Last 10 Inspections
Date | JVM | OS | CPU | Request | DebugVM |
2025/01/17 | OpenJDK8 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/17 | OpenJDK8 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/17 | OpenJDK8 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/17 | OpenJDK21 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/17 | OpenJDK8 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/14 | OpenJDK11 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/14 | OpenJDK11 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/14 | OpenJDK11 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/14 | OpenJDK11 | Linux | x86 | N | |
2025/01/14 | OpenJDK11 | Linux | x86 | N | |
JVM Counts
JVM | Count |
OpenJDK11 | 4265 |
OpenJDK8 | 3803 |
OpenJDK17 | 3012 |
OpenJDK21 | 376 |
OpenJDK7 | 115 |
OpenJDK18 | 107 |
OpenJDK13 | 76 |
OpenJDK23 | 72 |
OpenJDK9 | 68 |
OpenJDK6 | 67 |
OpenJDK20 | 65 |
OpenJDK15 | 59 |
OpenJDK19 | 51 |
OpenJDK22 | 47 |
OpenJDK24 | 46 |
OpenJDK14 | 44 |
OpenJDK16 | 43 |
OpenJDK10 | 36 |
OpenJDK12 | 25 |
OpenJDK-11_0_5-zulu | 2 |
OpenJDK-11_0_5 | 1 |
AdoptJDK8 | 1 |
ApriJDK13 | 1 |
11.0.5-zulu | 1 |
OS Counts
OS | Count |
Linux | 10269 |
mac | 819 |
Windows | 817 |
- | 310 |
linux | 55 |
Darwin | 45 |
BSD | 35 |
Solaris | 13 |
AIX | 12 |
null | 0 |
CPU Counts
CPU | Count |
x86 | 11491 |
- | 323 |
aarch64 | 305 |
arm | 135 |
ppc | 74 |
riscv | 33 |
sparc | 13 |
zero | 6 |
s390 | 3 |
Switch Counts (all)
Switch | Count |
-Xmx | 6728 |
-Xms | 5456 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 3362 |
-Xlog | 3191 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 3003 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 2633 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | 2391 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | 2322 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | 2312 |
-Xloggc | 2134 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC | 2089 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | 1962 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | 1723 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1721 |
-Xss | 1708 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | 1542 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | 1508 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 1426 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1369 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | 1283 |
-XX:ErrorFile | 1246 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | 1202 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | 1076 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | 1039 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | 1027 |
-XX:ConcGCThreads | 1005 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | 998 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops | 977 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | 959 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled | 878 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | 857 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | 856 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | 841 |
-XX:NewSize | 840 |
-XX:+UseZGC | 810 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | 791 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | 785 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | 776 |
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent | 760 |
-XX:PermSize | 734 |
-XX:SurvivorRatio | 728 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | 680 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 665 |
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold | 662 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | 601 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | 599 |
-Xmn | 597 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | 579 |
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError | 502 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | 502 |
-XX:G1NewSizePercent | 484 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | 429 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 427 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | 425 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | 424 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | 424 |
-XX:NewRatio | 419 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | 419 |
-XX:G1ReservePercent | 405 |
-XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval | 403 |
-XX:CICompilerCount | 382 |
-XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints | 377 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers | 374 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | 374 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | 369 |
-XX:+KABOOM | 369 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | 369 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 361 |
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio | 360 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 353 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | 352 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | 344 |
-Xdebug | 341 |
-XX:+SafepointTimeout | 340 |
-XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay | 340 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 334 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | 330 |
-XX:MaxHeapSize | 328 |
-XX:InitialHeapSize | 327 |
-XX:+UseLargePages | 327 |
-XX:+UseNUMA | 301 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio | 296 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | 290 |
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis | 289 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat | 288 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | 286 |
-XX:G1HeapWastePercent | 276 |
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC | 275 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 257 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | 257 |
-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth | 253 |
-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions | 245 |
-XX:+PrintGC | 244 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio | 241 |
-XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget | 235 |
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB | 230 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | 228 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | 225 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | 224 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints | 224 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | 223 |
-XX:GCTimeRatio | 215 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures | 215 |
-XX:InitialCodeCacheSize | 213 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | 213 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 211 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | 209 |
-XshowSettings | 209 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation | 198 |
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods | 187 |
-XX:CompileThreshold | 179 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads | 179 |
-XX:+PreserveFramePointer | 178 |
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes | 172 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | 169 |
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes | 166 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | 165 |
-XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing | 162 |
-XX:+TraceRangeCheckElimination | 157 |
-XX:+PrintAssembly | 152 |
-XX:LogFile | 150 |
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 144 |
-XX:CompileCommand | 144 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | 142 |
-XX:+Trial | 141 |
-XX: | 141 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | 141 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC-XX | 140 |
-XX:TieredStopAtLevel | 135 |
-XX:MarkStackSize | 133 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | 132 |
-XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize | 128 |
-XX:+UseTLAB | 126 |
-XX:+LogCompilation | 126 |
-Xrunjdwp | 125 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | 124 |
-XX:ThreadStackSize | 120 |
-XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis | 120 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 120 |
-XX:-UseParallelGC | 112 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogram | 112 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | 109 |
-XX:+PrintCompilation | 109 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | 109 |
-XX:AutoBoxCacheMax | 104 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle | 103 |
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePages | 103 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | 102 |
-XX:+EagerJVMCI | 101 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | 101 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | 100 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio | 98 |
-XX:MaxRAMFraction | 98 |
-XX:UseAVX | 96 |
-XX:+UseAESIntrinsics | 95 |
-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods | 92 |
-Xverify | 90 |
-XX:+UseAES | 88 |
-Xshare | 88 |
-XX:UseSSE | 87 |
-XX:FreqInlineSize | 85 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | 85 |
-XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError | 85 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | 83 |
-XX:+EnableJVMCI | 82 |
-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler | 81 |
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit | 80 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics | 80 |
-XX:+UseSerialGC | 79 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | 76 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | 74 |
-XX:-ResizePLAB | 72 |
-XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent | 70 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | 69 |
-XX:+UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority | 69 |
-XX:NmethodSweepActivity | 69 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | 68 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | 67 |
-XX:OldSize | 66 |
-XX:StringTableSize | 65 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | 64 |
-XX:-UseCompressedOops | 64 |
-XX:-ZProactive | 64 |
-XX:MaxInlineSize | 63 |
-XX:MaxRAM | 62 |
-XX:+EliminateLocks | 60 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | 59 |
-XX:-UsePerfData | 58 |
-XX:+ResizeTLAB | 58 |
-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy | 58 |
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC | 57 |
-XX:-TieredCompilation | 56 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | 56 |
-XX:StackShadowPages | 56 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | 54 |
-XX:G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent | 53 |
-XX:+UseSSE42Intrinsics | 53 |
-XX:G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis | 53 |
-XX:MaxInlineLevel | 52 |
-Xrs | 52 |
-XX:+LogVMOutput | 52 |
-Xincgc | 52 |
-XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 50 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | 48 |
-XX:-UseCounterDecay | 48 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | 48 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | 48 |
-XX:+UseThreadPriorities | 47 |
-XX:CompilerThreadPriority | 47 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent | 46 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | 46 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | 45 |
-Xbootclasspath | 45 |
-XX:MaxNodeLimit | 44 |
-XX:+PrintCodeCache | 44 |
-XX:+ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark | 44 |
-XX:+StartAttachListener | 43 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor | 43 |
-XX:StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold | 43 |
-XX:TLABSize | 43 |
-XX:+UseCMS | 43 |
-XX:+ManagementServer | 42 |
-XX:+UseFPUForSpilling | 42 |
-XX:+AggressiveHeap | 41 |
-XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit | 40 |
-XX:+UseVectorCmov | 40 |
-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 40 |
-XX:+HeapDumpBeforeFullGC | 39 |
-XX:+PrintInlining | 39 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing | 39 |
-XX:MaxVectorSize | 38 |
-XX:OnError | 38 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | 38 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled | 37 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses | 37 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion | 37 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | 37 |
-XX:InlineSmallCode | 36 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | 36 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | 36 |
-XX:MaxTrivialSize | 36 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 36 |
-XX:OldPLABSize | 36 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | 35 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | 34 |
-XX:LoopStripMiningIter | 34 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | 34 |
-XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsics | 34 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristics | 34 |
-XX:+UseFMA | 33 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | 33 |
-XX:-UseZGC | 33 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance | 33 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceExpansion | 33 |
-XX:-UseG1GC | 33 |
-XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading | 32 |
-XX:+OptimizeFill | 32 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | 32 |
-XX:MinTLABSize | 32 |
-XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor | 32 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | 30 |
-X | 30 |
-Xnoclassgc | 30 |
-XX:-DisableExplicitGC | 28 |
-XX:InitialRAMFraction | 27 |
-XX:-UseCompressedClassPointers | 26 |
-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold | 26 |
-XX:MinRAMFraction | 26 |
-XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps | 25 |
-XX:Tier4CompileThreshold | 25 |
-XX:+BackgroundCompilation | 25 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | 25 |
-XX:+AlignVector | 25 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | 24 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 24 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings | 24 |
-XX | 24 |
-XX:+PrintStringTableStatistics | 24 |
-Xnoagent | 23 |
-XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError | 23 |
-XX:CodeCacheExpansionSize | 23 |
-XcompilationThreads | 23 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCMode | 22 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchInstr | 22 |
-XX:+UseFastEmptyMethods | 22 |
-XX:+UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks | 22 |
-XX:+UseFastStosb | 22 |
-Xprof | 22 |
-XX:ParallelCMSThreads | 22 |
-XX:+LogTouchedMethods | 21 |
-XX:-AlwaysPreTouch | 21 |
-XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes | 21 |
-XX:+UseMembar | 21 |
-XX:+AlwaysCompileLoopMethods | 21 |
-XX:-CICompilerCountPerCPU | 21 |
-XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs | 21 |
-XX:+UseCondCardMark | 21 |
-XX:+Inline | 20 |
-XX:+OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 20 |
-XX:+EnableVectorAggressiveReboxing | 20 |
-XX:Tier2CompileThreshold | 20 |
-XX:Tier3InvocationThreshold | 19 |
-XX:+OptoBundling | 19 |
-Xbatch | 19 |
-XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU | 19 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 19 |
-XX:Tier3LoadFeedback | 19 |
-XX:+EnableVectorSupport | 19 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | 18 |
-XX:+OptoScheduling | 18 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC | 18 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | 18 |
-XX:+InlineUnsafeOps | 18 |
-XX:PrintFLSStatistics | 18 |
-XX:+InlineThreadNatives | 18 |
-XX:AllocateInstancePrefetchLines | 18 |
-XX:+InlineNatives | 18 |
-XX:+InlineMathNatives | 18 |
-XX:+UseSuperWord | 18 |
-Xrunhprof | 18 |
-XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 18 |
-XX:Tier3CompileThreshold | 18 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | 18 |
-XX:InterpreterProfilePercentage | 18 |
-XX:-PrintGCDetails | 17 |
-XX:CMSWaitDuration | 17 |
-XX:+UseRTMLocking | 17 |
-XX:MinInliningThreshold | 17 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchStepSize | 17 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | 17 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | 16 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary | 16 |
-XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle | 16 |
-XX:UseCMS | 16 |
-XX:UseParallelGC | 16 |
-XX:+UseFastJNIAccessors | 16 |
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction | 16 |
-XX:UseG1GC | 15 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 15 |
-XX:+UseStringDedupIication | 15 |
-XX:+AllowParallelDefineClass | 15 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchLines | 15 |
-XX:OnStackReplacePercentage | 15 |
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 15 |
-XX:+ReduceInitialCardMarks | 15 |
-XX:+MonitorInUseLists | 15 |
-XX:Minin1iningThreshold | 15 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThreshold | 15 |
-XX:+UseFPUForSpi11ing | 14 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | 14 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 14 |
-XX:+ClipInlining | 14 |
-XX:LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff | 14 |
-XX:+UseCompiler | 14 |
-XX:+EstimateArgEscape | 14 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | 14 |
-XX:SurvivorPadding | 14 |
-XX:+UseEpsilonGC | 14 |
-XX:MaxInlineLeve1 | 14 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval | 14 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold | 14 |
-XX:+UseOptoBiasInlining | 14 |
-XX:-UseContainerSupport | 13 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | 13 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC | 13 |
-XX:0nStackReplacePercentage | 13 |
-XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields | 13 |
-Xshareclasses | 13 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | 13 |
-XX:IniineSmallCode | 13 |
-Xdiag | 13 |
-XX:+InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy | 13 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | 13 |
-XX:+UseInlineCaches | 13 |
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializers | 12 |
-XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis | 12 |
-XX:+InlineNIOChecklndex | 12 |
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStalls | 12 |
-XX:+EnableSharedLookupCache | 12 |
-XX:-UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation | 12 |
-XX:hashCode | 12 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectCopy | 12 |
-XX:-PrintGC | 12 |
-XX:LoopUnrollLimit | 12 |
-XX:+UseCharacterCompareIntrinsics | 12 |
-XX:+CompactStrings | 12 |
-XX:ZUncommitDelay | 12 |
-XX:+DisableAttachMechanism | 12 |
-XX:UseG | 12 |
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerCIass | 12 |
-XMaxDirectMemorySize | 11 |
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize | 11 |
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 11 |
-XX:UseConcMarkSweepGC | 11 |
-XX:-ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 11 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | 11 |
-XX:+MaxTenuringThreshold | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineSynchronizedMethods | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectHash | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineArrayCopy | 11 |
-XX:-UseAOT | 11 |
-XX:ZStatisticsInterval | 11 |
-XX:+UseVectorStubs | 11 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation | 11 |
-XX:+UseCopySignIntrinsic | 11 |
-XX:+EnableVectorReboxing | 11 |
-XX:EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit | 10 |
-XX:+UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic | 10 |
-Xxxx | 10 |
-XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic | 10 |
-Xma | 10 |
-Xint | 10 |
-XX:+TraceDeoptimization | 10 |
-Xcheck | 10 |
-XX:+EliminateAllocations | 10 |
-XX:-UseNotificationThread | 10 |
-XX:CompilationMode | 10 |
-XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks | 9 |
-XX:-UseSHA | 9 |
-Xcomp | 9 |
-XXr | 9 |
-XX:UseZGC | 9 |
-XX:+E1iminateAllocations | 9 |
-XX:+G1BarrierSkipDCQ | 9 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark | 9 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolic | 9 |
-XX:PrintReferenceGC | 9 |
-XX:MallocExtConf | 9 |
-XX:InitialTenuringThreshold | 9 |
-XX:+UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic | 9 |
-XX:+UseSHA512Intrinsics | 9 |
-XX:+UseVectorizedHashCodeIntrinsic | 9 |
-XX:G1HeapResizePolicy | 9 |
-XX:E1iminateAllocationArraySizeLimit | 9 |
-XX:CompileCommandFile | 9 |
-XX:CMSTriggerInterval | 9 |
-XX:-LoopUnswitching | 9 |
-XX:-PreserveFramePointer | 9 |
-XX:AliasLevel | 9 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | 9 |
-Xmaxf | 8 |
-XX:+UseLoopPredicate | 8 |
-XX:-UseCountedLoopSafepoints | 8 |
-XX:+RangeCheckElimination | 8 |
-XX:+GCTrimNativeHeap | 8 |
-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent | 8 |
-XX:-PrintCommandLineFlags | 8 |
-XX:-UseUnalignedLoadStores | 8 |
-XX:+UseSHA1Intrinsics | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTunningGcOnIdle | 8 |
-XX:+DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 8 |
-XX:+UseNewLongLShift | 8 |
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinity | 8 |
-XX:+E1iminateLocks | 8 |
-XX:HeapDumpGzipLevel | 8 |
-XX:+UseSHA256Intrinsics | 8 |
-XX:ShenandoahPacingMaxDelay | 8 |
-XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize | 8 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 8 |
-XX:+A1 | 8 |
-XX:SymbolTableSize | 7 |
-XX:+InlineClassNatives | 7 |
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic | 7 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBuckets | 7 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlNumBuckets | 7 |
-XX:+MaxFDLimit | 7 |
-XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries | 7 |
-XX:+PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation | 7 |
-XX:GCLockerRetryAllocationCount | 7 |
-XX:ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval | 7 |
-XX:+UseRTMLockin | 7 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnable | 7 |
-XX:MeaspaceSize | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyRoots | 7 |
-XX:+ | 7 |
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyObjects | 7 |
-XX:-UseSharedSpaces | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyMarking | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyForwarding | 7 |
-XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate | 7 |
-XX:CMSTriggerRatio | 7 |
-XX:CRaCCheckpointTo | 7 |
-XX:CounterHalfLifeTime | 7 |
-XX:ErrorHandlerTest | 7 |
-XX:+UseMD5Intrinsics | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyViews | 7 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | 6 |
-Xmm | 6 |
-Xminf | 6 |
-XX:+UseHugeTLBFS | 6 |
-XX:+ShrinkHeapInSteps | 6 |
-XX:+RewriteBytecodes | 6 |
-XX:-UseCodeCacheFlushing | 6 |
-XX:+PrintMethodData | 6 |
-XX:G1SATBBufferSize | 6 |
-XX:ShenandoahUncommitDelay | 6 |
-XX:+InlineSynchronizedMethods | 6 |
-XX:+InlineObjectHash | 6 |
-XX:+InlineObjectCopy | 6 |
-XX:+InlineArrayCopy | 6 |
-XX:TLABRefillWasteFraction | 6 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErro | 6 |
-XX:+HeapDumpAfterFullGC | 6 |
-XX:+G1PrintHeapRegions | 6 |
-XX:+Verbose | 6 |
-XX:Use64KPagesThreshold | 6 |
-XX:+EliminateAutoBox | 6 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingPermOccupancyFraction | 6 |
-XXMaxDirectMemorySize | 6 |
-XX:-UseNUMA | 6 |
-XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem | 6 |
-XX:+CriticalJNINatives | 5 |
-XX:+UseLWPSynchronization | 5 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio | 5 |
-XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders | 5 |
-XX:AggressiveOpts | 5 |
-XX:+UseBASE64Intrinsics | 5 |
-XX:-UseTLAB | 5 |
-XX:C1InlineStackLimit | 5 |
-XX:+AutoBoxCacheMax | 5 |
-XX:+PrintGCDuration | 5 |
-XX:+G1GC | 5 |
-XX:MaxRam | 5 |
-XX:+UseCLMUL | 5 |
-XX:+InlineNIOCheckIndex | 5 |
-XX:+ClassUnloading | 5 |
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePage | 5 |
-XX:NearCpool | 5 |
-XX:+UseBsdPosixThreadCPUClocks | 5 |
-XX:NewSizeMax | 5 |
-XX:+ResourceManagement | 5 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics. | 5 |
-Xjit | 5 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 5 |
-XX:+UseRTMDeopt | 5 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | 5 |
-XX:+UseSHA | 5 |
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerClass | 5 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" | 5 |
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace | 5 |
-Xm | 5 |
-XX:-EnableJVMCI | 5 |
-XX:SharedArchiveFile | 5 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConca | 5 |
-XX:-PrintTenuringDistribution | 5 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | 5 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | 5 |
-XMaxPermSize | 5 |
-Xxs | 5 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats | 5 |
-XX:PrintCMSStatistics | 5 |
-XX:+ReplayReduce | 4 |
-XX:-RestrictContended | 4 |
-XX:UseFastAccessorMethods | 4 |
-XX:ZFragmentationLimit | 4 |
-Xquickstart | 4 |
