX:+In1ineObjectCopySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectCopy' ?12
-XmxXmx must be >= Xms.12
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalyticsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK812
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStampsRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions12
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailureThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1712
-XX:UseGSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?12
-XX:+AggressiveHeapThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK812
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerCIassSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineReflectionGetCallerClass' ?12
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailureThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1112
-XmxXmx must be >= Xms. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.11
-XX:+In1ineArrayCopySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineArrayCopy' ?11
-XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsicsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK811
-XX:+CMSIncrementalModeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1711
-XMaxDirectMemorySizeWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:11
-XX:+LogCompilationRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions11
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1711
-XX:+TraceClassUnloadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1111
-XX:UseParallelGCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.11
-XX:+In1ineObjectHashSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectHash' ?11
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializersRequires a debug JVM11
-XX:+In1ineSynchronizedMethodsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineSynchronizedMethods' ?11
-XX:+TraceClassUnloadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1711
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollectionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK1711
-XxxxSwitch not found in any JDK10
-XmaSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ?10
-XcheckSwitch not found in any JDK10
-XX:E1iminateAllocationArraySizeLimitSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit' ?9
-XmxXmx must be >= Xms9
-XX:+CMSIncrementalModeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK119
-XX:+E1iminateAllocationsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateAllocations' ?9
-XX:MallocExtConfSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllowExtshm' ?9
-XX:G1HeapResizePolicySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1HeapRegionSize' ?9
-XXrSwitch not found in any JDK9
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK179
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy' ?9
-XcompThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK89
-XX:+G1BarrierSkipDCQSwitch not found in any JDK9
-XX:CMSTriggerIntervalThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK179
-XmsXmx must be >= Xms9
-XX:+TraceDeoptimizationRequires a debug JVM9
-XX:+A1Switch not found in any JDK8
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ?8
-XloggcThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK118
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK178
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompactionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK178
-XX:PrintReferenceGCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.8
-XX:+UseStringCacheThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK178
-XX:+E1iminateLocksSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateLocks' ?8
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalyticsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK118
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK218
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK78
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK218
-XX:MetaspaceSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK68
-XmaxfSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?8
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK218
-XX:+IdleTunningGcOnIdleSwitch not found in any JDK8
-XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdleSwitch not found in any JDK8
-XdiagThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK118
-XX:+GCTrimNativeHeapSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ?8
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK218
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK178
-XbootclasspathThis switch was removed after OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK177
-XX:MetaspaceSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK77
-XX:ZVerifyMarkingRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions7
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK137
-XX:ZVerifyObjectsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK117
-XX:+Switch not found in any JDK7
-XX:+UseRTMLockinSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseRTMLocking' ?7
-XX:ZVerifyForwardingRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions7
-XX:CRaCCheckpointToSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'C1Breakpoint' ?7
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK177
-XX:ZVerifyViewsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK117
-XX:PrintFLSStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK117
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK77
-XX:MeaspaceSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?7
-XX:CounterHalfLifeTimeRequires a debug JVM7
-XX:+EagerJVMCIThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK87
-XX:ZVerifyRootsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK117
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnableSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ?7
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK187
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelayRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions6
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XminfSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ?6
-XX:+UseJVMCICompilerThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK86
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK216
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundaryThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XX:AOTLibraryRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions6
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspaceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XX:GuaranteedSafepointIntervalRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions6
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XX:-ZProactiveThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK86
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOPThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK86
-XmmSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ?6
-XX:G1PeriodicGCIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK116
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK116
-XX:CMSInitiatingPermOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XX:+UseEpsilonGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK86
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK96
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK186
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK216
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErroSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?6
-XdebugThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK66
-XX:-UseAOTThis switch was removed after OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XX:CMSWaitDurationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK176
-XXMaxDirectMemorySizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ?6
-XX:MaxRamSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAM' ?5
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions5
-XX:+AutoBoxCacheMaxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AutoBoxCacheMax' ?5
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicationThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK75
-XxsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?5
-XX:+CompactStringsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK85
-XX:+G1GCSwitch not found in any JDK5
-XX:-ZUncommitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK85
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?5
-XX:-THPStackMitigationThis switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK215
-XX:+PrintGCDurationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ?5
-XX:UseZGCRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions5
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCountThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK175
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK215
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristicsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK85
-XMaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK115
-XX:+UseParNewGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK215
-XX:+ResourceManagementSwitch not found in any JDK5
-XjitSwitch not found in any JDK5
-XlogThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK75
-XX:+UnsyncloadClassThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK115
-XmSwitch not found in any JDK5
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics.Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintNMTStatistics' ?5
-XX:+MaxTenuringThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxTenuringThreshold' ?5
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseTransparentHugePages' ?5
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcaSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OptimizeStringConcat' ?5
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillisThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK215
-XX:NewSizeMaxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ?5
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK115
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeToleranceThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK85
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimitThis switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK215
-XX:+UseCompactObjectHeadersSwitch not found in any JDK5
-XlogThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK65
-XX:+UseG1GSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?4
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-Xss256kSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?4
-XX:+FalconLoadObjectCacheSwitch not found in any JDK4
-XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoadingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferFlushThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK4
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK104
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK184
-XX:-UseNotificationThreadThis switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillisThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK244
-XX:FalconOptimizationLevelSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharkOptimizationLevel' ?4
-XX:+BackgroundCompilatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'BackgroundCompilation' ?4
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ?4
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK94
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimitThis switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK244
-XX:FalconUseAVXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAVX' ?4
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1SATBBufferSize' ?4
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK104
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK184
-XX:MaxPerSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ?4
-XX:+UseParNewGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK134
-XX:++PerfDisableSharedMem-Djava.net.preferIPv4StackSwitch not found in any JDK4
-XX:AOTLibraryThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures"Switch not found in any JDK4
-XX:-UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK64
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:+FalconSaveObjectCacheSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectHash' ?4
-XscmxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?4
-XX:MaxPermGenSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ?4
-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrashThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:ParallelGSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?4
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK94
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK94
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK104
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK214
-XX:+AgressiveOptsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ?4
-XX:UseFastAccessorMethodsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.4
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK164
-XX:MaxNewSize:6mSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxNewSize' ?4
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStallsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK174
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode".MEM_OPTIONSSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSIncrementalMode' ?4
-XX:+FalconUseCompileStashingSwitch not found in any JDK4
-XX:+PrintGCTimestampsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ?4
-XX:ZCollectionIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK214
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK104
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK184
-XX:InitialRAMPercentageThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK94
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimitThis switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK234
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK64
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK174
-XX:+ErrorLogSecondaryErrorDetailsSwitch not found in any JDK4
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK184
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillisThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK234
-XincgcThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK174
-XX:+UseShenandoahGCRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions4
-XX:+UseContainerCpuSharesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK214
-XX:+EnableJVMCIThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK84
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK184
-XX:+UseG1GC,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?4
-XX:+UseStringCache,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ?4
-XquickstartSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CIStart' ?4
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ?4
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMarkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK174
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK214
-XX:+ZGenerationalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK174
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemarSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSScavengeBeforeRemark' ?4
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XlintSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ?3
-XX:ParallelGCThreadSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ?3
-XX:FalconMaxCacheSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1ConcRSLogCacheSize' ?3
-XX:+UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK73
-XX:+TraceMethodHandlesRequires a debug JVM3
-XX:+PrintGCDetaSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ?3
-XgcpolicySwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInvolesConcurrentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent' ?3
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStatsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK173
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK193
-XX:G1LogLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK213
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK83
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintCommandLineFlags' ?3
-XX:+UseSpinningThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicationThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK63
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XX:ProfileLogOutSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ProfileTraps' ?3
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK163
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs' ?3
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpaceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMarkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK183
-XX:-OverrideVMPropertiesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'JVMCIPrintProperties' ?3
-XX:ProfileLogInSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ProfileTraps' ?3
-XX:+UserG1GCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?3
-XXnosystemgcSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XshowSettingsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK213
-XX:G1HeapReservePercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1ReservePercent' ?3
-Xrs;-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.prefsizeSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:+EagerInitializeDuringEarlyClassLoadingSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:+PrintNMTStatisticsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions3
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerfDisableSharedMem' ?3
-XX:+CompilationWarmUpSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompilationMode' ?3
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCacheThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK73
-XXtlasizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TLABSize' ?3
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK133
-XX:+PrintGcTimestampsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ?3
-XX:+UseContainerSupportThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XXMaxHeapFreeRatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ?3
-XX:+TraceClassLinkingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassLoading' ?3
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK183
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClassesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK173
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:-ZProactiveThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK73
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK63
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK183
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK183
-XX:+UseEarlyClassLoadingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassLoading' ?3
-XX:+UseEnhancedClassResolutionSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassResolution' ?3
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?3
-XX:HeapDumpPabthSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ?3
-XX:UseCompressedClassPointersMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.3
-XX:ShareClassesEnableBCISwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharedClassListFile' ?3
-XX:ParallelGCThradsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ?3
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHotSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK123
-XX:UnlockExperimentalVMOptionsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.3
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK213
-XX:UseZGCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.3
-XX:-UseParallelOldGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK173
-XgcSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XverifyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK73
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK123
-XX:UseSerialGCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.3
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK183
-XX:+UseContainerCpuSharesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK83
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK163
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatioThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK113
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelOldGC' ?3
-XX:+G1EnableStringDeduplicationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?3
-XX:+UseLog4jGetCallerClassIntrinsicSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSquareToLenIntrinsic' ?3
-XshowSettingsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK103
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK173
-XX:NewSize:6mSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ?3
-XX:+UseHighResolutionTimerSwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:DisableInstrinsicSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableIntrinsic' ?3
-XprofThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK173
-XMaxMetaspaceSizeWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:3
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK83
-XX:+UseGetTimeOfDaySwitch not found in any JDK3
-XX:LoopStripMiningIterThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK83
-XX:+UseStringCacheThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK133
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK123
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK133
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK93
-XPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:+TraceExceptionsRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:UseCompressedOopsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK182
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompactionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:TieredCompilationMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:+AlwaysPretouchSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ?2
-XX:++UseAESIntrinsicsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAESIntrinsics' ?2
-XX:+AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHotSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:ss128KSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:InitialRAMPrcentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ?2
-XX:-THPStackMitigationThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+UseG1C1Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XX:PrintFLSStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:A1locateInstancePrefetchLinesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocateInstancePrefetchLines' ?2
-XX:+ErrorFileToStderrThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStepSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStepSize' ?2
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:AliasLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?2
-XX:+UseParallelOldGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XX:+StringSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XlogThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollectionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:+PrintNMethodsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions2
-XX:UseContainerSupportThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?2
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptiSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?2
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio:Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ?2
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:-UseSplitVerifierThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatioThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMarginValue 120 outside allowed range(0, 100).2
-XX:+ProfileLiveObjectsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZapFillerObjects' ?2
-XX:-UseSplitVerifierThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:Use64KPagesThresholdRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XshowSettingsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:-RenumberLiveNodesRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:-UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK132
-XX:UseNUMAMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:nodummySwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:++UseSSE42IntrinsicsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSSE42Intrinsics' ?2
-XX:-AssumeMPThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:+UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK92
-XXkeeparearatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ?2
-XX:+ParallelGCVerboseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatioThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XX:++UseAESSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ?2
-XX:DumpOnExitSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:UseJVMCINativeLibraryThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:-UseZSTSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAOT' ?2
-XX:MaxDirectMlemorySizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ?2
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XshareoffSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:off' ?2
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XX:++UseStringDeduplicationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?2
-XX:DisableExplicitGCMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:UseCodeCacheFlushingMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XX:ParallelGCMaxThreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ?2
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlwaysThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStyleSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStyle' ?2
-XX:CMSTriggerRatioThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:-TieredCompilation-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ?2
-XX:ArrayAllocationWarningSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'QueuedAllocationWarningCount' ?2
-XX:ParallelGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?2
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK132
-XX:+UseParNewGcSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ?2
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK132
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK232
-XX:+UseCompressedOops,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ?2
-XX:+UseG1GC​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeoutThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+UseGenPauselessGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseEpsilonGC' ?2
-XX:+ParNewGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ?2
-XcheckjniSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'check:jni' ?2
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize:50mSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?2
-XX:-TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XX:+UseSlowPathRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:+StartFlightRecorderSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StartFlightRecording' ?2
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK182
-XX:ShenandoahUncommitDelayThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:OptoPeepholeAtRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:+UseG1ParallelFullGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelOldGC' ?2