-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 4 |
-XX:CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercent | 4 |
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 4 |
-XX:-BytecodeVerificationLocal | 4 |
-XX:-BytecodeVerificationRemote | 4 |
-XX:+StressIGVN | 4 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | 4 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 4 |
-XX:MinInlineFrequencyRatio | 4 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemar | 4 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode".MEM_OPTIONS | 4 |
-XX:-PrintCompilation | 4 |
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicy | 4 |
-XX:+CITime | 4 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures" | 4 |
-XX:+BackgroundCompilatio | 4 |
-XX:+AvoidUnalignedAccesses | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxTrivialSize | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxRecursiveInlineLevel | 4 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxInlineSize | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxInlineLevel | 4 |
-XX:-ScavengeBeforeFullGC | 4 |
-XX:+AdjustStackSizeForTLS | 4 |
-XX:+AssumeMP | 4 |
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | 4 |
-XX:+AgressiveOpts | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferSize | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferFlushThreshold | 4 |
-XX:MaxPermGen | 4 |
-XX:+UseG1GC, | 4 |
-XX:+UseAdler32Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:-UseSIMDForArrayEquals | 4 |
-XX:MaxPerSize | 4 |
-XX:PerfDataSamplingInterval | 4 |
-XX:RepeatCompilation | 4 |
-XX:+UsePerfData | 4 |
-XX:-UseBlockZeroing | 4 |
-XX:+UseSIMDForMemoryOps | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahLearningSteps | 4 |
-XX:PrintNMTStatistics | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahMarkLoopStride | 4 |
-XX:+ParallelGCVerbose | 4 |
-XX:+UseSquareToLenIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:ParallelG | 4 |
-XX:+UseStringCache, | 4 |
-XX:-UseSplitVerifier | 4 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimestamps | 4 |
-XX:+LogEvents | 4 |
-XX:MaxNewSize:6m | 4 | | 4 |
-XX:+UseSystemMemoryBarrier | 4 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings, | 4 |
-XX:+IncrementalInlineForceCleanup | 4 |
-XX:+UseNUMAInterleaving | 4 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-Xss256k | 4 |
-XX:+UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:+UseVectorMacroLogic | 4 |
-XX:+UseChaCha20Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:+UseMulAddIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:+UseCRC32Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:+PrintVMOptions | 4 |
-XX:MultiArrayExpandLimit | 4 |
-XX:TestCrashInErrorHandler | 4 |
-Xscmx | 4 |
-XX:+UseCRC32CIntrinsics | 4 |
-XX:Tier0Delay | 4 |
-XX:+FalconUseCompileStashing | 4 |
-XX:+FalconSaveObjectCache | 4 |
-XX:+FalconLoadObjectCache | 4 |
-XX:TieredCompileTaskTimeout | 4 |
-XX:FalconUseAVX | 4 |
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis | 4 |
-XX:FalconOptimizationLevel | 4 |
-XX:+UseLibmIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:TypeProfileWidth | 4 |
-XX:+ErrorLogSecondaryErrorDetails | 4 |
-XX:AVX3Threshold | 4 |
-XX:+RelaxAccessControlCheck | 4 |
-XX:UseBootstrapCallInfo | 4 |
-XX:+UseG1G | 4 |
-XX:CompilerThreadStackSize | 4 |
-XX:+ReduceSignalUsage | 3 |
-XMaxMetaspaceSize | 3 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 3 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled | 3 |
-XX:+CompilationWarmUp | 3 |
-XX:+EagerInitializeDuringEarlyClassLoading | 3 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStderr | 3 |
-XX:+ExtensiveErrorReports | 3 |
-XX:+G1EnableStringDeduplication | 3 |
-XX:+G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo | 3 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | 3 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMe | 3 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm" | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDeta | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGcTimestamps | 3 |
-XX:+RestrictContended | 3 |
-XX:+ShenandoahUncommit | 3 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecording | 3 |
-XX:+StressLCM | 3 |
-XX:+TargetSurvivorRatio | 3 |
-XX:+TraceClassLinking | 3 |
-XX:+TraceExceptions | 3 |
-XX:+TraceMethodHandles | 3 |
-XX:+UseCounterDecay | 3 |
-XX:+UseEarlyClassLoading | 3 |
-XX:+UseEnhancedClassResolution | 3 |
-XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay | 3 |
-XX:+UseHighResolutionTimer | 3 |
-XX:+UseLog4jGetCallerClassIntrinsic | 3 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | 3 |
-XX:+UseSHM | 3 |
-XX:+UseSlowPath | 3 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicatio | 3 |
-XX:+UserG1GC | 3 |
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 3 |
-XX:-CMSPrecleaningEnabled | 3 |
-XX:-DisplayVMOutput | 3 |
-XX:-DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 3 |
-XX:-MaxFDLimit | 3 |
-XX:-OverrideVMProperties | 3 |
-XX:-PrintClassHistogram | 3 |
-XX:-RenumberLiveNodes | 3 |
-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 3 |
-XX:-UseLargePages | 3 |
-XX:AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | 3 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps | 3 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | 3 |
-XX:AllocateHeapAt | 3 |
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice | 3 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsic | 3 |
-XX:DisableIntrinsic | 3 |
-XX:DumpLoadedClassList | 3 |
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 3 |
-XX:FalconMaxCacheSize | 3 |
-XX:G1HeapReservePercent | 3 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInvolesConcurrent | 3 |
-XX:HeapDumpPabth | 3 |
-XX:NewSize:6m | 3 |
-XX:OptoPeepholeAt | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThrads | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThread | 3 |
-XX:PerfDataMemorySize | 3 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogIn | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogOut | 3 |
-XX:ShareClassesEnableBCI | 3 |
-XX:TraceRedefineClasses | 3 |
-XX:UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 3 |
-XX:UseCompressedClassPointers | 3 |
-XX:UseSerialGC | 3 |
-XX:ZUncommit | 3 |
-XXMaxHeapFreeRatio | 3 |
-XXnosystemgc | 3 |
-XXtlasize | 3 |
-Xgc | 3 |
-Xgcpolicy | 3 |
-Xlint | 3 |
-Xrs;-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.prefsize | 3 |
-XX:+PrintNMethods | 2 |
-XX:InitialRAMPrcentage | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize:50m | 2 |
-XX:+UseGraalJIT | 2 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle | 2 |
-XX:MaxNewGen | 2 |
-XX:NumberOfGClogFiles | 2 |
-XX:+CmsClassUnloadineEnabled | 2 |
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCID | 2 |
-XX:DisableExplicitGC | 2 |
-XX:+Use360GC | 2 |
-XX:StackShadowPagesxx | 2 |
-XX:+UseGenPauselessGC | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeature | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeatures | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1ParallelFullGC | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GFC | 2 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX | 2 |
-XX:nodummy | 2 |
-XX:+UseRTM | 2 |
-XX:SweeperThreshold | 2 |
-XX:Logfile | 2 |
-XX:ss128K | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC\ | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGC | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGCMaxThreads | 2 |
-XX:TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement | 2 |
-XX:MAxRamFraction | 2 |
-XX:-AssumeMP | 2 |
-XXMaxMetaspaceSize | 2 |
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCInterval | 2 |
-XX:+G1NewSizePercent | 2 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal" | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOpti | 2 |
-XXkeeparearatio | 2 |
-XX:PausePadding | 2 |
-XX:+FailOverToOldVerifier | 2 |
-XX:MaxRamFraction | 2 |
-XX:+AlwaysPretouch | 2 |
-XXshowSettings | 2 |
-Xverbose | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XX | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVddMOptions | 2 |
-XX:Tier4InvocationThreshold | 2 |
-XX:Tier4MinInvocationThreshold | 2 |
-XX:TieredCompilation | 2 |
-XX:MarkStackSizeMax | 2 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC, | 2 |
-Xcheckjni | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1C1 | 2 |
-XX:PremSize | 2 |
-XPermSize | 2 |
-XX:MaxDirectMlemorySize | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts-XX | 2 |
-XX:TrimNativeHeapInterval | 2 |
-Xfuture | 2 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError, | 2 |
-XX:MetasnaceSise | 2 |
-XX:Metaspace | 2 |
-Xx | 2 |
-XX:DumpOnExit | 2 |
-Xss128K;-XX | 2 |
-XX:+AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | 2 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStdout | 2 |
-XX:+UseParNewGc | 2 |
-XX:HeapBaseMinAddress | 2 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin | 2 |
-XX:UseCodeCacheFlushing | 2 |
-XX:-G1UsePreventiveGC | 2 |
-XX:UseCompressedOops | 2 |
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment | 2 |
-XX:+AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | 2 |
-XX:UseContainerSupport | 2 |
-XX:++UseStringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio: | 2 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeIteration | 2 |
-XX:++UseSSE42Intrinsics | 2 |
-XX:++UseAESIntrinsics | 2 |
-XMx | 2 |
-XX:++UseAES | 2 |
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 2 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio: | 2 |
-Xshareoff | 2 |
-XX:+String | 2 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC, | 2 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecorder | 2 |
-XX:+UsecmscoroactAtfullcollection | 2 |
-XmsG | 2 |
-XX:UseJVMCINativeLibrary | 2 |
-XX:UseLargePages | 2 |
-XX:UseNUMA | 2 |
-XX:ArrayAllocationWarningSize | 2 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops, | 2 |
-XX:-ClipInlining | 2 |
-Xns | 2 |
-XX:UseStringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:-UseMembar | 2 |
-XX:-UseMathExactIntrinsics | 2 |
-XX:+DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | 2 |
-XX:-UseGCLogFileRotation | 2 |
-XX:- | 2 |
-XX:MonitorBound | 2 |
-XX:ValueMapMaxLoopSize | 2 |
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary | 2 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing | 2 |
-XX:-UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic | 2 |
-XX:+ProfileLiveObjects | 2 |
-XX:-UseZST | 2 |
-XX:-TraceClassLoading | 2 |
-XX:-TieredCompilation-XX | 2 |
-XX:+ParNewGC | 2 |
-XX:+UseJITServer | 2 |
-XX:A1locateInstancePrefetchLines | 2 |
-XX:XX | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchInstr | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStepSize | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStyle | 2 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat: | 2 |
-XX:-ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 2 |
-XX:-ShenandoahPacing | 2 |
-XX:+PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMoveUnconditionally | 2 |
-XX:-RelaxAccessControlCheck | 2 |
-XX:+PrintTLAB | 2 |
-XX:YoungGenerationSizeIncrement | 2 |
-XX:YoungPLABSize | 2 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 2 |
-XUseZGC | 2 |
-XX:+UseSpringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:+UseFastJNIExceptionCheck | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseRatio | 1 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRati | 1 |
-XX:+UseContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerSuppor | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassesPointers | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressed | 1 |
-XX:MaxMeta | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompre | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSiz | 1 |
-XX:+UseC2 | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize3g | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxMinPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink | 1 |
-XX:+UseAIGC | 1 |
-XX:+Usd | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentlVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize:20m | 1 |
-XX:MaxPremSize | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-XX | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-Djavamelody.datasources | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOption | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage75 | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80 | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80% | 1 |
-XX:MaxRamPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnostiVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+Unlock | 1 |
-XX:+USeParNewGC | 1 |
-XX:MemProfiling | 1 |
-XX:MetaSpaceSize | 1 |
-XX:+TraceSharedLookupCache | 1 |
-XX:+TraceInvokeDynamic | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize\ | 1 |
-XX:Metaspacesize | 1 |
-XX:+TraceClassResolution | 1 |
-XX:+TraceBiasedLocking | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRation | 1 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation- | 1 |
-XX:+THPStackMitigation | 1 |
-XX:+SoftMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:+ShowHiddenFrames | 1 |
-XX:+ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinals | 1 |
-XX:+ShareUnsafeClasses | 1 |
-XX:Minin1 | 1 |
-XX:+ShareAnonymousClasses | 1 |
-XX:+RegisterFinalizersAtInit | 1 |
-XX:NearCPool | 1 |
-XX:NewGen | 1 |
-XX:+PrintNativeNMethods | 1 |
-Xrunjdwp:transport | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMetaspaceStatistics | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMemoryMapAtExit | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMallocStatistics | 1 |
-XX:+PrintIntrinsics | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC\ | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps\ | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails\ | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:OptimizeFill | 1 |
-Xscmaxjitdata | 1 |
-XX:PalelG | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamp | 1 |
-XX:ParalelG | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 1 |
-Xscminjitdata | 1 |
-XMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:ParlelG | 1 |
-XX:PerMethodRecompilationCutoff | 1 |
-XX:PerMethodcompilationCutoff | 1 |
-XMaxHeapFreeRatio | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFina | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFatalExceptionStackTraces | 1 |
-XX:PreBlockSpin | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDependencies | 1 |
-XX:PrintAssemblyOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDebugOptions | 1 |
-XX:PrintCompilation | 1 |
-XX:+PrintContainerInfo | 1 |
-XX:PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:PrintInlining | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLock | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicpy | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdap | 1 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount\ | 1 |
-XGc | 1 |
-XX:PrintTimeStep | 1 |
-XX:PrintTouchMethodAtExit | 1 |
-XGCTimeLimit | 1 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemory | 1 |
-XX:PromotedPadding | 1 |
-XX:+PerfDataSaveToFile | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabledXX:+UseTLAB | 1 |
-XX:Reserved> | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCacheSize | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSi1ze | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled. | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodecachesize | 1 |
-XX:SafepointTimeoutAbortStrategy | 1 |
-Xsms | 1 |
-XX:SharedCacheHardLimit | 1 |
-XX:SharedClassListFile | 1 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor | 1 |
-XX:+NewRatio | 1 |
-XX:+NativeMemoryTracking | 1 |
-XX:+NUMAStats | 1 |
-XX:+MonitorBound | 1 |
-XX:+MethodFlushing | 1 |
-XX:+MaxGCPauseMillis | 1 |
-XX:+MaxDirectMemorySize | 1 |
-XX:+LoopUnswitching | 1 |
-XX:+LoomVerifyAfterThaw | 1 |
-XX:+LogContinuations | 1 |
-XX:SoftwarePrefetchHintDistance | 1 |
-XX:StackRedPages | 1 |
-XX:+LogCompilation-XX | 1 |
-XX:StackYellowPages | 1 |
-XX:+LIRFillDelaySlots | 1 |
-XX:StringConcatOptimization | 1 |
-XX:+JVMCILibPath | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpPath | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError\ | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemory | 1 |
-XX:+GenerationalZ | 1 |
-XX:+GenerateSynchronizationCode | 1 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHO | 1 |
-XX:ThreadLocalHandshakes | 1 |
-XX:ThresholdTolerance | 1 |
-XX:+G1MaxNewSizePercent | 1 |
-XX:+FastMath | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent, | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConc | 1 |
-XX:+ExpandSubTypeCheckAtParseTime | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-XX | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-Dfile.encoding | 1 |
-XX:TiredStopAtLevel | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckEliminatio | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckElimination | 1 |
-XGCLimit | 1 |
-XX:UG1GC | 1 |
-XX:UeParallelGC | 1 |
-XX:UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+EpsilonElasticTLAB | 1 |
-XX:+EnableThreadSMRStatistics | 1 |
-XX:+DontYieldALot | 1 |
-Xss{Xss | 1 |
-XX:+DisableRmiHeapDump | 1 |
-XX:UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority | 1 |
-XX:UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplictGC | 1 |
-XX:UseFaststosbs | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC\ | 1 |
-XX:UseG1C | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC" -XX | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTS | 1 |
-Xsx | 1 |
-XX:UseStringConcat | 1 |
-XX:UseZGC:true | 1 |
-XX:Usefaststosbs | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingHardSpins | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingSleepMillis | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingSpinToYieldRatio | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingYieldsBeforeSleep | 1 |
-XX:Xlog:gc* | 1 |
-XX:Xmx | 1 |
-XX:Xnx | 1 |
-XX:Xshare:on | 1 |
-XX:Z | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepointsg:time,level,tags | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints;nmt | 1 |
-XX:+DebugDeoptimization | 1 |
-XX:ZMarkStackSpaceLimit | 1 |
-XX:ZProactive | 1 |
-XX:+ControlIntrinsic | 1 |
-XtlhPrefetch | 1 |
-XX:+ConcGCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier | 1 |
-XX:+CMSIncremental | 1 |
-XX:+CITraceTypeFlow | 1 |
-XX:+CICompilerCount | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationDeflate | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationInflate | 1 |
-XX:ea | 1 |
-XX:faststosbs | 1 |
-XX:+AutoTuneResourceDefaultsBasedOnXmx | 1 |
-XX:hashcode | 1 |
-XX:maxMetaspaceSize | 1 |
-XX:printGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:share:on | 1 |
-XX:ss | 1 |
-XX:ss128K;-XX | 1 |
-XX:zxczcxzc+TieredCompilation | 1 |
-XXErrorFileRedirect | 1 |
-XXExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive | 1 |
-Xtrace | 1 |
-XXMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XXSoftMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XXUseZGC | 1 |
-XXVerbose | 1 |
-XXaltjvm | 1 |
-XXlog | 1 |
-XXloggc | 1 |
-Xtune | 1 |
-XXuserSrial | 1 |
-Xagentlib | 1 |
-Xaggressive | 1 |
-Xaot | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch\ | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoader | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServrClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinition | 1 |
-Xcompressedrefs | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts\ | 1 |
-Xexperiment | 1 |
-XG1ReservePercent | 1 |
-XgcPrio | 1 |
-Xgcmaxthreads | 1 |
-Xgcthreads | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpt | 1 |
-XX:+AdaptiveGCThreading | 1 |
-Xjitperf | 1 |
-XExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XlockReservation | 1 |
-XX:+AVX3Threshold | 1 |
-Xlog:os,safepoint*,gc*,gc+ref | 1 |
-Xlogfile | 1 |
-Xlogg | 1 |
-Xlp | 1 |
-XmT | 1 |
-XmX | 1 |
-Xmaxmetaspace | 1 |
-Xmint | 1 |
-XX:++UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:++ParallelRefProcEnabled | 1 |
-Xmn6g-XX | 1 |
-XX:++ErrorFileToStderr | 1 |
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XX | 1 |
-Xms5G;-Xmx16G;-d64;-XX | 1 |
-XmsSIZE | 1 |
-Xmso | 1 |
-Xmu | 1 |
-Xmus | 1 |
-XX:++AlwaysPreTouch | 1 |
-XmxSIZE | 1 |
-Xmxd | 1 |
-XX:-UseNUMAInterleaving | 1 |
-XX:-UseLoopPredicate | 1 |
-XX:-UseFastStosb | 1 |
-XX:-UseFPUForSpilling | 1 |
-XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads | 1 |
-XX:-UseContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:-TraceCompilerThreads | 1 |
-XX:-ShowRegistersOnAssert | 1 |
-XX:1024m | 1 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchDistance | 1 |
-Xmxx | 1 |
-XX:AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | 1 |
-XX:-RequireSharedSpaces | 1 |
-XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges | 1 |
-XVerbose | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval | 1 |
-XX:-PrintNMTStatistics | 1 |
-XX:-PrintGCDateStamps | 1 |
-XX:-PrintMetaspaceStatisticsAtExit | 1 |
-XX:AllocPrefetchStyle | 1 |
-Xnoloa | 1 |
-XX:-PrintFlagsFinal | 1 |
-XX:-PrintConcurrentLocks | 1 |
-XX:-PrintCodeCache | 1 |
-XX:-PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | 1 |
-XX:-PortableShareCache | 1 |
-XX:-ParallelRefProcEnabled | 1 |
-XX:AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:-PSChunkLargeArrays | 1 |
-XX:-OptimizeFill | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow-Xlog | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" | 1 |
-XX:-OmitSta | 1 |
-XX:-NeverTenure | 1 |
-XX:AvgMonitorsPerThreadEstimate | 1 |
-XX:-MaxFDLimit30720 | 1 |
-XX:-InlineSynchronizedMethods | 1 |
-XX:C1CompileThreshold | 1 |
-XX:-Inline | 1 |
-XX:-InitialRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut-XX | 1 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 1 |
-XX:C2CompileThreshold | 1 |
-XX:-FastTLABRefill | 1 |
-XX:CMSBitMapYieldQuantum | 1 |
-XX:-FastPath | 1 |
-XX:-EnableDeepThreadDump | 1 |
-XX:-ContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:-C1UpdateMethodData | 1 |
-XX:-AlwaysTenure | 1 |
-XX:-AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRtio | 1 |
-XX:-AggressiveHeap | 1 |
-XX:CMSYoungGenPerWorker | 1 |
-XX:+nixgibts | 1 |
-XX:+escapeanalysis | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyViews | 1 |
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyRoots | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyObjects | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyMarking | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyForwarding | 1 |
-XX:CompileThreshold:1000 | 1 |
-XX:CompileThresholdScaling | 1 |
-XX:+ZUncommit | 1 |
-XX:+ZStatisticsInterval | 1 |
-XX:+ZStallOnOutOfMemory | 1 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizee | 1 |
-XX:+XLoggc:./logs | 1 |
-XX:ControlIntrinsic | 1 |
-XX:+WizardMode | 1 |
-XX:CrashOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XpauseTarget | 1 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsics | 1 |
-XSS | 1 |
-XNewSize | 1 |
-XX:+WhiteBoxAPI | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyTLE | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileRedirect | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileToStderr | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile\ | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC | 1 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError:true | 1 |
-XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 1 |
-X+UseStringDeduplication | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyAfterThaw | 1 |
-XX:+VMThreadHintNoPreempt | 1 |
-XX:+VMContinuations | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions:stackdepth | 1 |
-XX:+UsxeG1GC | 1 |
-XX:G | 1 |
-XX:+UsezGC | 1 |
-XX:+Usertmlocking | 1 |
-XX:+UserSerialGC | 1 |
-XX:+Use\ | 1 |
-XX:G1GC | 1 |
-XX:G1GCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+UseZtso | 1 |
-Xrs;-Djava.awt.headless | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC -XX | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC-XX | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC" | 1 |
-XX:+UseZG | 1 |
-XX:+UseUnalignedLoadStores | 1 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLIveThresholdPercent | 1 |
-XX:+UseTransparentLargePages | 1 |
-XX:G1NewGenerationSizePercent | 1 |
-XX:+UseThreadStateNativeWrapperProtocol | 1 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionLiveThresholdPercent | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication” | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication' | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetPauseTimePercent | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetScanBlockSize | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication" | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicat | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringConcat | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpecialHashSet | 1 |
-XX:+UseSignalChaining | 1 |
-XX:+UseSerialGC. | 1 |
-XX:+UseRTMForStackLocks | 1 |