-XX:+UseG1GC\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XverboseSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Verbose' ?2
-XX:AOTLibraryThis switch was removed after OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XUseZGCWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:2
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ?2
-XX:+UseSpringDeduplicationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?2
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCacheThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XX:+UseVectorCmovThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:NativeMemoryTrackingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:+AggressiveOpts-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ?2
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XbootclasspathThis switch was removed after OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XX:CPUFeatureSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'future' ?2
-XverifyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:CompilationModeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+ZGenerationalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:Use64KPagesThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:PrintNMTStatisticsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:ZUncommitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XloggcThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK92
-XX:+UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK102
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK92
-XX:UseStringDeduplicationMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:MetasnaceSiseSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?2
-XmsGSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?2
-XX:+Use360GCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:MaxRamFractionSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMFraction' ?2
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelayThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:PremSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PermSize' ?2
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK102
-XX:MetaspaceSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?2
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelayThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XXshowSettingsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'showSettings' ?2
-XX:ShenandoahGCModeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollectionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK72
-XnsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?2
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XMxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?2
-XX:+StressLCMRequires a debug JVM2
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVddMOptionsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ?2
-XX:+UseParallelGC,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?2
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoiceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:MAxRamFractionSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMFraction' ?2
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintFlagsFinal' ?2
-XX:hashCodeRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions2
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatioThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStallsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:ShenandoahGuaranteedGCIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XmxXmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx128m.2
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK152
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XX:PrintNMTStatisticsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions2
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK222
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK232
-XXMaxMetaspaceSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?2
-XX:G1NewSizePercentThis switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK62
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:+UseBiasedLockingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspaceThis switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK72
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat:Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OptimizeStringConcat' ?2
-XX:NumberOfGClogFilesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NumberOfGCLogFiles' ?2
-XX:MaxNewGenSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxNewSize' ?2
-Xss128K;-XXSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:+UseRTMSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseISM' ?2
-XX:+UseJITServerSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSVE' ?2
-XX:A1locatePrefetchInstrSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchInstr' ?2
-XX:+UsecmscoroactAtfullcollectionSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection' ?2
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK142
-XX:+CmsClassUnloadineEnabledSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSClassUnloadingEnabled' ?2
-XX:UseLargePagesMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.2
-XX:+PrintGCIDThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:+ShrinkHeapInStepsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK82
-XX:-ZUncommitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspaceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK192
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK162
-XX:StackShadowPagesxxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StackShadowPages' ?2
-XX:+UseAppCDSThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio:Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinHeapFreeRatio' ?2
-XX:LogfileSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ?2
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?2
-XX:+UseG1GFCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?2
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriodRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions2
-XX:CPUFeaturesSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessagesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK112
-XloggcThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK102
-XX:TrimNativeHeapIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK212
-XX:AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK172
-XmnThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK102
-XX:-Switch not found in any JDK2
-XxSwitch not found in any JDK2
-XX:+UnlockDiagnostiVMOptionsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ?1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:+AvoidUnalignedAccessesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XGCLimitSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLockSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintConcurrentLocks' ?1
-XX:ZFragmentationLimitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-Xmn6g-XXSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:MinHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+EnableVectorAggressiveReboxingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:ssWrong prefix used -XX: it should be -X1
-XX:+LogContinuationsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'VMContinuations' ?1
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintSafepointStatisticsCount' ?1
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMinThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinalsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XX:CompileThreshold:1000Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ?1
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:UG1GCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:PrintGCDetailsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:G1GCSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseStringConcatSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ?1
-XX:++UnlockDiagnosticVMOptionsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ?1
-XX:+UseParallelSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?1
-XagentlibSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintLIR' ?1
-XX:+ShenandoahUncommitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:UseStringConcatSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ?1
-XX:+PrintTouchedMethodsAtExitRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+UseAppCDSThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:ZMarkStackSpaceLimitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+HeapDumpPathSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ?1
-XX:MaxPermSize:20mSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ?1
-XX:zxczcxzc+TieredCompilationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ?1
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-XX:+PrintGCDetailsSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseSpinningThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XX:+EnableVectorSupportThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-Xlog:os,safepoint*,gc*,gc+refSwitch not found in any JDK1
-X+UseStringDeduplicationWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:FlightRecorderOptionsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK71
-XX:+UseGPGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XG1ReservePercentWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:-ZProactiveThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+ZVerifyForwardingRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+AdaptiveGCThreadingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AdaptiveTimeWeight' ?1
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CodeEntryAlignment' ?1
-XX:+LogCompilation-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogCompilation' ?1
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethodsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-UseSIMDForArrayEqualsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-Dfile.encodingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailureThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:ZUncommitThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStampsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-EnableDeepThreadDumpSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EnableMethodHandles' ?1
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XMaxHeapSizeWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:InitalRAMPercentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:SweeperThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XtuneSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeightValue 102 outside allowed range(0, 100).1
-XX:AbortVMOnSafepointTimeoutRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+EnableJVMCIRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+UseNewCodeRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:NearCPoolSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NearCpool' ?1
-XX:UseZGC:trueSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XX:PrintCMSStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XX:+UseStringCacheThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+UseG1GC-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessagesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages' ?1
-XX:faststosbsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ?1
-XMaxHeapFreeRatioWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:UseG1GC​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:HotswapAgentSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintGCCauseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+PrintMallocStatisticsRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRtioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSTriggerPermRatio' ?1
-XX:DisableInstrinsicsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableIntrinsic' ?1
-XX:MaxPremSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ?1
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibraryThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicpySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy' ?1
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ?1
-XX:Reserved>Switch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+JVMCILibPathThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-ShenandoahPacingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+AVX3ThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AVX3Threshold' ?1
-XX:PrintCMSStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+DebugNonSafepointsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicatSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?1
-XX:+VerboseRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?1
-XX:+USeParNewGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ?1
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ?1
-XX:AllocPrefetchStyleSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStyle' ?1
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:+UseSerialGC.Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSerialGC' ?1
-XX:AllocateHeapAtThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-UseAOTThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCoreRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XsxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1
-XX:+EpsilonElasticTLABThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+UseMD5IntrinsicsRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:+AggressiveOptSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ?1
-XX:HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:ZlibImplementationInflateSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:G1LogLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:+XLoggc:./logsSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:G1UseAdaptiveIHOP​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ?1