-XX:G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-XX:+UseParallelGC | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallel | 1 |
-XX:+UseParalleGC | 1 |
-XX:+UseParNewG | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XMaxNewSize | 1 |
-XX:+UseOSErrorReporting | 1 |
-XX:HeapdumpPath | 1 |
-XX:HotswapAgent | 1 |
-XX:+UseNewCode | 1 |
-XX:InitalRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UseMathExactIntrinsics | 1 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspac\ | 1 |
-XX:+UseHeavyMonitors | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage50 | 1 |
-XX:+UseGenerationalZGC | 1 |
-XX:InitiatingOccupancyPercent | 1 |
-XX:Inline | 1 |
-XX:+UseGPGC | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCStartupHints | 1 |
-XX:LogFile\ | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1GC-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 1 |
-XX:Max | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemoryize | 1 |
-XX:MaxDriect | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1 | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMi | 1 |
Switch Counts (No errors)
Switch | Count |
-Xmx | 6286 |
-Xms | 5290 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 3314 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 2914 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 2566 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | 2357 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | 2295 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | 2281 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC | 2035 |
-Xlog | 1913 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1709 |
-Xss | 1688 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | 1688 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | 1527 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | 1502 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 1415 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1358 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | 1261 |
-XX:ErrorFile | 1228 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | 1195 |
-Xloggc | 1143 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | 1021 |
-XX:ConcGCThreads | 987 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops | 964 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | 945 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled | 866 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | 840 |
-XX:NewSize | 830 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | 797 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | 786 |
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent | 758 |
-XX:SurvivorRatio | 727 |
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold | 660 |
-XX:+UseZGC | 567 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | 540 |
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError | 501 |
-XX:G1NewSizePercent | 452 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 437 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 422 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | 421 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | 418 |
-XX:NewRatio | 417 |
-XX:G1ReservePercent | 405 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | 398 |
-XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval | 397 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | 394 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | 390 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | 384 |
-XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints | 377 |
-XX:CICompilerCount | 376 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers | 368 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | 368 |
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio | 359 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 349 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | 343 |
-XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay | 340 |
-XX:+SafepointTimeout | 340 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | 324 |
-Xmn | 324 |
-XX:+UseLargePages | 322 |
-XX:MaxHeapSize | 322 |
-XX:InitialHeapSize | 321 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | 310 |
-XX:+UseNUMA | 301 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio | 296 |
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis | 288 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat | 286 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | 279 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 277 |
-XX:G1HeapWastePercent | 276 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | 263 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | 260 |
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC | 248 |
-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions | 245 |
-XX:+PrintGC | 242 |
-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth | 242 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio | 241 |
-XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget | 235 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | 229 |
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB | 227 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | 223 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints | 223 |
-XX:GCTimeRatio | 215 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | 214 |
-XX:InitialCodeCacheSize | 211 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation | 198 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | 193 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | 189 |
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods | 187 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | 185 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | 183 |
-XX:CompileThreshold | 178 |
-XX:+PreserveFramePointer | 178 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads | 177 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | 175 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | 167 |
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes | 166 |
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes | 162 |
-XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing | 162 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | 150 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 147 |
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 144 |
-XX:TieredStopAtLevel | 135 |
-XX:MarkStackSize | 131 |
-XX:LogFile | 127 |
-XX:+UseTLAB | 126 |
-XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize | 126 |
-XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis | 120 |
-XX:ThreadStackSize | 120 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 119 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | 116 |
-XX:+LogCompilation | 115 |
-XX:-UseParallelGC | 112 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogram | 112 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | 111 |
-XX:+PrintCompilation | 109 |
-XX:AutoBoxCacheMax | 104 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle | 103 |
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePages | 103 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | 98 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio | 96 |
-XX:+EagerJVMCI | 94 |
-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods | 92 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | 89 |
-XX:+UseAES | 88 |
-XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError | 85 |
-XX:FreqInlineSize | 85 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | 82 |
-XX:UseAVX | 81 |
-XX:+UseAESIntrinsics | 80 |
-XX:CompileCommand | 80 |
-XX:+UseSerialGC | 79 |
-XshowSettings | 79 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | 79 |
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit | 79 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | 78 |
-XX:+EnableJVMCI | 77 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics | 76 |
-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler | 74 |
-XX:-ResizePLAB | 72 |
-XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent | 70 |
-XX:NmethodSweepActivity | 69 |
-XX:+UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority | 69 |
-XX:StringTableSize | 65 |
-XX:OldSize | 64 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | 63 |
-XX:MaxInlineSize | 63 |
-XX:MaxRAM | 60 |
-XX:+EliminateLocks | 60 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | 60 |
-XX:-UseCompressedOops | 59 |
-XX:+ResizeTLAB | 58 |
-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy | 58 |
-XX:-UsePerfData | 57 |
-XX:-TieredCompilation | 56 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | 55 |
-XX:StackShadowPages | 54 |
-XX:+UseSSE42Intrinsics | 53 |
-XX:G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis | 53 |
-XX:-ZProactive | 53 |
-XX:G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent | 53 |
-XX:MaxInlineLevel | 52 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | 52 |
-Xrs | 52 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | 50 |
-XX:+LogVMOutput | 50 |
-XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 50 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | 49 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | 49 |
-XX:CompilerThreadPriority | 47 |
-XX:+UseThreadPriorities | 47 |
-Xdebug | 46 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | 46 |
-XX:+PrintCodeCache | 44 |
-XX:+ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark | 44 |
-XX:MaxNodeLimit | 44 |
-XX:TLABSize | 43 |
-XX:StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold | 43 |
-XX:+StartAttachListener | 43 |
-XX:+ManagementServer | 42 |
-XX:+UseFPUForSpilling | 42 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | 40 |
-XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit | 40 |
-XX:+PrintInlining | 39 |
-XX:+HeapDumpBeforeFullGC | 39 |
-XX:OnError | 38 |
-XX:+UseVectorCmov | 38 |
-XX:MaxVectorSize | 38 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | 38 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion | 37 |
-XX:MaxTrivialSize | 36 |
-XX:OldPLABSize | 36 |
-XX:InlineSmallCode | 36 |
-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 36 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses | 34 |
-XX:+UseFMA | 33 |
-Xbootclasspath | 33 |
-XX:-UseG1GC | 33 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceExpansion | 33 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance | 33 |
-XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor | 32 |
-Xverify | 32 |
-XX:+OptimizeFill | 32 |
-XX:MinTLABSize | 32 |
-XX:LoopStripMiningIter | 31 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 30 |
-Xnoclassgc | 30 |
-XX:+AggressiveHeap | 29 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristics | 28 |
-XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading | 28 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | 28 |
-XX:-DisableExplicitGC | 27 |
-XX:-UseCompressedClassPointers | 26 |
-XX:-UseZGC | 26 |
-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold | 26 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | 26 |
-XX:+BackgroundCompilation | 25 |
-XX:+AlignVector | 25 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent | 25 |
-XX:Tier4CompileThreshold | 25 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | 25 |
-XX:+PrintStringTableStatistics | 24 |
-XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps | 24 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 24 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing | 24 |
-XX:-UseCounterDecay | 23 |
-XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsics | 23 |
-XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError | 23 |
-XX:CodeCacheExpansionSize | 23 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | 23 |
-XX:+UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks | 22 |
-XX:+UseFastEmptyMethods | 22 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | 22 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchInstr | 22 |
-XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes | 21 |
-XX:+AlwaysCompileLoopMethods | 21 |
-XX:+UseCondCardMark | 21 |
-XX:-CICompilerCountPerCPU | 21 |
-XX:+LogTouchedMethods | 21 |
-XX:-AlwaysPreTouch | 21 |
-XX:+Inline | 20 |
-XX:Tier2CompileThreshold | 20 |
-XX:+UseFastStosb | 20 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCMode | 20 |
-XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs | 19 |
-XX:+EnableVectorAggressiveReboxing | 19 |
-XX:+OptoBundling | 19 |
-XX:+OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 19 |
-XX:Tier3InvocationThreshold | 19 |
-XX:Tier3LoadFeedback | 19 |
-Xbatch | 19 |
-XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU | 19 |
-XX:AllocateInstancePrefetchLines | 18 |
-XX:InterpreterProfilePercentage | 18 |
-XX:+OptoScheduling | 18 |
-XX:+UseSuperWord | 18 |
-XX:+InlineUnsafeOps | 18 |
-XX:+InlineThreadNatives | 18 |
-XX:+InlineNatives | 18 |
-XX:+InlineMathNatives | 18 |
-XX:Tier3CompileThreshold | 18 |
-XX:+EnableVectorSupport | 18 |
-XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 18 |
-Xprof | 18 |
-XX:-PrintGCDetails | 17 |
-XX:+UseRTMLocking | 17 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | 17 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchStepSize | 17 |
-XX:+UseFastJNIAccessors | 16 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | 16 |
-XX:OnStackReplacePercentage | 15 |
-XX:+ReduceInitialCardMarks | 15 |
-XX:AllocatePrefetchLines | 15 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | 15 |
-XX:+AllowParallelDefineClass | 15 |
-XX:+EstimateArgEscape | 14 |
-XX:LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff | 14 |
-XX:SurvivorPadding | 14 |
-XX:+ClipInlining | 14 |
-Xincgc | 14 |
-XX:+UseCompiler | 14 |
-XX:+PrintAssembly | 13 |
-XX:+UseInlineCaches | 13 |
-XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis | 12 |
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 12 |
-XX:+UseCharacterCompareIntrinsics | 12 |
-XX:-UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation | 12 |
-XX:LoopUnrollLimit | 12 |
-XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields | 12 |
-XX:-UseContainerSupport | 12 |
-XX:-PrintGC | 12 |
-XX:+DisableAttachMechanism | 12 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation | 11 |
-XX:+EnableVectorReboxing | 11 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThreshold | 11 |
-XX:ZStatisticsInterval | 11 |
-XX:+UseCopySignIntrinsic | 11 |
-XX:-ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 11 |
-XX:CMSWaitDuration | 11 |
-XX:+EliminateAllocations | 10 |
-XX:ZUncommitDelay | 10 |
-XX:hashCode | 10 |
-XX:EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit | 10 |
-XX:+UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic | 10 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | 10 |
-Xint | 10 |
-XX:+UseSHA512Intrinsics | 9 |
-XX:-UseSHA | 9 |
-XX:PrintFLSStatistics | 9 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | 9 |
-XX:+UseVectorizedHashCodeIntrinsic | 9 |
-XX:-PreserveFramePointer | 9 |
-XX:+UseVectorStubs | 9 |
-XX:InitialTenuringThreshold | 9 |
-XX:+UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic | 9 |
-XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic | 9 |
-XX:CompileCommandFile | 9 |
-XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks | 9 |
-XX:-LoopUnswitching | 9 |
-XX:-PrintCommandLineFlags | 8 |
-XX:+DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 8 |
-XX:+RangeCheckElimination | 8 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | 8 |
-XX:+UseLoopPredicate | 8 |
-XX:+UseNewLongLShift | 8 |
-XX:+UseSHA1Intrinsics | 8 |
-XX:+UseSHA256Intrinsics | 8 |
-XX:-UseCountedLoopSafepoints | 8 |
-XX:-UseUnalignedLoadStores | 8 |
-XX:CompilationMode | 8 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | 8 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold | 8 |
-XX:ShenandoahPacingMaxDelay | 8 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC | 7 |
-XX:+PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation | 7 |
-XX:+CompactStrings | 7 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval | 7 |
-XX:+MaxFDLimit | 7 |
-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent | 7 |
-XX:GCLockerRetryAllocationCount | 7 |
-XX:HeapDumpGzipLevel | 7 |
-XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize | 7 |
-XX:+UseEpsilonGC | 7 |
-XX:SymbolTableSize | 7 |
-XX:+InlineClassNatives | 7 |
-XX:+HeapDumpAfterFullGC | 6 |
-XX:+MaxTenuringThreshold | 6 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 6 |
-XX:+InlineArrayCopy | 6 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC | 6 |
-XX:-UseNUMA | 6 |
-XX:-UseNotificationThread | 6 |
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStalls | 6 |
-XX:ErrorHandlerTest | 6 |
-XX:+EliminateAutoBox | 6 |
-XX:+PrintMethodData | 6 |
-XX:TLABRefillWasteFraction | 6 |
-XX:+InlineObjectCopy | 6 |
-XX:-UseCodeCacheFlushing | 6 |
-XX:+RewriteBytecodes | 6 |
-XX:+InlineObjectHash | 6 |
-XX:+InlineSynchronizedMethods | 6 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | 6 |
-XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate | 6 |
-XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries | 6 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBuckets | 6 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlNumBuckets | 6 |
-XX:G1SATBBufferSize | 6 |
-XX:+G1PrintHeapRegions | 6 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | 6 |
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction | 6 |
-XX:+UseMD5Intrinsics | 5 |
-XX:+UseRTMDeopt | 5 |
-XX:NearCpool | 5 |
-XX:+InlineNIOCheckIndex | 5 |
-XX:+Verbose | 5 |
-XX:+UseBASE64Intrinsics | 5 |
-XX:+UseSHA | 5 |
-XX:UseParallelGC | 5 |
-Xdiag | 5 |
-XX:-UseTLAB | 5 |
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerClass | 5 |
-XX:+UseCLMUL | 5 |
-XX:-PrintTenuringDistribution | 5 |
-XX:ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval | 5 |
-XX:+ClassUnloading | 5 |
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic | 5 |
-XX:+UseSquareToLenIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:+UseCRC32Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:+UseChaCha20Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:-ScavengeBeforeFullGC | 4 |
-XX:+UsePerfData | 4 |
-XX:+UseLibmIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:+UseNUMAInterleaving | 4 |
-XX:+UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:+UseMulAddIntrinsic | 4 |
-XX:-UseBlockZeroing | 4 |
-XX:TypeProfileWidth | 4 |
-XX:TieredCompileTaskTimeout | 4 |
-XX:-RestrictContended | 4 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | 4 |
-XX:-UseAOT | 4 |
-XX:Tier0Delay | 4 |
-XX:+CITime | 4 |
-XX:+IncrementalInlineForceCleanup | 4 |
-XX:-PrintCompilation | 4 |
-XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem | 4 |
-XX:C1InlineStackLimit | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxInlineLevel | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxInlineSize | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxRecursiveInlineLevel | 4 |
-XX:C1MaxTrivialSize | 4 |
-XX:+LogEvents | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahUncommitDelay | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahMarkLoopStride | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahLearningSteps | 4 |
-XX:SharedArchiveFile | 4 |
-XX:RepeatCompilation | 4 |
-XX:PerfDataSamplingInterval | 4 |
-XX:CompilerThreadStackSize | 4 |
-XX:-EnableJVMCI | 4 |
-XX:+PrintVMOptions | 4 |
-XX:+RelaxAccessControlCheck | 4 |
-XX:-BytecodeVerificationRemote | 4 |
-XX:-BytecodeVerificationLocal | 4 |
-XX:+ReplayReduce | 4 |
-XX:+AdjustStackSizeForTLS | 4 |
-XX:MultiArrayExpandLimit | 4 |
-XX:MinInlineFrequencyRatio | 4 |
-XX:+ShrinkHeapInSteps | 4 |
-XX:+StressIGVN | 4 |
-XX:+UseAdler32Intrinsics | 4 |
-XX:+UseVectorMacroLogic | 4 |
-XX:+UseSystemMemoryBarrier | 4 |
-XX:+UseCRC32CIntrinsics | 4 |
-XX:UseBootstrapCallInfo | 3 |
-XX:-UseLargePages | 3 |
-XX:-UseSIMDForArrayEquals | 3 |
-XX:+AvoidUnalignedAccesses | 3 |
-XX:AVX3Threshold | 3 |
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 3 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | 3 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps | 3 |
-XX:-PrintClassHistogram | 3 |
-XX:-MaxFDLimit | 3 |
-XX:DisableIntrinsic | 3 |
-XX:DumpLoadedClassList | 3 |
-XX:-DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 3 |
-XX:-DisplayVMOutput | 3 |
-XX:+UseSIMDForMemoryOps | 3 |
-XX:+TargetSurvivorRatio | 3 |
-XX:+RestrictContended | 3 |
-XX:+ReduceSignalUsage | 3 |
-XX:PerfDataMemorySize | 3 |
-XX:PrintCMSStatistics | 3 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 3 |
-XX:TestCrashInErrorHandler | 3 |
-XX:+G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo | 3 |
-XX:+ExtensiveErrorReports | 3 |
-XX:ZFragmentationLimit | 3 |
-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 3 |
-XX:-UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic | 2 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing | 2 |
-XX:-ClipInlining | 2 |
-XX:Use64KPagesThreshold | 2 |
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment | 2 |
-XX:+TraceRangeCheckElimination | 2 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | 2 |
-XX:ValueMapMaxLoopSize | 2 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecording | 2 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | 2 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | 2 |
-XX:+ParallelGCVerbose | 2 |
-XX:YoungGenerationSizeIncrement | 2 |
-XX:YoungPLABSize | 2 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | 2 |
-XX:AllocateHeapAt | 2 |
-XX:TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement | 2 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | 2 |
-XX:-ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 2 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | 2 |
-XX:+DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | 2 |
-XX:+AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | 2 |
-XX:+PrintTLAB | 2 |
-XX:-UseMathExactIntrinsics | 2 |
-Xfuture | 2 |
-XX:-RelaxAccessControlCheck | 2 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | 2 |
-XX:PausePadding | 2 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark | 2 |
-XX:+UseGraalJIT | 2 |
-XX:MarkStackSizeMax | 2 |
-XX:+ShenandoahUncommit | 2 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | 2 |
-XX:HeapBaseMinAddress | 2 |
-XX:Tier4InvocationThreshold | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMoveUnconditionally | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 2 |
-XX:Tier4MinInvocationThreshold | 2 |
-XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive | 1 |
-XX:SharedClassListFile | 1 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor | 1 |
-XX:+MethodFlushing | 1 |
-XX:+MaxGCPauseMillis | 1 |
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace | 1 |
-XX:-ParallelRefProcEnabled | 1 |
-XX:-PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | 1 |
-XX:-UseGCLogFileRotation | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin | 1 |
-XX:+MaxDirectMemorySize | 1 |
-XX:SoftwarePrefetchHintDistance | 1 |
-XX:StackRedPages | 1 |
-XX:+LoopUnswitching | 1 |
-XX:StackYellowPages | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle | 1 |
-XX:AvgMonitorsPerThreadEstimate | 1 |
-XX:-PrintCodeCache | 1 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | 1 |
-XX:-PrintConcurrentLocks | 1 |
-XX:SweeperThreshold | 1 |
-XX:-PrintFlagsFinal | 1 |
-XX:-PrintMetaspaceStatisticsAtExit | 1 |
-XX:-PrintNMTStatistics | 1 |
-XX:-TraceCompilerThreads | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval | 1 |
-XX:ThresholdTolerance | 1 |
-XX:-RenumberLiveNodes | 1 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats | 1 |
-XX:+CICompilerCount | 1 |
-XX:-RequireSharedSpaces | 1 |
-XX:-UseSharedSpaces | 1 |
-XX:+ExpandSubTypeCheckAtParseTime | 1 |
-XX:-UseFPUForSpilling | 1 |
-XX:-ShenandoahPacing | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingHardSpins | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingSleepMillis | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingSpinToYieldRatio | 1 |
-XX:WorkStealingYieldsBeforeSleep | 1 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStdout | 1 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStderr | 1 |
-XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads | 1 |
-XX:+EnableThreadSMRStatistics | 1 |
-XX:+DontYieldALot | 1 |
-XX:-UseFastStosb | 1 |
-XX:-UseNUMAInterleaving | 1 |
-XX:-UseLoopPredicate | 1 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 1 |
-XX:+UseMathExactIntrinsics | 1 |
-XX:+UseOSErrorReporting | 1 |
-XX:+UseRTMForStackLocks | 1 |
-XX:+UseSignalChaining | 1 |
-XX:+UseSlowPath | 1 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | 1 |
-XX:+UseUnalignedLoadStores | 1 |
-XX:+VMContinuations | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeIteration | 1 |
-XX:+TraceDeoptimization | 1 |
-XX:+TraceBiasedLocking | 1 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | 1 |
-XX:+THPStackMitigation | 1 |
-XX:+StressLCM | 1 |
-XX:+WhiteBoxAPI | 1 |
-XX:+SoftMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:+ZStatisticsInterval | 1 |
-XX:+ZUncommit | 1 |
-XX:+ShowHiddenFrames | 1 |
-XX:-AggressiveHeap | 1 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | 1 |
-XX:-AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:-AlwaysTenure | 1 |
-XX:-C1UpdateMethodData | 1 |
-XX:+RegisterFinalizersAtInit | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit | 1 |
-XX:+PrintNativeNMethods | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMemoryMapAtExit | 1 |
-XX:-G1UsePreventiveGC | 1 |
-XX:+PrintIntrinsics | 1 |
-XX:-Inline | 1 |
-XX:-InlineSynchronizedMethods | 1 |
-XX:OptoPeepholeAt | 1 |
-XX:CompileThresholdScaling | 1 |
-XX:PerMethodRecompilationCutoff | 1 |
-XX:-NeverTenure | 1 |
-XX:-OptimizeFill | 1 |
-XX:PrintAssemblyOptions | 1 |
-XX:-ShowRegistersOnAssert | 1 |
-XX:+PerfDataSaveToFile | 1 |
-XX:PromotedPadding | 1 |
-XX:-PSChunkLargeArrays | 1 |
-XX:+NewRatio | 1 |
-XX:+NUMAStats | 1 |
Switch Counts (With warnings)
Switch | Count |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | 922 |
-Xlog | 852 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | 554 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | 552 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | 438 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | 320 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | 316 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 264 |
-Xmx | 253 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | 229 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 191 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | 106 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | 101 |
-XX:MaxRAMFraction | 98 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 89 |
-XX:UseSSE | 87 |
-Xms | 71 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | 67 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 66 |
-XX:CompileCommand | 64 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | 57 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC | 54 |
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC | 54 |
-XX:PermSize | 53 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | 50 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 45 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | 44 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor | 43 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | 40 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | 37 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | 33 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | 31 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | 28 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | 27 |
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC | 27 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | 27 |
-XX:InitialRAMFraction | 27 |
-XX:MinRAMFraction | 26 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | 26 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | 26 |
-XX:-UseCounterDecay | 25 |
-XX:+UseZGC | 23 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | 22 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | 20 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | 20 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 19 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 19 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | 18 |
-XX:ConcGCThreads | 18 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | 17 |
-XX:MinInliningThreshold | 17 |
-XX:ErrorFile | 17 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | 16 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | 16 |
-XX:UseAVX | 15 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | 15 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | 14 |
-XX:+UseOptoBiasInlining | 14 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | 14 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | 14 |
-Xloggc | 13 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops | 13 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | 13 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled | 12 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 12 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | 12 |
-XX:UseConcMarkSweepGC | 11 |
-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth | 11 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | 11 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 11 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | 10 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | 10 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | 10 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary | 10 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | 9 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 9 |
-XX:+UseMembar | 9 |
-XX:NewSize | 9 |
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinity | 8 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | 8 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 8 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | 7 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | 7 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | 7 |
-XX:MaxHeapSize | 6 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | 6 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers | 6 |
-XX:+UseHugeTLBFS | 6 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | 6 |
-XX:-UseSharedSpaces | 6 |
-XX:AliasLevel | 6 |
-XX:CICompilerCount | 6 |
-XX:InitialHeapSize | 6 |
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes | 6 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | 6 |
-XX:CMSTriggerRatio | 5 |
-XX:+UseLargePages | 5 |
-XX:+UseLWPSynchronization | 5 |
-XX:+CriticalJNINatives | 5 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | 5 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | 5 |
-XX:-UseCompressedOops | 5 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | 5 |
-XX:+UseBsdPosixThreadCPUClocks | 5 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 5 |
-Xss | 5 |
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize | 5 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | 5 |
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes | 4 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 4 |
-XX:+AssumeMP | 4 |
-XX:CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercent | 4 |
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis | 4 |
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | 3 |
-XX:-CMSPrecleaningEnabled | 3 |
-XX:+UseCounterDecay | 3 |
-XX:+UseSHM | 3 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout | 3 |
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB | 3 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | 3 |
-XX:AggressiveOpts | 3 |
-Xbootclasspath | 3 |
-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 3 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 2 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads | 2 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat | 2 |
-XX:InitialCodeCacheSize | 2 |
-XX:MarkStackSize | 2 |
-XX:StackShadowPages | 2 |
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 2 |
-XX:+UseFastStosb | 2 |
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold | 2 |
-XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem | 2 |
-XX:TraceRedefineClasses | 2 |
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent | 2 |
-XX:+FailOverToOldVerifier | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGC | 2 |
-XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs | 2 |
-Xdebug | 2 |
-XX:MaxRAM | 2 |
-XX:LogFile | 2 |
-XX:NewRatio | 2 |
-XX:OldSize | 2 |
-XX:-UseMembar | 2 |
-XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize | 2 |
-XX:MonitorBound | 2 |
-XX:+LogVMOutput | 2 |
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio | 1 |
-XX:-DisableExplicitGC | 1 |
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit | 1 |
-XX:-UsePerfData | 1 |
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis | 1 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | 1 |
-XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize | 1 |
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 1 |
-XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate | 1 |
-XX:C1InlineStackLimit | 1 |
-Xmn | 1 |
-XX:CMSBitMapYieldQuantum | 1 |
-XX:+VMThreadHintNoPreempt | 1 |
-XX:CMSYoungGenPerWorker | 1 |
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice | 1 |
-XX:CompileThreshold | 1 |
-XX:+UseHeavyMonitors | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | 1 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | 1 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | 1 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | 1 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | 1 |
-XX:+TraceClassResolution | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | 1 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | 1 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | 1 |
-XX:+OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 1 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:+MonitorInUseLists | 1 |
-XX:+MonitorBound | 1 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:SurvivorRatio | 1 |
-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent | 1 |
-XX:-FastTLABRefill | 1 |
-XX:+LIRFillDelaySlots | 1 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | 1 |
-XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps | 1 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
Switch Counts (With errors)
Switch | Count |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | 1158 |
-Xloggc | 978 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | 839 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | 799 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | 691 |
-XX:PermSize | 681 |
-Xlog | 426 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | 397 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | 396 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | 386 |
-XX:+KABOOM | 369 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | 355 |
-Xdebug | 293 |
-Xmn | 272 |
-XX:+UseZGC | 220 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures | 215 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 209 |
-Xmx | 189 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | 187 |
-XX:+TraceRangeCheckElimination | 155 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | 154 |
-XX:+Trial | 141 |
-XX: | 141 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC-XX | 140 |
-XX:+PrintAssembly | 139 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | 139 |
-XshowSettings | 130 |
-Xrunjdwp | 125 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | 103 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | 102 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | 98 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | 95 |
-Xms | 95 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | 89 |
-Xshare | 88 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | 84 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | 76 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | 74 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 65 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | 61 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 59 |
-Xverify | 58 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 56 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | 54 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | 48 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | 47 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | 47 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | 45 |
-XX:+UseCMS | 43 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | 43 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | 39 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | 39 |
-Xincgc | 38 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | 37 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled | 37 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | 34 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | 34 |
-XX:G1NewSizePercent | 32 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | 30 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | 30 |
-X | 30 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | 28 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | 28 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | 26 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | 25 |
-XX | 24 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings | 24 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | 24 |
-XcompilationThreads | 23 |
-Xnoagent | 23 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | 23 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | 23 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | 22 |
-XX:ParallelCMSThreads | 22 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | 22 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | 21 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent | 21 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | 21 |
-XX:LogFile | 21 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | 20 |
-Xrunhprof | 18 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | 18 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | 18 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | 17 |
-XX:UseCMS | 16 |
-XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle | 16 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | 15 |
-XX:Minin1iningThreshold | 15 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing | 15 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | 15 |
-Xss | 15 |
-XX:UseG1GC | 15 |
-XX:+UseAESIntrinsics | 15 |
-XX:+UseStringDedupIication | 15 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | 15 |
-XX:+MonitorInUseLists | 14 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | 14 |
-XX:MaxInlineLeve1 | 14 |
-XX:+UseFPUForSpi11ing | 14 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 14 |
-Xshareclasses | 13 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | 13 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | 13 |
-XX:+InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy | 13 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | 13 |
-XX:IniineSmallCode | 13 |
-XX:0nStackReplacePercentage | 13 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | 13 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | 12 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectCopy | 12 |
-XX:+EnableSharedLookupCache | 12 |
-XX:+UseMembar | 12 |
-XX:UseG | 12 |
-XX:+AggressiveHeap | 12 |
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerCIass | 12 |
-XX:+InlineNIOChecklndex | 12 |
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializers | 12 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC | 11 |
-XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsics | 11 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | 11 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | 11 |
-XX:-ZProactive | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineArrayCopy | 11 |
-XMaxDirectMemorySize | 11 |
-XX:UseParallelGC | 11 |
-XX:+LogCompilation | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineSynchronizedMethods | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectHash | 11 |
-Xxxx | 10 |
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction | 10 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | 10 |
-Xcheck | 10 |
-Xma | 10 |
-Xcomp | 9 |
-XX:+TraceDeoptimization | 9 |
-XX:CMSTriggerInterval | 9 |
-Xbootclasspath | 9 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolic | 9 |
-XX:+G1BarrierSkipDCQ | 9 |
-XX:G1HeapResizePolicy | 9 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | 9 |
-XX:E1iminateAllocationArraySizeLimit | 9 |
-XX:UseZGC | 9 |
-XX:MallocExtConf | 9 |
-XXr | 9 |
-XX:PrintFLSStatistics | 9 |
-XX:+E1iminateAllocations | 9 |
-XX:PrintReferenceGC | 9 |
-XX:+E1iminateLocks | 8 |
-XX:+GCTrimNativeHeap | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTunningGcOnIdle | 8 |
-XX:+A1 | 8 |
-Xdiag | 8 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | 8 |
-Xmaxf | 8 |
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle | 8 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 8 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | 8 |
-XX:-UseAOT | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyObjects | 7 |
-XX:MeaspaceSize | 7 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnable | 7 |
-XX:+UseEpsilonGC | 7 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | 7 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC | 7 |
-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler | 7 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | 7 |
-XX:+ | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyForwarding | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyMarking | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyRoots | 7 |
-XX:-UseZGC | 7 |
-XX:CRaCCheckpointTo | 7 |
-XX:CounterHalfLifeTime | 7 |
-XX:+EagerJVMCI | 7 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | 7 |
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs | 7 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark | 7 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyViews | 7 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval | 7 |
-XX:+UseRTMLockin | 7 |
-Xmm | 6 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | 6 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErro | 6 |
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize | 6 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary | 6 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | 6 |
-Xminf | 6 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingPermOccupancyFraction | 6 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 6 |
-XX:CMSWaitDuration | 6 |
-XXMaxDirectMemorySize | 6 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | 6 |
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStalls | 6 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold | 6 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristics | 6 |
-XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval | 6 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" | 5 |
-XX:+CompactStrings | 5 |
-Xxs | 5 |
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePage | 5 |
-XX:MaxRam | 5 |
-XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders | 5 |
-XX:NewSizeMax | 5 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | 5 |
-XX:+ResourceManagement | 5 |
-XX:+EnableJVMCI | 5 |
-XX:+MaxTenuringThreshold | 5 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics. | 5 |
-XMaxPermSize | 5 |
-XX:+G1GC | 5 |
-Xjit | 5 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 5 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio | 5 |
-Xm | 5 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConca | 5 |
-XX:+AutoBoxCacheMax | 5 |
-XX:+PrintGCDuration | 5 |
-XX:+UseG1GC, | 4 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferSize | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferFlushThreshold | 4 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode".MEM_OPTIONS | 4 |
-Xquickstart | 4 |
-XX:+UseStringCache, | 4 |
-XX:-UseSplitVerifier | 4 |
-XX:-UseNotificationThread | 4 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemar | 4 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut | 4 |
-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 4 |
-XX:+FalconUseCompileStashing | 4 |
-XX:+FalconSaveObjectCache | 4 |
-XX:+FalconLoadObjectCache | 4 |
-XX:UseFastAccessorMethods | 4 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimestamps | 4 |
-XX:Use64KPagesThreshold | 4 | | 4 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics | 4 |
-Xprof | 4 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats | 4 |
-XX:+ErrorLogSecondaryErrorDetails | 4 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThreshold | 4 |
-Xscmx | 4 |
-XX:PrintNMTStatistics | 4 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | 4 |
-XX:ParallelG | 4 |
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicy | 4 |
-XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading | 4 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures" | 4 |
-XX:+AgressiveOpts | 4 |
-XX:MaxPermGen | 4 |
-XX:MaxPerSize | 4 |
-XX:MaxNewSize:6m | 4 |
-XX:+BackgroundCompilatio | 4 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings, | 4 |
-XX:FalconUseAVX | 4 |
-XX:FalconOptimizationLevel | 4 |
-XX:+UseG1G | 4 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-Xss256k | 4 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | 4 |
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace | 4 |
-XX:+TraceClassLinking | 3 |
-XMaxMetaspaceSize | 3 |
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 3 |
-XX:HeapDumpPabth | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogIn | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogOut | 3 |
-XX:ShareClassesEnableBCI | 3 |
-XX:UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGcTimestamps | 3 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInvolesConcurrent | 3 |
-XX:UseCompressedClassPointers | 3 |
-XX:UseSerialGC | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDeta | 3 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | 3 |
-XX:AliasLevel | 3 |
-XX:ZUncommit | 3 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses | 3 |
-XXMaxHeapFreeRatio | 3 |
-XX:G1HeapReservePercent | 3 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 3 |
-XXnosystemgc | 3 |
-XX:+UseEarlyClassLoading | 3 |
-XX:+UseEnhancedClassResolution | 3 |
-XXtlasize | 3 |
-XX:+UseLog4jGetCallerClassIntrinsic | 3 |
-Xgc | 3 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm" | 3 |
-XX:FalconMaxCacheSize | 3 |
-Xrs;-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.prefsize | 3 |
-XX:+G1EnableStringDeduplication | 3 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 3 |
-XX:+UserG1GC | 3 |
-XX:-OverrideVMProperties | 3 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 3 |
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC | 3 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicatio | 3 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | 3 |
-Xlint | 3 |
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | 3 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsic | 3 |
-XX:AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | 3 |
-XX:+CompilationWarmUp | 3 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled | 3 |
-XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay | 3 |
-XX:NewSize:6m | 3 |
-XX:+UseHighResolutionTimer | 3 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMe | 3 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | 3 |
-Xgcpolicy | 3 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | 3 |
-XX:+TraceMethodHandles | 3 |
-XX:+TraceExceptions | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThrads | 3 |
-XX:+EagerInitializeDuringEarlyClassLoading | 3 |
-XX:LoopStripMiningIter | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThread | 3 |
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | 2 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX | 2 |
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCInterval | 2 |
-XX:+G1NewSizePercent | 2 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat: | 2 |
-XX:+ParNewGC | 2 |
-XX:+ParallelGCVerbose | 2 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | 2 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal" | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCID | 2 |
-XX:+PrintNMethods | 2 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError, | 2 |
-XX:+ProfileLiveObjects | 2 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStderr | 2 |
-XX:+ShrinkHeapInSteps | 2 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecorder | 2 |
-XX:+StressLCM | 2 |
-XX:+String | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVddMOptions | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOpti | 2 |
-XX:+Use360GC | 2 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | 2 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops, | 2 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC, | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1C1 | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XX | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC\ | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GFC | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1ParallelFullGC | 2 |
-XX:+UseGenPauselessGC | 2 |
-XX:+UseJITServer | 2 |
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary | 2 |
-XX:+UseMD5Intrinsics | 2 |
-XX:+UseParNewGc | 2 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC, | 2 |
-XX:+UseRTM | 2 |
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic | 2 |
-XX:+UseSlowPath | 2 |
-XX:+UseSpringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:+UseVectorCmov | 2 |
-XX:+UseVectorStubs | 2 |
-XX:+UsecmscoroactAtfullcollection | 2 |
-XX:+CmsClassUnloadineEnabled | 2 |
-XX:- | 2 |
-XX:-AssumeMP | 2 |
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | 2 |
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | 2 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 2 |
-XX:-RenumberLiveNodes | 2 |
-XX:-TieredCompilation-XX | 2 |
-XX:-TraceClassLoading | 2 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | 2 |