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:NewGenSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:UsefaststosbsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ?1
-XX:MaxDirectMemoryizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ?1
-XX:UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreadsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-Xss{XssSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:SafepointTimeoutAbortStrategySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SafepointTimeoutDelay' ?1
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionLiveThresholdPercentThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:+UseAppCDSThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:HeapDumpGzipLevelThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+CITraceTypeFlowRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsicRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage50Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80%Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:MaxGCPauseRatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ?1
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:+ErrorFileToStdoutThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+TraceExceptionsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+UseParalleGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?1
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabledXX:+UseTLABSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ?1
-XprofThis switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:C2CompileThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ?1
-XX:+UseSpinningThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+VerifyAfterThawSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LoomVerifyAfterThaw' ?1
-XX:+AggressiveOpts\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ?1
-XdebugThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK71
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:OptimizeFillMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessagesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:ErrorFileToStderrThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+UseMD5IntrinsicsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:G1MixedGCLIveThresholdPercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent' ?1
-XX:ErrorFileRedirectSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ?1
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize3gSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:PreBlockSpinThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+GenerationalZSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZGenerational' ?1
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:InitiatingOccupancyPercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent' ?1
-XXExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK121
-XX:+UseSIMDForMemoryOpsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XgcPrioSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XtraceSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+ZVerifyViewsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XsmsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?1
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication-XX:+UseContainerSupportSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold' ?1
-XX:+UseCompreSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompiler' ?1
-XX:+PrintNMTStatisticsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK61
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCacheThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicyThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK121
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XlpSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:SharedArchiveFileRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:-ContinuationFastPathSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseContinuationFastPath' ?1
-XX:1024mSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XmxXmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G,. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.1
-XX:ZUncommitDelayThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:ss128K;-XXSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK231
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:UseFaststosbsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ?1
-XX:+ShareAnonymousClassesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AnonymousClasses' ?1
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:G1RSetPauseTimePercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1HeapWastePercent' ?1
-XX:PrintTouchMethodAtExitSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit' ?1
-XX:UeParallelGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ?1
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristicsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:TraceRangeCheckEliminationMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeoutRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions:stackdepthSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'FlightRecorderOptions' ?1
-XX:G1PeriodicGCIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFieldsRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemorySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerfDisableSharedMem' ?1
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication'Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?1
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:+PrintMetaspaceStatisticsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintMallocStatistics' ?1
-XX:MaxGCPauseMiSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ?1
-XX:ZUncommitDelayThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:ZSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:printGCDetailsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ?1
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsicThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+DisableExplictGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-Xloggc:/logs/gc.logSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:G1LogLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XlogfileSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ?1
-XX:+ZVerifyMarkingRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent,Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ?1
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCoreMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XXaltjvmSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XgcthreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ?1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+ZVerifyObjectsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:ParalelGSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:Xshare:onSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:on' ?1
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializersValue 4 outside allowed range(0, 3).1
-XmsXmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms256M,. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.1
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizeeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompressedClassSpaceSize' ?1
-XX:+PrintAdapSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAOT' ?1
-XX:eaSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:XmxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1
-XX:ZCollectionIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+PrintGCCauseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication”Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?1
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpaceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+PrintContainerInfoSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintInlining' ?1
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:PrintCompilationMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XXSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?1
-XX:+UseCompressedClassesPointersSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedClassPointers' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+UseContainerCpuSharesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK231
-XX:+UseGenerationalZGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZGenerational' ?1
-XX:PerMethodcompilationCutoffSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerMethodRecompilationCutoff' ?1
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:G1RSetScanBlockSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:StringConcatOptimizationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintUnsafeOptimization' ?1
-XX:+UnlockExperimentlVMOptionsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?1
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:+UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK61
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XXSoftMaxHeapSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SoftMaxHeapSize' ?1
-XX:+UseContainerSupporSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseContainerSupport' ?1
-XX:+TieredCompilation-Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ?1
-XX:SharedCacheHardLimitSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharedBaseAddress' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:HeapdumpPathSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ?1
-XXErrorFileRedirectSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ?1
-XX:AVX3ThresholdThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCDetailsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ?1
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatiSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ?1
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' ?1
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP​Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ?1
-XX:+PrintFatalExceptionStackTracesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintExceptionHandlers' ?1
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseConcMarkSweepGC' ?1
-XX:+Use\Switch not found in any JDK1
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSi1zeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ?1
-XmintSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ?1
-XX:-MaxFDLimit30720Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxFDLimit' ?1
-XX:+StartFlightRecordingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:G1RemSetHowlNumBucketsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-UseContainerSupportThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+VerifyBeforeGCRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:ZCollectionIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK101
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-Xms5G;-Xmx16G;-d64;-XXSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError:trueSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XXuserSrialSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSHA' ?1
-XlockReservationSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocksSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintConcurrentLocks' ?1
-XX:+UseParNewGSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ?1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemorySwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ?1
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-Djavamelody.datasourcesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:-ZProactiveThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK101
-XmsoSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?1
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK221
-XX:TestCrashInErrorHandlerRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+UseZGC-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XX:-PortableShareCacheSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:PrintReferenceGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:FlightRecorderOptionsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK101
-XexperimentSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+G1NewSizePercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+UnsyncloadClassThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK171
-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinitionSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XgcmaxthreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'JVMCIThreads' ?1
-XX:+PrintGCDetails\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ?1
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled.Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ?1
-XX:+AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelayThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-InitialRAMPercentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:ParlelGSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+LoomVerifyAfterThawRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints;nmtSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DebugNonSafepoints' ?1
-XX:+DebugDeoptimizationRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+UseAppCDSThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?1
-XX:MaxMinPercentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:-UseZGCRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC'Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ?1
-XX:GSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:-UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:TraceRedefineClassesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ?1
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServrClassMachineSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine' ?1
-XX:++ParallelRefProcEnabledSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ?1
-XX:XnxSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow-XlogSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' ?1
-XX:ErrorFile\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFile' ?1
-XMaxNewSizeWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:+UseSpinningThis switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+AutoTuneResourceDefaultsBasedOnXmxSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:ThreadLocalHandshakesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XNewSizeWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStatsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicyValue -1 outside allowed range(0, 1).1
-XX:UseG1GC" -XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XVerboseWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsicRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:PermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.1
-XX:+PrintGCCauseThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:Xlog:gc*Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'loggc' ?1
-XX:+G1NewSizePercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1NewSizePercent' ?1
-XX:PrintInliningMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+DisableRmiHeapDumpSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableBCCheck' ?1
-XX:Minin1Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Inline' ?1
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalyticsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTSSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseZGSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XXloggcSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'loggc' ?1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+G1MaxNewSizePercentRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+UserSerialGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSerialGC' ?1
-XX:A1locatePrefetchDistanceSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchDistance' ?1
-XaotSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeToleranceThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK101
-XX:StartFlightRecordingThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK71
-XX:MetaspacesizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:UseBootstrapCallInfoRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:-EnableJVMCIThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XmsXmx must be >= Xms. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.1
-XX:TiredStopAtLevelSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredStopAtLevel' ?1
-XX:+UseZGC  -XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XaggressiveSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ?1
-XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntriesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALotMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+UseC2Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCHA' ?1
-XX:PalelGSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseContinuationFastPathThis switch is not available until OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+PrintReferenceGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XmaxmetaspaceSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+UseEpsilonGCRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:ControlIntrinsicThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:MaxMetaSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:MaxRamPercentageSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ?1
-XX:-G1UsePreventiveGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+ControlIntrinsicThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStampsRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:+UseVectorStubsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XGCTimeLimitWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XmxSIZESwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ?1
-XmxxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1
-XX:+UsezGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XscmaxjitdataSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK141
-XX:G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBucketsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+UseTransparentLargePagesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseTransparentHugePages' ?1
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK121
-XX:MaxSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XnoloaSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+PrintDependenciesRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatisticsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:+UseVectorStubsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ?1
-XscminjitdataSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XdebugThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeToleranceThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK91
-XX:+CMSIncrementalSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSIncrementalMode' ?1
-XmuSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ?1
-XX:+UseCompressedSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ?1
-XX:share:onWrong prefix used -XX: it should be -X1
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK121
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:++ErrorFileToStderrSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ?1
-XX:GCLogFileSizeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:+CMSIncrementalModeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:+UseZtsoThis switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage75Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ?1
-XXVerboseSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Verbose' ?1
-XX:+UsdSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+VerifyTLESwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'VerifyFPU' ?1
-XX:MetaSpaceSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:ReservedCacheSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ?1
-XX:AliasLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK221
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XmsSIZESwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ?1
-XX:-PrintGCDateStampsThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XloggSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'log' ?1
-XX:+escapeanalysisSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DoEscapeAnalysis' ?1
-XX:+CMSIncrementalModeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-XX:+UseParallelGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceParallelOldGCDensePrefix' ?1
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALotThis switch is not available until OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XjitperfSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:maxMetaspaceSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+TraceInvokeDynamicRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:UseG1CSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:UseCriticalJavaThreadPriorityMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:+UseThreadStateNativeWrapperProtocolSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseGCStartupHintsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PauseAtStartupFile' ?1
-XX:ZlibImplementationDeflateSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:ZProactiveRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-XX:G1LogLevelThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCountThis switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:UnlockDiagnosticVMOptionsMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK151
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibraryThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+ZVerifyRootsThis switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:CrashOnOutOfMemoryErrorMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XmTSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ?1
-XX:+PrintDebugOptionsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintVMOptions' ?1
-XXUseZGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabledThis switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-UseContinuationFastPathRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-Xrunjdwp:transportSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:++AlwaysPreTouchSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ?1
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCoreThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XGcSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-Xloggc:/logs/gc.logSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XX:MaxDriectSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxFDLimit' ?1
-XX:+UseG1Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XpauseTargetSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PauseAtExit' ?1
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK191
-XExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorWrong prefix used -X it should be -XX:1
-XX:ReservedCodecachesizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ?1
-XX:+UsertmlockingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseRTMLocking' ?1
-XX:+UnlockSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XtlhPrefetchSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicyThis switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInlineRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+UseFastJNIExceptionCheckSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastExceptionHandling' ?1
-XX:+TraceSharedLookupCacheSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceBiasedLocking' ?1
-XX:+UseZGC"Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ?1
-XX:hashcodeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'hashCode' ?1
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifierSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrinkSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ?1
-XX:ErrorHandlerTestRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+UsxeG1GCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:+nixgibtsSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDateStamps' ?1
-XX:MemProfilingRequires a debug JVM1
-XcompressedrefsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ?1
-XX:+NativeMemoryTrackingSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NativeMemoryTracking' ?1
-XX:+PrintGC\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGC' ?1
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTimeThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:-OmitStaSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2G. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'.1
-XX:+UseParallelOldGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK161
-XX:+DebugNonSafepointsg:time,level,tagsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DebugNonSafepoints' ?1
-XX:ActiveProcessorCountThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK61
-XX:+UseJVMCICompilerRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XXlogSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'log' ?1
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunkThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK241
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime' ?1
-XX:MetaspaceSize\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ?1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-XX:+UseContainerSupportSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ?1
-XX:AlwaysActAsServerClassMachineMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspac\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseLargePagesInMetaspace' ?1
-XmxdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinaSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintFlagsFinal' ?1
-XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoaderThis switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptionSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ?1
-XX:TraceRangeCheckEliminatioSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceRangeCheckElimination' ?1
-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrashThis switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspaceThis switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK181
-XX:+VerifyBeforeIterationRequires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions1
-Xrs;-Djava.awt.headlessSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:C1CompileThresholdSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ?1
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSizeThis switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XmusSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ?1
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFilesThis switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK131
-XX:+ShareUnsafeClassesSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceRedefineClasses' ?1
-XX:+GenerateSynchronizationCodeRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:+ConcGCThreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ?1
-XX:+FastMathSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XX:+UseAIGCSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ?1
-XX:PrintTimeStepSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ?1
-XX:-FastPathSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZPath' ?1
-XX:+ZStallOnOutOfMemoryThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK211
-XX:LogFile\Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ?1
-XX:+UseSpecialHashSetSwitch not found in any JDK1
-XXMaxHeapSizeSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapSize' ?1