-XX:-UseZST | 2 |
-XX:A1locateInstancePrefetchLines | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchInstr | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStepSize | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStyle | 2 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | 2 |
-XX:AggressiveOpts | 2 |
-XX:ArrayAllocationWarningSize | 2 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | 2 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | 2 |
-Xx | 2 |
-XX:CMSTriggerRatio | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeature | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeatures | 2 |
-XX:CompilationMode | 2 |
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice | 2 |
-XX:DisableExplicitGC | 2 |
-XX:DumpOnExit | 2 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 2 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | 2 |
-XX:+AlwaysPretouch | 2 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | 2 |
-XX:InitialRAMPrcentage | 2 |
-XX:Logfile | 2 |
-XX:MAxRamFraction | 2 |
-XX:MaxDirectMlemorySize | 2 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio: | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize:50m | 2 |
-XX:MaxNewGen | 2 |
-XX:MaxRamFraction | 2 |
-XX:MetasnaceSise | 2 |
-XX:Metaspace | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts-XX | 2 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio: | 2 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio | 2 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | 2 |
-XX:+AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | 2 |
-XX:NumberOfGClogFiles | 2 |
-XX:OptoPeepholeAt | 2 |
-XX:++UseStringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGC | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGCMaxThreads | 2 |
-XX:++UseSSE42Intrinsics | 2 |
-XX:PremSize | 2 |
-XX:PrintCMSStatistics | 2 |
-XX:++UseAESIntrinsics | 2 |
-XX:++UseAES | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCMode | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahUncommitDelay | 2 |
-XX:StackShadowPagesxx | 2 |
-XX:TieredCompilation | 2 |
-XX:TrimNativeHeapInterval | 2 |
-XX:UseCodeCacheFlushing | 2 |
-XX:UseCompressedOops | 2 |
-XX:UseContainerSupport | 2 |
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | 2 |
-XX:UseJVMCINativeLibrary | 2 |
-XX:UseLargePages | 2 |
-XX:UseNUMA | 2 |
-XX:UseStringDeduplication | 2 |
-XX:XX | 2 |
-XX:ZUncommitDelay | 2 |
-XX:hashCode | 2 |
-XX:nodummy | 2 |
-XX:ss128K | 2 |
-XXMaxMetaspaceSize | 2 |
-XXkeeparearatio | 2 |
-XXshowSettings | 2 |
-Xcheckjni | 2 |
-XUseZGC | 2 |
-XPermSize | 2 |
-XMx | 2 |
-XmsG | 2 |
-Xns | 2 |
-Xshareoff | 2 |
-Xss128K;-XX | 2 |
-Xverbose | 2 |
-XX:+UseParallel | 1 |
-XX:+UseParalleGC | 1 |
-Xexperiment | 1 |
-XX:C1CompileThreshold | 1 |
-XX:C2CompileThreshold | 1 |
-XExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin | 1 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | 1 |
-XX:+DebugDeoptimization | 1 |
-XgcPrio | 1 |
-XX:+UseParNewG | 1 |
-XX:+UseNewCode | 1 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRtio | 1 |
-Xgcmaxthreads | 1 |
-XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic | 1 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemory | 1 |
-Xgcthreads | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints;nmt | 1 |
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment | 1 |
-XSS | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabledXX:+UseTLAB | 1 |
-XX:CompileThreshold:1000 | 1 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspac\ | 1 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizee | 1 |
-XX:ControlIntrinsic | 1 |
-XX:+UseGenerationalZGC | 1 |
-XX:CrashOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:+UseGPGC | 1 |
-Xjitperf | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCStartupHints | 1 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsics | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled. | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepointsg:time,level,tags | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1GC-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileRedirect | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileToStderr | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile\ | 1 |
-XX:ErrorHandlerTest | 1 |
-XlockReservation | 1 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError:true | 1 |
-XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1 | 1 |
-XX:+UseFastJNIExceptionCheck | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTS | 1 |
-Xtrace | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions:stackdepth | 1 |
-XX:G | 1 |
-XX:+UseContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:+CITraceTypeFlow | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' | 1 |
-XX:G1GC | 1 |
-XX:G1GCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerSuppor | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC\ | 1 |
-XX:+AvoidUnalignedAccesses | 1 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLIveThresholdPercent | 1 |
-XX:+AutoTuneResourceDefaultsBasedOnXmx | 1 |
-XX:G1NewGenerationSizePercent | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassesPointers | 1 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionLiveThresholdPercent | 1 |
-Xlog:os,safepoint*,gc*,gc+ref | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressed | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompre | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplictGC | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetPauseTimePercent | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetScanBlockSize | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBuckets | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlNumBuckets | 1 |
-Xlogfile | 1 |
-XX:G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch\ | 1 |
-XX:+DisableRmiHeapDump | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpGzipLevel | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:+UseC2 | 1 |
-XX:HeapdumpPath | 1 |
-XX:HotswapAgent | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoader | 1 |
-XX:InitalRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage50 | 1 |
-Xlogg | 1 |
-XX:InitiatingOccupancyPercent | 1 |
-XX:Inline | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServrClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:LogFile\ | 1 |
-XNewSize | 1 |
-XX:+UseAIGC | 1 |
-Xlp | 1 |
-XX:+Usd | 1 |
-XX:Max | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemoryize | 1 |
-XX:+NativeMemoryTracking | 1 |
-XX:MaxDriect | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMi | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseRatio | 1 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRati | 1 |
-XmT | 1 |
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | 1 |
-XX:MaxMeta | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize | 1 |
-XmX | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSiz | 1 |
-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinition | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize3g | 1 |
-X+UseStringDeduplication | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxMinPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+LoomVerifyAfterThaw | 1 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentlVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions\ | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-XX | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-Djavamelody.datasources | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize:20m | 1 |
-XX:MaxPremSize | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts\ | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage75 | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80 | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80% | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOption | 1 |
-Xmaxmetaspace | 1 |
-XX:MaxRamPercentage | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnostiVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:MemProfiling | 1 |
-XX:MetaSpaceSize | 1 |
-XX:+LogContinuations | 1 |
-Xmint | 1 |
-XX:+Unlock | 1 |
-XX:+LogCompilation-XX | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize\ | 1 |
-XX:Metaspacesize | 1 |
-Xtune | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRation | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpt | 1 |
-Xmn6g-XX | 1 |
-XX:+AdaptiveGCThreading | 1 |
-XX:Minin1 | 1 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | 1 |
-XX:+G1MaxNewSizePercent | 1 |
-XX:NearCPool | 1 |
-XX:NewGen | 1 |
-XX:NewSize | 1 |
-XX:+USeParNewGC | 1 |
-XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields | 1 |
-XX:+TraceSharedLookupCache | 1 |
-XX:+AVX3Threshold | 1 |
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XX | 1 |
-Xms5G;-Xmx16G;-d64;-XX | 1 |
-XX:OptimizeFill | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:PalelG | 1 |
-XX:+EnableVectorAggressiveReboxing | 1 |
-XX:ParalelG | 1 |
-XmsSIZE | 1 |
-XX:+TraceInvokeDynamic | 1 |
-Xmso | 1 |
-Xmu | 1 |
-XX:+EnableVectorSupport | 1 |
-XX:+EpsilonElasticTLAB | 1 |
-XX:ParlelG | 1 |
-XX:PerMethodcompilationCutoff | 1 |
-Xmus | 1 |
-XX:PreBlockSpin | 1 |
-XMaxNewSize | 1 |
-XmxSIZE | 1 |
-XX:PrintCompilation | 1 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation- | 1 |
-XX:PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:PrintInlining | 1 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecording | 1 |
-XX:+ShenandoahUncommit | 1 |
-XX:+ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinals | 1 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount\ | 1 |
-XX:PrintTimeStep | 1 |
-XX:PrintTouchMethodAtExit | 1 |
-XX:+ShareUnsafeClasses | 1 |
-XX:+ShareAnonymousClasses | 1 |
-Xmxd | 1 |
-Xmxx | 1 |
-XX:Reserved> | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCacheSize | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSi1ze | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodecachesize | 1 |
-XX:SafepointTimeoutAbortStrategy | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit | 1 |
-XX:SharedArchiveFile | 1 |
-XX:SharedCacheHardLimit | 1 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStdout | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-Dfile.encoding | 1 |
-XX:+JVMCILibPath | 1 |
-Xnoloa | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemory | 1 |
-XX:++UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XpauseTarget | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMetaspaceStatistics | 1 |
-XX:StringConcatOptimization | 1 |
-XX:SweeperThreshold | 1 |
-XX:TestCrashInErrorHandler | 1 |
-XX:ThreadLocalHandshakes | 1 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHO | 1 |
-XX:TiredStopAtLevel | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckEliminatio | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckElimination | 1 |
-XX:TraceRedefineClasses | 1 |
-XX:+GenerateSynchronizationCode | 1 |
-XX:UG1GC | 1 |
-XX:UeParallelGC | 1 |
-XX:UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMallocStatistics | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-XX | 1 |
-XX:UseBootstrapCallInfo | 1 |
-XX:++ParallelRefProcEnabled | 1 |
-XX:+GenerationalZ | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC\ | 1 |
-Xrs;-Djava.awt.headless | 1 |
-XMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XX:UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority | 1 |
-XX:UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps\ | 1 |
-XMaxHeapFreeRatio | 1 |
-XX:UseFaststosbs | 1 |
-XX:++ErrorFileToStderr | 1 |
-XX:UseG1C | 1 |
-XX:++AlwaysPreTouch | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC" -XX | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC | 1 |
-Xrunjdwp:transport | 1 |
-Xscmaxjitdata | 1 |
-Xscminjitdata | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConc | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails\ | 1 |
-XX:UseStringConcat | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpPath | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | 1 |
-XX:UseZGC:true | 1 |
-XX:Usefaststosbs | 1 |
-XGc | 1 |
-XX:Xlog:gc* | 1 |
-XX:Xmx | 1 |
-XX:Xnx | 1 |
-XX:Xshare:on | 1 |
-XX:Z | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:ZFragmentationLimit | 1 |
-XX:ZMarkStackSpaceLimit | 1 |
-XX:ZProactive | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XGCTimeLimit | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent, | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamp | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFina | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationDeflate | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationInflate | 1 |
-XX:ea | 1 |
-XX:faststosbs | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError\ | 1 |
-XX:hashcode | 1 |
-XX:maxMetaspaceSize | 1 |
-XGCLimit | 1 |
-XX:printGCDetails | 1 |
-XX:share:on | 1 |
-XX:ss | 1 |
-Xsms | 1 |
-XX:ss128K;-XX | 1 |
-XX:zxczcxzc+TieredCompilation | 1 |
-XXErrorFileRedirect | 1 |
-XXExitOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFatalExceptionStackTraces | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDependencies | 1 |
-XXMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XG1ReservePercent | 1 |
-XXSoftMaxHeapSize | 1 |
-XXUseZGC | 1 |
-XXVerbose | 1 |
-XXaltjvm | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX | 1 |
-XX:+UserSerialGC | 1 |
-XX:+Usertmlocking | 1 |
-XX:+UsezGC | 1 |
-XX:+UsxeG1GC | 1 |
-XX:+Verbose | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyAfterThaw | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeIteration | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyTLE | 1 |
-XX:+WizardMode | 1 |
-XX:+XLoggc:./logs | 1 |
-XXlog | 1 |
-XX:+ZStallOnOutOfMemory | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyForwarding | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyMarking | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyObjects | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyRoots | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyViews | 1 |
-XX:+escapeanalysis | 1 |
-XX:+nixgibts | 1 |
-XXloggc | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDebugOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintContainerInfo | 1 |
-Xss{Xss | 1 |
-XX:-ContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:+Use\ | 1 |
-XX:-EnableDeepThreadDump | 1 |
-XX:-EnableJVMCI | 1 |
-XX:-FastPath | 1 |
-XX:+UseZtso | 1 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | 1 |
-XX:-G1UsePreventiveGC | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC -XX | 1 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut-XX | 1 |
-XX:-InitialRAMPercentage | 1 |
-XX:-MaxFDLimit30720 | 1 |
-XX:-OmitSta | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow-Xlog | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC-XX | 1 |
-XX:-PortableShareCache | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC" | 1 |
-XX:-PrintGCDateStamps | 1 |
-XX:+UseZG | 1 |
-XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges | 1 |
-XXuserSrial | 1 |
-XX:-ShenandoahPacing | 1 |
-XX:+UseTransparentLargePages | 1 |
-Xagentlib | 1 |
-Xaggressive | 1 |
-XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier | 1 |
-XX:+UseThreadStateNativeWrapperProtocol | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication” | 1 |
-Xaot | 1 |
-XX:-UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:-UseContinuationFastPath | 1 |
-XX:-UseGCLogFileRotation | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication-XX:+UseContainerSupport | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication' | 1 |
-XX:-UseSIMDForArrayEquals | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication" | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicat | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLock | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringConcat | 1 |
-XX:+ConcGCThreads | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpecialHashSet | 1 |
-XX:1024m | 1 |
-XX:+FastMath | 1 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchDistance | 1 |
-Xsx | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicpy | 1 |
-XVerbose | 1 |
-XX:+ControlIntrinsic | 1 |
-XX:+UseSerialGC. | 1 |
-XX:AVX3Threshold | 1 |
-XX:AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | 1 |
-XX:+UseSIMDForMemoryOps | 1 |
-XX:+CMSIncremental | 1 |
-Xcompressedrefs | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | 1 |
-XtlhPrefetch | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-XX:+UseParallelGC | 1 |
-XX:AllocPrefetchStyle | 1 |
-XX:AllocateHeapAt | 1 |
-XX:AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdap | 1 |
-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash | 1 |
Top Error Reasons
Switch | Error | Count |
-Xloggc | OK | 966 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 876 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 722 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 614 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 559 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 513 |
-Xlog | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 414 |
-XX:+KABOOM | Switch not found in any JDK | 369 |
-Xdebug | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 235 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 231 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures | Switch not found in any JDK | 215 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 214 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 212 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 200 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 192 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 184 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 172 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 171 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 162 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 158 |
-XX:+TraceRangeCheckElimination | Requires a debug JVM | 155 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 155 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 145 |
-XX: | Switch not found in any JDK | 141 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 141 |
-XX:+Trial | Switch not found in any JDK | 141 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 140 |
-XX:+PrintAssembly | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 138 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 135 |
-XX:+UseZGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 133 |
-Xmx | Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 131 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 129 |
-Xrunjdwp | Switch not found in any JDK | 125 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 121 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 101 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 96 |
-Xshare | Switch not found in any JDK | 88 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 87 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 86 |
-XshowSettings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 84 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 83 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 82 |
-XX:+UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 79 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 65 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 62 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 60 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 60 |
-Xms | Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 60 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 53 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 52 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 48 |
-Xdebug | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 48 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 47 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 47 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 46 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 45 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 44 |
-XX:+UseCMS | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ? | 43 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 43 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 42 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 41 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 38 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 38 |
-XshowSettings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 38 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 38 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled' ? | 37 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 36 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 34 |
-Xincgc | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 34 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 33 |
-XX:+BADSWITCH | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'batch' ? | 31 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 31 |
-XX:G1NewSizePercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 30 |
-X | Switch not found in any JDK | 30 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 28 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 28 |
-Xverify | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 27 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 26 |
-Xverify | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 26 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ? | 24 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 24 |
-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 24 |
-XcompilationThreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompilationRepeat' ? | 23 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 23 |
-Xnoagent | Switch not found in any JDK | 23 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 23 |
-XX:ParallelCMSThreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ? | 22 |
-Xms | Xmx must be >= Xms. | 22 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 22 |
-XX:LogFile | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 21 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 21 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 20 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 20 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 20 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 20 |
-Xrunhprof | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'prof' ? | 18 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 18 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 17 |
-XX:UseCMS | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ? | 16 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 16 |
-XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle | Switch not found in any JDK | 16 |
-XX:UseG1GC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 15 |
-XX:+UseStringDedupIication | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 15 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= XmsDuplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx900m | 15 |
-XX:Minin1iningThreshold | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinInliningThreshold' ? | 15 |
-Xss | Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 15 |
-XX:+UseAESIntrinsics | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 15 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 15 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 14 |
-XX:MaxInlineLeve1 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxInlineLevel' ? | 14 |
-XX:+MonitorInUseLists | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 14 |
-XX:+UseFPUForSpi11ing | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFPUForSpilling' ? | 14 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 14 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ? | 14 |
-XX:+InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 13 |
-Xshareclasses | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:auto' ? | 13 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 13 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 13 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 13 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 13 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 13 |
-Xmn | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmn:1024m. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 13 |
-XX:0nStackReplacePercentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OnStackReplacePercentage' ? | 13 |
-XX:IniineSmallCode | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineSmallCode' ? | 13 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 13 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 12 |
-XX:+EnableSharedLookupCache | Switch not found in any JDK | 12 |
-XX:+InlineNIOChecklndex | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineNIOCheckIndex' ? | 12 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 12 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 12 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | This switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 12 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectCopy | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectCopy' ? | 12 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= Xms. | 12 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 12 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 12 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 12 |