-XX:InlineMissing +/- on switch on boolean switch.1
-XX:G1NewGenerationSizePercentSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1NewSizePercent' ?1
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCIntervalThis switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XX:-ZUncommitRequires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions1
-XX:-ReduceAllocationMergesThis switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK111
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut-XXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ?1
-XX:+WizardModeRequires a debug JVM1
-XX:G1GCThreadsSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ?1
-XSSSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ss' ?1
-XX:MinHeapFreeRationSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinHeapFreeRatio' ?1
-XX:UseZGCThis switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK81
-XmXSwitch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ?1

Top Warning Reasons

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.465
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.443
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.435
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemarkThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.427
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.407
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.306
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.264
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.248
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.220
-XX:+FlightRecorderThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13.179
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.146
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.145
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6G133
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemarkThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.127
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:${gc_log_file}${log_file_bind_ip}.102
-XX:+UseBiasedLockingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.101
-XX:+UseParallelOldGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.100
-XX:UseSSEThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.87
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.82
-XX:MaxRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. 72
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Expired in OpenJDK11.65
-XX:+PrintGCDetailsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDetails.59
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.56
-XX:-UseParallelOldGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.54
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:%LOG_HOME%/gc.log.52
-XX:+DisableExplicitGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DisableExplicitGC.51
-XX:+FlightRecorderThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. 50
-XX:CompileCommandDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,sbi/topics/system/TalkingAboutProcess.compute.49
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.48
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.45
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::safepoint.45
-XX:+ZGenerationalThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK23. 44
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.44
-XX:+UseG1GCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseG1GC.43
-XX:CMSIncrementalSafetyFactorThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.43
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspaceThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.40
-XX:PermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8.39
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8.39
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx36
-XX:+TraceClassLoadingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.33
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/ruoyi/server/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.31
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatisticsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.29
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24.27
-XX:+TraceClassUnloadingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.26
-XX:MinRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. 26
-XX:InitialRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. 26
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.26
-XX:-UseCounterDecayThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK22. Expired in OpenJDK23.25
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCountThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.24
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/user/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=2,filesize=10M.23
-XX:+UseZGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseZGC.21
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTimeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.20
-XX:MaxRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10.19
-XX:ParallelGCThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2.18
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4g.18
-XX:MinInliningThresholdThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. Expired in OpenJDK20.17
-XX:+UseParallelGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseParallelGC.17
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16.16
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime.16
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ref*=trace.16
-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicyDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy.16
-XX:ConcGCThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ConcGCThreads=2.16
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=150.16
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. 15
-XX:UseAVXDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:UseAVX=2.15
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:AsyncLogBufferSize=4194304.15
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK9.14
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=./gclog/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.14
-XX:-TraceClassUnloadingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.14
-XX:+UseOptoBiasInliningThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.14
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags.14
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*.14
-XX:+UseCompressedOopsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedOops.13
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.13
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc+stats.12
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/var/log/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.12
-XX:PermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. 12
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptionsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions.12
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabledDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled.12
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptionsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions.11
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps.11
-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepthDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=50000.11
-XX:UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.11
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelayThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.10
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillisThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. 10
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCacheDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache.10
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms180m.10
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlagsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags.10
-XX:+AggressiveOptsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13.10
-XX:+UseParallelGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseParallelGC.10
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.10
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.10
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::async.10
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundaryThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.10
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:/duitang/logs/usr/dt-watchdog/safepoint-%t.log:level,tags,time,uptime,pid:filecount=5,filesize=10M.10
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/var/log/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.9
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms3296m.9
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimitThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK21. 9
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=debug.9
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.9
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc:/home/pg/pg-web/pokeX:ErrorFile=/home/pg/pg-web/poker-hhreplayer/logs/hhreplayer-error.log.8
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlwaysThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.8
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=256m.8
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatisticsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13.8
-XX:G1HeapRegionSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8m.8
-XX:+PrintGCDetailsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDetails7
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistributionDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution7
-XX:MaxRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24.7
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=60.0.7
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m.7
-XX:+PrintGCDateStampsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps7
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem.6
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8g6
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx256m.6
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6g6
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1G.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:stringdedup*=debug.6
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/logs/safepoint_%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/app/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=./logs/dsp-article-microservice-safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint+cleanup=off.6
-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointersDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=trace.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/var/log/iaes-web/gc.log.6
-XX:+UseHugeTLBFSThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.6
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:$AEM_PATH/logs/gc.log.6
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. 6
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicationDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseStringDeduplication.6
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouchDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch.6
-XX:NewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=1600m.6
-XX:-UseSharedSpacesThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. 6
-XX:MaxNewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=1600m.6
-XX:AliasLevelThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21.6
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=./java_pid&lt;pid&gt;.hprof.6
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinityThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16.5
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotationDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation.5
-XX:+CriticalJNINativesThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK16. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.5
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStampsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps.5
-XX:CompileCommandDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,net/minecraft/server/%nms_version%/ChunkProviderServer$$Lambda$4300/0x00000000801896ab8.accept.5
-XX:G1HeapRegionSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m.5
-XX:+UseContainerCpuSharesThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21.5
-XX:+UseBsdPosixThreadCPUClocksThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.5
-XX:+UseBiasedLockingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17.5
-XX:+UnsyncloadClassThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12.5
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100.5
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::logs/gc.log5
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms12288m.5
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.5
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms6144m.5
-XX:CMSTriggerRatioThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.5
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4096m.5
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4G.5
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrowDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow.5
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=100,filesize=1024.5
-XX:+UseLargePagesDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseLargePages.5
-XX:+UseLWPSynchronizationThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.5
-XX:MaxNewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=2147483648.4
-XX:+AssumeMPThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13.4