-XX:UseG | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 12 |
-XX:+AggressiveHeap | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 12 |
-XX:+InlineReflectionGetCallerCIass | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineReflectionGetCallerClass' ? | 12 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 12 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= Xms. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineArrayCopy | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineArrayCopy' ? | 11 |
-XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 11 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 11 |
-XMaxDirectMemorySize | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 11 |
-XX:+LogCompilation | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 11 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 11 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 11 |
-XX:UseParallelGC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineObjectHash | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectHash' ? | 11 |
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializers | Requires a debug JVM | 11 |
-XX:+In1ineSynchronizedMethods | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineSynchronizedMethods' ? | 11 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 11 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 11 |
-Xxxx | Switch not found in any JDK | 10 |
-Xma | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ? | 10 |
-Xcheck | Switch not found in any JDK | 10 |
-XX:E1iminateAllocationArraySizeLimit | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit' ? | 9 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= Xms | 9 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 9 |
-XX:+E1iminateAllocations | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateAllocations' ? | 9 |
-XX:MallocExtConf | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllowExtshm' ? | 9 |
-XX:G1HeapResizePolicy | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1HeapRegionSize' ? | 9 |
-XXr | Switch not found in any JDK | 9 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 9 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolic | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy' ? | 9 |
-Xcomp | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 9 |
-XX:+G1BarrierSkipDCQ | Switch not found in any JDK | 9 |
-XX:CMSTriggerInterval | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 9 |
-Xms | Xmx must be >= Xms | 9 |
-XX:+TraceDeoptimization | Requires a debug JVM | 9 |
-XX:+A1 | Switch not found in any JDK | 8 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ? | 8 |
-Xloggc | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 8 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 8 |
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 8 |
-XX:PrintReferenceGC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 8 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 8 |
-XX:+E1iminateLocks | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EliminateLocks' ? | 8 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 8 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 8 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 8 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 8 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 8 |
-Xmaxf | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 8 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTunningGcOnIdle | Switch not found in any JDK | 8 |
-XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle | Switch not found in any JDK | 8 |
-Xdiag | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 8 |
-XX:+GCTrimNativeHeap | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ? | 8 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 8 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 8 |
-Xmx | OK | 7 |
-Xbootclasspath | This switch was removed after OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 7 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyMarking | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 7 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyObjects | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 7 |
-XX:+ | Switch not found in any JDK | 7 |
-XX:+UseRTMLockin | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseRTMLocking' ? | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyForwarding | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 7 |
-XX:CRaCCheckpointTo | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'C1Breakpoint' ? | 7 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyViews | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 7 |
-XX:PrintFLSStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 7 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 7 |
-XX:MeaspaceSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 7 |
-XX:CounterHalfLifeTime | Requires a debug JVM | 7 |
-XX:+EagerJVMCI | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 7 |
-XX:ZVerifyRoots | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 7 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnable | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ? | 7 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 7 |
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 6 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-Xminf | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ? | 6 |
-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 6 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 6 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 6 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | This switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 6 |
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XX:-ZProactive | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 6 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 6 |
-Xmm | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ? | 6 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 6 |
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 6 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingPermOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XX:+UseEpsilonGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 6 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 6 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 6 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 6 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErro | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 6 |
-Xdebug | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 6 |
-XX:-UseAOT | This switch was removed after OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XX:CMSWaitDuration | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 6 |
-XXMaxDirectMemorySize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ? | 6 |
-XX:MaxRam | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAM' ? | 5 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 5 |
-XX:+AutoBoxCacheMax | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AutoBoxCacheMax' ? | 5 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 5 |
-Xxs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 5 |
-XX:+CompactStrings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 5 |
-XX:+G1GC | Switch not found in any JDK | 5 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 5 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 5 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | This switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 5 |
-XX:+PrintGCDuration | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ? | 5 |
-XX:UseZGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 5 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 5 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 5 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 5 |
-XMaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 5 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 5 |
-XX:+ResourceManagement | Switch not found in any JDK | 5 |
-Xjit | Switch not found in any JDK | 5 |
-Xlog | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 5 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 5 |
-Xm | Switch not found in any JDK | 5 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics. | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintNMTStatistics' ? | 5 |
-XX:+MaxTenuringThreshold | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxTenuringThreshold' ? | 5 |
-XX:+UseTransparentHugePage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseTransparentHugePages' ? | 5 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConca | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OptimizeStringConcat' ? | 5 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 5 |
-XX:NewSizeMax | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ? | 5 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 5 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 5 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | This switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 5 |
-XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders | Switch not found in any JDK | 5 |
-Xlog | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 5 |
-XX:+UseG1G | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 4 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-Xss256k | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 4 |
-XX:+FalconLoadObjectCache | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferFlushThreshold | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 4 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 4 |
-XX:-UseNotificationThread | This switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 4 |
-XX:FalconOptimizationLevel | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharkOptimizationLevel' ? | 4 |
-XX:+BackgroundCompilatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'BackgroundCompilation' ? | 4 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ? | 4 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 4 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | This switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 4 |
-XX:FalconUseAVX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAVX' ? | 4 |
-XX:AsyncGCLogBufferSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1SATBBufferSize' ? | 4 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 4 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 4 |
-XX:MaxPerSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ? | 4 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 4 | | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures" | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:-UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 4 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:+FalconSaveObjectCache | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InlineObjectHash' ? | 4 |
-Xscmx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 4 |
-XX:MaxPermGen | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ? | 4 |
-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:ParallelG | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 4 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 4 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 4 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 4 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 4 |
-XX:+AgressiveOpts | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ? | 4 |
-XX:UseFastAccessorMethods | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 4 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 4 |
-XX:MaxNewSize:6m | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxNewSize' ? | 4 |
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStalls | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 4 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode".MEM_OPTIONS | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSIncrementalMode' ? | 4 |
-XX:+FalconUseCompileStashing | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimestamps | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ? | 4 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 4 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 4 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 4 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 4 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | This switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 4 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 4 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 4 |
-XX:+ErrorLogSecondaryErrorDetails | Switch not found in any JDK | 4 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 4 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 4 |
-Xincgc | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 4 |
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 4 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 4 |
-XX:+EnableJVMCI | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 4 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 4 |
-XX:+UseG1GC, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 4 |
-XX:+UseStringCache, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ? | 4 |
-Xquickstart | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CIStart' ? | 4 |
-XX:+UseCompressedStrings, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ? | 4 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 4 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 4 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | This switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 4 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemar | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSScavengeBeforeRemark' ? | 4 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-Xlint | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ? | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThread | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ? | 3 |
-XX:FalconMaxCacheSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1ConcRSLogCacheSize' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 3 |
-XX:+TraceMethodHandles | Requires a debug JVM | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDeta | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ? | 3 |
-Xgcpolicy | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInvolesConcurrent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent' ? | 3 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 3 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 3 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 3 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags" -XshowSettings:vm" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintCommandLineFlags' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 3 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogOut | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ProfileTraps' ? | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 3 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs' ? | 3 |
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 3 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | OK | 3 |
-XX:-OverrideVMProperties | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'JVMCIPrintProperties' ? | 3 |
-XX:ProfileLogIn | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ProfileTraps' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UserG1GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 3 |
-XXnosystemgc | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XshowSettings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 3 |
-XX:G1HeapReservePercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1ReservePercent' ? | 3 |
-Xrs;-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.prefsize | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:+EagerInitializeDuringEarlyClassLoading | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 3 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMe | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerfDisableSharedMem' ? | 3 |
-XX:+CompilationWarmUp | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompilationMode' ? | 3 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 3 |
-XXtlasize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TLABSize' ? | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGcTimestamps | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-XXMaxHeapFreeRatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ? | 3 |
-XX:+TraceClassLinking | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassLoading' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 3 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 3 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:-ZProactive | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 3 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 3 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 3 |
-XX:+UseEarlyClassLoading | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassLoading' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseEnhancedClassResolution | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceClassResolution' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseParNewGC | OK | 3 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 3 |
-XX:HeapDumpPabth | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ? | 3 |
-XX:UseCompressedClassPointers | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 3 |
-XX:ShareClassesEnableBCI | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharedClassListFile' ? | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThrads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ? | 3 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 3 |
-XX:UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 3 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 3 |
-XX:UseZGC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 3 |
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 3 |
-Xgc | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-Xverify | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 3 |
-XX:UseSerialGC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 3 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 3 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 3 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 3 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 3 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelOldGC' ? | 3 |
-XX:+G1EnableStringDeduplication | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseLog4jGetCallerClassIntrinsic | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSquareToLenIntrinsic' ? | 3 |
-XshowSettings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 3 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 3 |
-XX:NewSize:6m | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ? | 3 |
-XX:+UseHighResolutionTimer | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsic | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableIntrinsic' ? | 3 |
-Xprof | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 3 |
-XMaxMetaspaceSize | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 3 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 3 |
-XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay | Switch not found in any JDK | 3 |
-XX:LoopStripMiningIter | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 3 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 3 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 3 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 3 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 3 |
-XPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:+TraceExceptions | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:UseCompressedOops | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 2 |
-XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:TieredCompilation | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:+AlwaysPretouch | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ? | 2 |
-XX:++UseAESIntrinsics | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAESIntrinsics' ? | 2 |
-XX:+AOTInlinerAggressivelyOptimizeHot | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:ss128K | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:InitialRAMPrcentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ? | 2 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1C1 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-XX:PrintFLSStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:A1locateInstancePrefetchLines | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocateInstancePrefetchLines' ? | 2 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStderr | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStepSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStepSize' ? | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:AliasLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XX:+String | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-Xlog | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:+PrintNMethods | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 2 |
-XX:UseContainerSupport | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOpti | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 2 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio: | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ? | 2 |
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:-UseSplitVerifier | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | Value 120 outside allowed range(0, 100). | 2 |
-XX:+ProfileLiveObjects | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZapFillerObjects' ? | 2 |
-XX:-UseSplitVerifier | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:Use64KPagesThreshold | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XshowSettings | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:-RenumberLiveNodes | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:-UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 2 |
-XX:UseNUMA | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:nodummy | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:++UseSSE42Intrinsics | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSSE42Intrinsics' ? | 2 |
-XX:-AssumeMP | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:+UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 2 |
-XXkeeparearatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ? | 2 |
-XX:+ParallelGCVerbose | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XX:++UseAES | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAES' ? | 2 |
-XX:DumpOnExit | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:UseJVMCINativeLibrary | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:-UseZST | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseAOT' ? | 2 |
-XX:MaxDirectMlemorySize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ? | 2 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-Xshareoff | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:off' ? | 2 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XX:++UseStringDeduplication | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 2 |
-XX:DisableExplicitGC | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:UseCodeCacheFlushing | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGCMaxThreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelGCThreads' ? | 2 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchStyle | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStyle' ? | 2 |
-XX:CMSTriggerRatio | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:-TieredCompilation-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ? | 2 |
-XX:ArrayAllocationWarningSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'QueuedAllocationWarningCount' ? | 2 |
-XX:ParallelGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 2 |
-XX:+UseParNewGc | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 2 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 2 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+UseGenPauselessGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseEpsilonGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+ParNewGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ? | 2 |
-Xcheckjni | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'check:jni' ? | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize:50m | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 2 |
-XX:-TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XX:+UseSlowPath | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecorder | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StartFlightRecording' ? | 2 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahUncommitDelay | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:OptoPeepholeAt | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1ParallelFullGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelOldGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-Xverbose | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Verbose' ? | 2 |
-XX:AOTLibrary | This switch was removed after OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XUseZGC | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 2 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseSpringDeduplication | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 2 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GC" -XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseVectorCmov | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | This switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ? | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-Xbootclasspath | This switch was removed after OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeature | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'future' ? | 2 |
-Xverify | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:CompilationMode | This switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | This switch is not available until OpenJDK21. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | OK | 2 |
-XX:Use64KPagesThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:PrintNMTStatistics | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:ZUncommit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-Xloggc | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 2 |
-XX:+UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 2 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 2 |
-XX:UseStringDeduplication | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:MetasnaceSise | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 2 |
-XmsG | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 2 |
-XX:+Use360GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:MaxRamFraction | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMFraction' ? | 2 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:PremSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PermSize' ? | 2 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 2 |
-XX:Metaspace | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 2 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XXshowSettings | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'showSettings' ? | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCMode | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 2 |
-Xns | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 2 |
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK20. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XMx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 2 |
-XX:+StressLCM | Requires a debug JVM | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVddMOptions | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 2 |
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:MAxRamFraction | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMFraction' ? | 2 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintFlagsFinal' ? | 2 |
-XX:hashCode | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:+PrintJNIGCStalls | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx128m. | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 2 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-XX:PrintNMTStatistics | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 2 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK22 | 2 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 2 |
-XXMaxMetaspaceSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 2 |
-XX:G1NewSizePercent | This switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 2 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-Xdebug | OK | 2 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | This switch is not available until OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 2 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat: | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OptimizeStringConcat' ? | 2 |
-XX:NumberOfGClogFiles | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NumberOfGCLogFiles' ? | 2 |
-XX:MaxNewGen | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxNewSize' ? | 2 |
-Xss128K;-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:+UseRTM | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseISM' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseJITServer | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSVE' ? | 2 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchInstr | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchInstr' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UsecmscoroactAtfullcollection | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection' ? | 2 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 2 |
-XX:+CmsClassUnloadineEnabled | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSClassUnloadingEnabled' ? | 2 |
-XX:UseLargePages | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGCID | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:+ShrinkHeapInSteps | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 2 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | This switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 2 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 2 |
-XX:StackShadowPagesxx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StackShadowPages' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio: | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinHeapFreeRatio' ? | 2 |
-XX:Logfile | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ? | 2 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 2 |
-XX:+UseG1GFC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 2 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 2 |
-XX:CPUFeatures | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | This switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 2 |
-Xloggc | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 2 |
-XX:TrimNativeHeapInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 2 |
-XX:AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 2 |
-Xmn | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 2 |
-XX:- | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | OK | 2 |
-Xx | Switch not found in any JDK | 2 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnostiVMOptions | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AvoidUnalignedAccesses | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XGCLimit | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLock | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintConcurrentLocks' ? | 1 |
-XX:ZFragmentationLimit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-Xmn6g-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+EnableVectorAggressiveReboxing | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:ss | Wrong prefix used -XX: it should be -X | 1 |
-XX:+LogContinuations | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'VMContinuations' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintSafepointStatisticsCount' ? | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinals | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-XX:CompileThreshold:1000 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ? | 1 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:UG1GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintGCDetails | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:G1GC | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringConcat | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ? | 1 |
-XX:++UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallel | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 1 |
-Xagentlib | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintLIR' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ShenandoahUncommit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:UseStringConcat | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringCache' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:ZMarkStackSpaceLimit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpPath | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize:20m | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:zxczcxzc+TieredCompilation | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-XX:+PrintGCDetails | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-XX:+EnableVectorSupport | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-Xlog:os,safepoint*,gc*,gc+ref | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-X+UseStringDeduplication | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 1 |
-XX:+UseGPGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XG1ReservePercent | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:-ZProactive | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyForwarding | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+AdaptiveGCThreading | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AdaptiveTimeWeight' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | OK | 1 |
-XX:+CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-XX:CodeEntryAlignment | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CodeEntryAlignment' ? | 1 |
-XX:+LogCompilation-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogCompilation' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-UseSIMDForArrayEquals | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-Dfile.encoding | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:ZUncommit | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-EnableDeepThreadDump | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'EnableMethodHandles' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XMaxHeapSize | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:InitalRAMPercentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:SweeperThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-Xtune | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | Value 102 outside allowed range(0, 100). | 1 |
-XX:AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+EnableJVMCI | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UseNewCode | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:NearCPool | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NearCpool' ? | 1 |
-XX:UseZGC:true | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintCMSStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringCache | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1GC-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages' ? | 1 |
-XX:faststosbs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ? | 1 |
-XMaxHeapFreeRatio | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:HotswapAgent | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMallocStatistics | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-Xms | OK | 1 |
-XX:CMSTriggerPermRtio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSTriggerPermRatio' ? | 1 |
-XX:DisableInstrinsics | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableIntrinsic' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxPremSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxPermSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicpy | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ? | 1 |
-XX:Reserved> | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+JVMCILibPath | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-ShenandoahPacing | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+AVX3Threshold | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AVX3Threshold' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintCMSStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:ShenandoahAllocationThreshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplicat | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 1 |
-XX:+Verbose | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+USeParNewGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConc | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ? | 1 |
-XX:AllocPrefetchStyle | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchStyle' ? | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicy | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:+UseSerialGC. | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSerialGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:AllocateHeapAt | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-UseAOT | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | OK | 1 |
-Xsx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
-XX:+EpsilonElasticTLAB | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+UseMD5Intrinsics | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpt | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ? | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationInflate | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:+XLoggc:./logs | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:NewGen | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:Usefaststosbs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemoryize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxDirectMemorySize' ? | 1 |
-XX:UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-Xss{Xss | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:SafepointTimeoutAbortStrategy | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SafepointTimeoutDelay' ? | 1 |
-XX:G1OldCSetRegionLiveThresholdPercent | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpGzipLevel | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+CITraceTypeFlow | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage50 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage80% | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseRatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:+ErrorFileToStdout | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+TraceExceptions | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+UseParalleGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabledXX:+UseTLAB | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ? | 1 |
-Xprof | This switch was removed after OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:C2CompileThreshold | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyAfterThaw | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LoomVerifyAfterThaw' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveOpts' ? | 1 |
-Xdebug | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 1 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:OptimizeFill | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages | This switch is not available until OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | OK | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileToStderr | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+UseMD5Intrinsics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLIveThresholdPercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent' ? | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFileRedirect | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize3g | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:PreBlockSpin | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+GenerationalZ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZGenerational' ? | 1 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:InitiatingOccupancyPercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent' ? | 1 |
-XXExitOnOutOfMemoryError | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 1 |
-XX:+UseSIMDForMemoryOps | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XgcPrio | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-Xtrace | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyViews | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-Xsms | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication-XX:+UseContainerSupport | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompre | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompiler' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 1 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 1 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-Xlp | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:SharedArchiveFile | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:-ContinuationFastPath | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseContinuationFastPath' ? | 1 |
-XX:1024m | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-Xmx | Xmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G,. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 1 |
-XX:ZUncommitDelay | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:ss128K;-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 1 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:UseFaststosbs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastStosb' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ShareAnonymousClasses | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AnonymousClasses' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetPauseTimePercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1HeapWastePercent' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintTouchMethodAtExit | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit' ? | 1 |
-XX:UeParallelGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParallelGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:ShenandoahGCHeuristics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckElimination | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions:stackdepth | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'FlightRecorderOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMemory | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerfDisableSharedMem' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication' | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintMetaspaceStatistics | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintMallocStatistics' ? | 1 |
-XX:NewSize | OK | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMi | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxGCPauseMillis' ? | 1 |
-XX:ZUncommitDelay | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:Z | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:printGCDetails | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplictGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-Xlogfile | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyMarking | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent, | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent' ? | 1 |
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XXaltjvm | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-Xgcthreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ? | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyObjects | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:ParalelG | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:Xshare:on | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'share:on' ? | 1 |
-XX:ReplaySuppressInitializers | Value 4 outside allowed range(0, 3). | 1 |
-Xms | Xmx must be >= Xms. Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms256M,. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 1 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSizee | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompressedClassSpaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAdap | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintAOT' ? | 1 |
-XX:ea | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:Xmx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSiz | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication” | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 1 |
-XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintContainerInfo | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintInlining' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:PrintCompilation | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-Xms10G" "-Xmx10G" "-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassesPointers | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedClassPointers' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK23 | 1 |
-XX:+UseGenerationalZGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZGenerational' ? | 1 |
-XX:PerMethodcompilationCutoff | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PerMethodRecompilationCutoff' ? | 1 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:G1RSetScanBlockSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:StringConcatOptimization | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintUnsafeOptimization' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentlVMOptions | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 1 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XXSoftMaxHeapSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SoftMaxHeapSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerSuppor | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseContainerSupport' ? | 1 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation- | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredCompilation' ? | 1 |
-XX:SharedCacheHardLimit | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'SharedBaseAddress' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:HeapdumpPath | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ? | 1 |
-XXErrorFileRedirect | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ? | 1 |
-XX:AVX3Threshold | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCDetails | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRati | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapFreeRatio' ? | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' ? | 1 |
-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFatalExceptionStackTraces | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintExceptionHandlers' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseConcMarkSweepGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+Use\ | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSi1ze | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ? | 1 |
-Xmint | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'int' ? | 1 |
-XX:-MaxFDLimit30720 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxFDLimit' ? | 1 |
-XX:+StartFlightRecording | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlNumBuckets | This switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-UseContainerSupport | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:ZCollectionInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 1 |
-XX:+G1UseAdaptiveIHO | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1UseAdaptiveIHOP' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-Xms5G;-Xmx16G;-d64;-XX | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:ExitOnOutOfMemoryError:true | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XXuserSrial | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSHA' ? | 1 |
-XlockReservation | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintConcurrentLocks' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseParNewG | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseParNewGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemory | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseStringDeduplication' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-Djavamelody.datasources | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:-ZProactive | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 1 |
-Xmso | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK22 | 1 |
-XX:TestCrashInErrorHandler | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:-PortableShareCache | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:PrintReferenceGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 1 |
-Xexperiment | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+G1NewSizePercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK17 | 1 |
-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinition | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-Xgcmaxthreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'JVMCIThreads' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDetails' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled. | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-InitialRAMPercentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'InitialRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile | OK | 1 |
-XX:ParlelG | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+LoomVerifyAfterThaw | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints;nmt | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DebugNonSafepoints' ? | 1 |