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent.4
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError4
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrowDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow4
-XX:CICompilerCountDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CICompilerCount=3.4
-XX:CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercentThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.4
-XX:CompileCommandDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::*_noinline.4
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err.log4
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/apollo/env/ATVCustomerOnboardingService/var/tmp.4
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/data/logs/url-forwarder.4
-XX:InitialHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialHeapSize=6442450944.4
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytesDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=256m.4
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50.4
-XX:MaxHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxHeapSize=6442450944.4
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=512m.4
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytesDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes=524288.4
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCountThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/app/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.71/logs/gc.log.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc::utctime.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::help.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::pagesize.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=trace4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=./logs/gc.log:time,uptime.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:filecount=10,filesize=25m.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:filecount=10,filesize=25m:time.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:/opt/${INSTANCE}/tomcat/logs/gc.log.%t:time,level,tags.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ref*=debug.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/user/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.4
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms4096m.4
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms7500m.4
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx7500m.4
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=trace:file=%jvm_log_path%-safepoint-%%t-%%p.log:time,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.3
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=96m.3
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=tmp/infix-monitor-test/logs/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M.3
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinityThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK16.3
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/gc/gc-%p-%t.log.3
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx50G.3
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/gc.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint,gc+age=trace:file=gc.log:uptime,time:filecount=1,filesize=50M.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:file=/var/log/swish/swish-phz/gc.log:tags,uptime,time,level:filecount=5,filesize=20m.3
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTimeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime3
-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnlyThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.3
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx900m3
-XX:-UseBiasedLockingThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=5,filesize=10243
-XX:AggressiveOptsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.3
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=30M.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/data/logs/gc_humio.log:time,tags:filecount=5,filesize=1024003
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethodsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. 3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*=info:file=/opt/logs/gc.safepoint.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=20,filesize=50M.3
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeoutThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M.3
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/gc/hs_err_pid_%p.log.3
-XX:-UseCompressedOopsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedOops3
-XX:-CMSPrecleaningEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/dev/shm/service_strategy_server/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=1,filesize=10M.3
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G.3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.3
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK16.3
-XX:CompileCommandDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,dev.morling.onebrc.CalculateAverage_shipilev\$MeasurementsMap::nameMatches.3
-XX:CompileCommandDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,dev.morling.onebrc.CalculateAverage_shipilev\$Bucket::matches.3
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms256m.3
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2g.3
-XX:+UseSHMThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.3
-XX:+DisableExplicitGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DisableExplicitGC3
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ergo*=debug.3
-XX:+UseMembarThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. 3
-XX:+UseCounterDecayThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK22. Expired in OpenJDK23.3
-XX:MaxPermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. 3
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms50G.3
-XX:ParallelGCThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=16.3
-XX:-UseCompressedOopsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseCompressedOops.2
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/heap-dump.cars-air-zentral-b446b848f-hnqm7.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/opt/local/live-admin-service/log/safepoint.log:uptimemillis,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=50M.2
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21.2
-XbootclasspathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xbootclasspath:/a:$JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/logmanager/main/jboss-logmanager-2.1.18.Final.jar.2
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcatDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat2
-XX:MaxHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxHeapSize=16005464064.2
-XdebugDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xdebug:2
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=20,filesize=1024.2
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc:logs/gc.log2
-XX:CICompilerCountDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CICompilerCount=2.2
-XX:MaxTenuringThresholdDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15.2
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1303m.2
-XX:InitialCodeCacheSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=32m.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags   .2
-XX:+UseZGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseZGC.2
-XX:+LogVMOutputDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+LogVMOutput.2
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=268435456.2
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2048m.2
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=64m.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:$LOG_DIR/gc.log-`date.2
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms6144M.2
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.2
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms768m.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4g2
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytesDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes=8388608.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1024m.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx30g.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1303m.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/home/entera/prod-instance/LOGS/${service}/gc/gc-%p__%t.log.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1g.2
-XX:LogFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:LogFile=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/jvm-log.cars-air-zentral-b446b848f-hnqm7.2
-XX:+FailOverToOldVerifierThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.2
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=872415232.2
-XX:ConcGCThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ConcGCThreads=1.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:logs/gc-%t.log.2
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=./hs_err_pid&lt;pid&gt;.log.2
-XX:MonitorBoundThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.2
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/error-file.cars-air-zentral-b446b848f-hnqm7.2
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/eero/fatal.log.2
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=YYY/XXXX/logs/XXXX_hs_err.log.2
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6144M.2
-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=2.2
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1073741824.2
-XX:+UseFastStosbDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseFastStosb.2
-XX:G1HeapRegionSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4m.2
-XX:G1HeapRegionSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8388608.2
-XX:NewRatioDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewRatio=5.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:all=debug,exceptions=warning,gc*=off:file=../logs/vm-%t.log:time,pid,tid,level,tags:filesize=100M.2
-XX:MarkStackSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MarkStackSize=4194304.2
-XX:NewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=2147483648.2
-XX:GCDrainStackTargetSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize=64.2
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=16G2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,gc+ergo*=trace,gc+age=trace,gc+marking=trace,gc+heap=debug,safepoint:file=gc_log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=200m.2
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4g.2
-XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElemDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem=64.2
-XX:OldSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:OldSize=4294967296.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/data/logs/url-forwarder/url-forwarder-gc.log:filesize=50m,filecount=5.2
-XX:InitialHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialHeapSize=318767104.2
-XX:MaxNewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=2667577344.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug,gc+ergo*=trace,gc+age*=trace,safepoint*:file=/app/logs/gc/gc.log:time,tags,level:filecount=3,filesize=200M.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug,safepoint,age*=trace,ergo*=trace,gc+refine=info,classhisto*=trace,gc+ergo=trace,gc+liveness=trace:file=/var/log/eero/gc.log.started-at-%t.log:utctime,uptime,level,tags,tid:filesize=0.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=/data/logs/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M.2
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCountThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21.2
-XX:PermSizeThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. 2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age=trace,gc+phases=trace,gc+humongous=trace,class+unload,class+load,os+thread,safepoint=info:file=log-gc-info.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M.2
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4g.2
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.2
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillisThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK8. 2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info:file=$CATALINA_BASE/logs/gc.log:utctime,level,tags.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc+ref*=debug.2
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillisThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24.2
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=251658240.2
-XX:MaxRAMDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAM=19999997952.2
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=96m.2
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeapThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Expired in OpenJDK11.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*:file=safepoints-%p-%t.log:tags,uptime,time,level:filecount=10,filesize=50m.2
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelayThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17.2
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMBDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=36000.2
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/app/destination/tmp.2
-XX:StackShadowPagesDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StackShadowPages=20.2
-XX:+UnsyncloadClassThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Obsoleted in OpenJDK11, Expired in OpenJDK12.2
-XX:StartFlightRecordingDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StartFlightRecording=delay=5m,maxage=1h,name=post-startup,maxsize=1g,dumponexit=true,filename=/var/log/post-service-startup.jfr.2
-XX:+RewriteFrequentPairsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs.2
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50.2
-XssDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss2048k2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/export/log/jvm/safepoint-%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.2
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=YYY/XXXX/logs/XXXX.hprof.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/opt/server/logs/gc/safepoint.log:time,uptime,tags.2
-XX:+PrintGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGC.2
-XX:TraceRedefineClassesThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.2
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/usr/local/swagger-demo-web-tar/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M.2
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms800M1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms8196m.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms8m.1
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx128m.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx13312M.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx14336m.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx20480m.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2048m.1
-XX:CompileThresholdDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileThreshold=8000.1
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/app/destination/logs/app-name_hs_err.log.1
-XX:ErrorFileDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err.log.1
-XX:FlightRecorderOptionsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,settings=profile,disk=true,maxsize=500M,stackdepth=1024,dumponexit=true.1
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThresholdDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold=64.1
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoiceThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13, Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.1
-XX:CMSYoungGenPerWorkerThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.1
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=75.1
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50.1
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriodDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod=.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,phases*=debug,region*=debug,age*=trace,ergo*=debug,safepoint,codecache,heap*=debug:stdout:time,level,tags.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2g.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/app/esc/data/logs/smart-terminal/HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError/.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3000m.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/rmcp/cc-tariff/dump.hprof.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/rmcp/rths-history/dump.hprof.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/tabia/runner/logs/.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/tmp/tomcat_a.1
-XX:HeapDumpPathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=logs/.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3048m1
-XX:InitialRAMFractionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10.1
-XX:C1InlineStackLimitDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:C1InlineStackLimit=100.1
-XX:InitialRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialRAMPercentage=80.0.1
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30.1
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35.1
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G&#34;.1
-XX:BaseFootPrintEstimateDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate=20g.1
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20,.1
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3144m.1
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysisDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis.1
-XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize=64.1
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatioDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=80.1
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m.1
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=150m.1
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m.1
-XX:ActiveProcessorCountDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=28.1
-XX:MaxNewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=512m.1
-XX:-UsePerfDataDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UsePerfData.1
-XX:-UseMembarThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. 1
-XX:-UseMembarThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. 1
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimitDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit.1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=45.1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50.0.1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0.1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.0.1
-XX:MaxRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.000000.1
-XX:MetaspaceSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m.1
-XX:MinHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapSize=8388608.1
-XX:MinRAMPercentageDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinRAMPercentage=80.0.1
-XX:NativeMemoryTrackingDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary.1
-XX:-THPStackMitigationDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-THPStackMitigation.1
-XX:NewSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=512m.1
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=5826188.1
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=122916026.1
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=/usr/local/sbin/tomcatOutOfMemory.sh.1
-XX:-ShrinkHeapInStepsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps.1
-XX:ParallelGCThreadsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4.1
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.1
-XX:-FastTLABRefillThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12.1
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=122916026.1
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1024m.1
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m.1
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSizeDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=16005464064.1
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMBDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50.1
-XX:StartFlightRecordingDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StartFlightRecording=settings=/srv/www/actorcluster/ansible-releases/actorcluster-2022.05.16.thirteen2/bin/../conf/profile.jfc,delay=5m,maxsize=512m,disk=true,dumponexit=true,name=post-startup,filename=/var/log/eero/post-startup-3503.jfr.1
-XX:SurvivorRatioDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SurvivorRatio=4.1
-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercentDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent=.1
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatioDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80.1
-XX:-DisableExplicitGCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-DisableExplicitGC.1
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabledThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15.1
-XbootclasspathDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xbootclasspath:/p:.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=50,filesize=10241
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags1
-XX:+VMThreadHintNoPreemptThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*,level,tags,time,uptime,pid.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*,tags,time,uptime,pid.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc+init.1
-XX:+UseParallelOldGCThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14, Obsoleted in OpenJDK15, Expired in OpenJDK16.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:${HYBRIS_LOG_DIR}/java_gc.log.1
-XX:+UseHeavyMonitorsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. Expired in OpenJDK20.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/app/log/gc-{{.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/apps/log/exchangeui/exchangeui/gc_tomcat.log.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/logs/canal-admin.gclog.1
-XX:+UseG1GCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseG1GC.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx60g.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:logs/gc.log.1
-XX:+UseG1GCDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseG1GC1
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouchDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class*=info:file=/opt/…/logs/classload.log:time,uptimemillis,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=50M.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class+load=info.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class+unload=info.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:gc.log:time,uptime:filecount=10,filesize=10m.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=$PAYMENTPROCESSINGRECOVERY_LOGS_PATH/gc_%p_%t.log:time,uptime:filecount=10,filesize=10M.1
-XssDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss64m.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/abacus360/QA/LVR/logs/gc/spark/spark_driver_gc.%p.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=4M.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/pulsar-logs-root/gc-$PULSAR_CLIENT_APPLICATION_NAME.log.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8196m.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8G.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=/tmp/gc.log.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age*=trace,safepoint:file=/lingtian/logs/app/gc.$HOSTNAME._%t.log:time,tid,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=20m.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age=trace,gc+phases=trace,gc+humongous=trace:file=log-gc.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M.1
-XX:CMSBitMapYieldQuantumThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,phases*=debug,region*=debug,age*=trace,ergo*=debug,safepoint,heap*=debug:stdout:time,level,tags.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info:file=$CATALINA_BASE/logs/gc.log:all.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc,gc+phases,gc+ref,gc+init,gc+reloc,gc+task,gc+stats,gc+load,gc+mmu,gc+nmethod,gc+metaspace,gc+marking:file=/lingtian/logs/app/gc.$HOSTNAME._%t.log:time,tid,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=20m.1
-XX:+UseContainerSupportDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseContainerSupport.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc:none:/home/despegar/gc.log:filesize=1m:filecount=2.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:jit+compilation=debug:file=/supercell/logs/xlog-jit.log:time,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=100M.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:os+container=info1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*=info:file=$LOG_PATH/gc.safepoint.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=20,filesize=50M.1
-XX:+UseAppCDSThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint,ergo*=level:file:logs/gc.log.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint:file=/var/log/pcf-service/njss1-pcffd01a-nxt.dev.fndlsb.net-pcf-service-safepoint.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M.1
-XX:+TraceClassResolutionThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17.1
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakesThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.1
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps.1
-XmxDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx9230m.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/opt/ignite/server/logs/gc/safepoint.log:time,uptime,tags.1
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinalDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal.1
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocksDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks.1
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlagsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags1
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatisticsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics.1
-XlogDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:stringdedup*,gc*=debug:file=/srv/ais/prod/knz-p2/eap/standalone/log/gc.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=6,filesize=100M.1
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/home/hadoop/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn_resourcemanager/rm.gc.log-202310081100.1
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/usr/libra/sms/logs/sms-gc.log.1
-XloggcDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/var/log/jboss61/UGI/QXA/log/DataServer_QXA_PROD_gc_20210924073144.log.1
-XX:+OmitStackTraceInFastThrowDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow.1
-XmnDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmn:15g.1
-XX:+MonitorInUseListsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms128m.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms13312M.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms14336m.1
-XX:+MonitorBoundThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1977m.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms20480m.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms3000m.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms30g.1
-XX:+LIRFillDelaySlotsThis switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.1
-XssDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss256K.1
-XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms4g1
-XssDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss256k.1