-XX:+DebugDeoptimization | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxMinPercentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:-UseZGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableExplicitGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:G | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:-UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:TraceRedefineClasses | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysActAsServrClassMachine | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine' ? | 1 |
-XX:++ParallelRefProcEnabled | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ParallelRefProcEnabled' ? | 1 |
-XX:Xnx | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow-Xlog | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' ? | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFile' ? | 1 |
-XMaxNewSize | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpinning | This switch was removed after OpenJDK6. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+AutoTuneResourceDefaultsBasedOnXmx | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:ThreadLocalHandshakes | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XNewSize | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | Value -1 outside allowed range(0, 1). | 1 |
-XX:UseG1GC" -XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XVerbose | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCCause | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:Xlog:gc* | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'loggc' ? | 1 |
-XX:+G1NewSizePercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1NewSizePercent' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintInlining | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:PermSize | OK | 1 |
-XX:+DisableRmiHeapDump | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DisableBCCheck' ? | 1 |
-XX:Minin1 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Inline' ? | 1 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintCodeHeapAnalytics | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" 30/08/2016 JAVA_OPTS | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseZG | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-XXloggc | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'loggc' ? | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+G1MaxNewSizePercent | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UserSerialGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseSerialGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:A1locatePrefetchDistance | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AllocatePrefetchDistance' ? | 1 |
-Xaot | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK10 | 1 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK7 | 1 |
-XX:Metaspacesize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:UseBootstrapCallInfo | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:-EnableJVMCI | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-Xms | Xmx must be >= Xms. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 1 |
-XX:TiredStopAtLevel | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TieredStopAtLevel' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC -XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-Xaggressive | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ? | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries | This switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:+UseC2 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCHA' ? | 1 |
-XX:PalelG | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseContinuationFastPath | This switch is not available until OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-Xmaxmetaspace | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseEpsilonGC | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:ControlIntrinsic | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:MaxMeta | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:MaxRamPercentage | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XX:-G1UsePreventiveGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+ControlIntrinsic | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:+UseVectorStubs | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XGCTimeLimit | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XmxSIZE | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ? | 1 |
-Xmxx | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UsezGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-Xscmaxjitdata | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK14 | 1 |
-XX:G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBuckets | This switch is not available until OpenJDK18. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+UseTransparentLargePages | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseTransparentHugePages' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 1 |
-XX:Max | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-Xnoloa | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDependencies | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:+UseVectorStubs | This switch is not available until OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ? | 1 |
-Xscminjitdata | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-Xdebug | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:ZAllocationSpikeTolerance | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK9 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSIncremental | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CMSIncrementalMode' ? | 1 |
-Xmu | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseCompressed | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ? | 1 |
-XX:share:on | Wrong prefix used -XX: it should be -X | 1 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK12 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:++ErrorFileToStderr | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ErrorFileToStderr' ? | 1 |
-XX:GCLogFileSize | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:+UseZtso | This switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage75 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxRAMPercentage' ? | 1 |
-XXVerbose | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'Verbose' ? | 1 |
-XX:+Usd | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyTLE | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'VerifyFPU' ? | 1 |
-XX:MetaSpaceSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCacheSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:AliasLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK19. Your analysis was for OpenJDK22 | 1 |
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XmsSIZE | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NewSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:-PrintGCDateStamps | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-Xlogg | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'log' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintAssembly | OK | 1 |
-XX:+escapeanalysis | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DoEscapeAnalysis' ? | 1 |
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-XX:+UseParallelGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceParallelOldGCDensePrefix' ? | 1 |
-XX:DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot | This switch is not available until OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-Xjitperf | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:maxMetaspaceSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxMetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+TraceInvokeDynamic | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:UseG1C | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:+UseThreadStateNativeWrapperProtocol | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCStartupHints | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PauseAtStartupFile' ? | 1 |
-XX:ZlibImplementationDeflate | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:ZProactive | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:G1LogLevel | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | This switch was removed after OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch was removed after OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK15 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | OK | 1 |
-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+ZVerifyRoots | This switch is not available until OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:CrashOnOutOfMemoryError | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XmT | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mn' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintDebugOptions | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XXUseZGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled | This switch was removed after OpenJDK7. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-UseContinuationFastPath | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-Xrunjdwp:transport | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:++AlwaysPreTouch | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AlwaysPreTouch' ? | 1 |
-XX:DumpPrivateMappingsInCore | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XGc | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps-Xloggc:/logs/gc.log | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XX:MaxDriect | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxFDLimit' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1 | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XpauseTarget | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PauseAtExit' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK19 | 1 |
-XExitOnOutOfMemoryError | Wrong prefix used -X it should be -XX: | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodecachesize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ReservedCodeCacheSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+Usertmlocking | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseRTMLocking' ? | 1 |
-XX:+Unlock | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XtlhPrefetch | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceReclaimPolicy | This switch is not available until OpenJDK16. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | OK | 1 |
-XX:+UseFastJNIExceptionCheck | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseFastExceptionHandling' ? | 1 |
-XX:+TraceSharedLookupCache | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceBiasedLocking' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseZGC" | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseZGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:hashcode | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'hashCode' ? | 1 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'AggressiveHeap' ? | 1 |
-XX:ErrorHandlerTest | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+UsxeG1GC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:+nixgibts | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamp | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCDateStamps' ? | 1 |
-XX:MemProfiling | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-Xcompressedrefs | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseCompressedOops' ? | 1 |
-XX:+NativeMemoryTracking | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'NativeMemoryTracking' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGC' ? | 1 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:-OmitSta | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2G. Bad value for type '<size>'. Must be a number with an optional suffix of 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't'. | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK14. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16 | 1 |
-XX:+DebugNonSafepointsg:time,level,tags | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'DebugNonSafepoints' ? | 1 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK6 | 1 |
-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XXlog | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'log' ? | 1 |
-XX:ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK24 | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGC-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime' ? | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MetaspaceSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError-XX:+UseContainerSupport | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' ? | 1 |
-XX:AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspac\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseLargePagesInMetaspace' ? | 1 |
-Xmxd | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFina | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintFlagsFinal' ? | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoader | This switch was removed after OpenJDK17. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOption | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' ? | 1 |
-XX:TraceRangeCheckEliminatio | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceRangeCheckElimination' ? | 1 |
-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash | This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | This switch was removed after OpenJDK15. Your analysis was for OpenJDK18 | 1 |
-XX:+VerifyBeforeIteration | Requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | 1 |
-Xrs;-Djava.awt.headless | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:C1CompileThreshold | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'CompileThreshold' ? | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | OK | 1 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-Xmus | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ms' ? | 1 |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles | This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK13 | 1 |
-XX:+ShareUnsafeClasses | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'TraceRedefineClasses' ? | 1 |
-XX:+GenerateSynchronizationCode | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:+ConcGCThreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ? | 1 |
-XX:+FastMath | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XX:+UseAIGC | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'UseG1GC' ? | 1 |
-XX:PrintTimeStep | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'PrintGCTimeStamps' ? | 1 |
-XX:-FastPath | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ZPath' ? | 1 |
-XX:+ZStallOnOutOfMemory | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch was removed after OpenJDK13. Your analysis was for OpenJDK21 | 1 |
-XX:LogFile\ | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'LogFile' ? | 1 |
-XX:+UseSpecialHashSet | Switch not found in any JDK | 1 |
-XXMaxHeapSize | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MaxHeapSize' ? | 1 |
-XX:Inline | Missing +/- on switch on boolean switch. | 1 |
-XX:G1NewGenerationSizePercent | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'G1NewSizePercent' ? | 1 |
-XX:+G1PeriodicGCInterval | This switch is not available until OpenJDK12. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XX:-ZUncommit | Requires -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | 1 |
-XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges | This switch is not available until OpenJDK22. Your analysis was for OpenJDK11 | 1 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOut-XX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'HeapDumpPath' ? | 1 |
-XX:+WizardMode | Requires a debug JVM | 1 |
-XX:G1GCThreads | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ConcGCThreads' ? | 1 |
-XSS | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'ss' ? | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapFreeRation | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'MinHeapFreeRatio' ? | 1 |
-XX:UseZGC | This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8 | 1 |
-XmX | Switch not found in any JDK. Did you mean 'mx' ? | 1 |
Top Warning Reasons
Switch | Warning | Count |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 465 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 443 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19. | 435 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 427 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 407 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 306 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 264 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 248 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 220 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. | 179 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 146 |
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 145 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6G | 133 |
-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 127 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:${gc_log_file}${log_file_bind_ip}. | 102 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19. | 101 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 100 |
-XX:UseSSE | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 87 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError. | 82 |
-XX:MaxRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. | 72 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Expired in OpenJDK11. | 65 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDetails. | 59 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 56 |
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 54 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:%LOG_HOME%/gc.log. | 52 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DisableExplicitGC. | 51 |
-XX:+FlightRecorder | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. | 50 |
-XX:CompileCommand | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,sbi/topics/system/TalkingAboutProcess.compute. | 49 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 48 |
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 45 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::safepoint. | 45 |
-XX:+ZGenerational | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK23. | 44 |
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 44 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseG1GC. | 43 |
-XX:CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 43 |
-XX:+UseLargePagesInMetaspace | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 40 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 39 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 39 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx | 36 |
-XX:+TraceClassLoading | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 33 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/ruoyi/server/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 31 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 29 |
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24. | 27 |
-XX:+TraceClassUnloading | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 26 |
-XX:MinRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. | 26 |
-XX:InitialRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. | 26 |
-XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 26 |
-XX:-UseCounterDecay | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK22. Expired in OpenJDK23. | 25 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 24 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/user/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=2,filesize=10M. | 23 |
-XX:+UseZGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseZGC. | 21 |
-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 20 |
-XX:MaxRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. | 19 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2. | 18 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4g. | 18 |
-XX:MinInliningThreshold | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. Expired in OpenJDK20. | 17 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseParallelGC. | 17 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 16 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime. | 16 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ref*=trace. | 16 |
-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy. | 16 |
-XX:ConcGCThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ConcGCThreads=2. | 16 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=150. | 16 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 15 |
-XX:UseAVX | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:UseAVX=2. | 15 |
-XX:AsyncLogBufferSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:AsyncLogBufferSize=4194304. | 15 |
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK9. | 14 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=./gclog/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 14 |
-XX:-TraceClassUnloading | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 14 |
-XX:+UseOptoBiasInlining | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19. | 14 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags. | 14 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*. | 14 |
-XX:+UseCompressedOops | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedOops. | 13 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 13 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc+stats. | 12 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/var/log/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 12 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 12 |
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions. | 12 |
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled. | 12 |
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions. | 11 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps. | 11 |
-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=50000. | 11 |
-XX:UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 11 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19. | 10 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. | 10 |
-XX:+SegmentedCodeCache | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache. | 10 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms180m. | 10 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags. | 10 |
-XX:+AggressiveOpts | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13. | 10 |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseParallelGC. | 10 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 10 |
-XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 10 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::async. | 10 |
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 10 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:/duitang/logs/usr/dt-watchdog/safepoint-%t.log:level,tags,time,uptime,pid:filecount=5,filesize=10M. | 10 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/var/log/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 9 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms3296m. | 9 |
-XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK21. | 9 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=debug. | 9 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 9 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc:/home/pg/pg-web/pokeX:ErrorFile=/home/pg/pg-web/poker-hhreplayer/logs/hhreplayer-error.log. | 8 |
-XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 8 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=256m. | 8 |
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13. | 8 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8m. | 8 |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDetails | 7 |
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution | 7 |
-XX:MaxRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24. | 7 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=60.0. | 7 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m. | 7 |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | 7 |
-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem. | 6 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8g | 6 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx256m. | 6 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6g | 6 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1G. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:stringdedup*=debug. | 6 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/logs/safepoint_%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/app/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=./logs/dsp-article-microservice-safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint+cleanup=off. | 6 |
-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=trace. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/var/log/iaes-web/gc.log. | 6 |
-XX:+UseHugeTLBFS | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 6 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:$AEM_PATH/logs/gc.log. | 6 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. | 6 |
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseStringDeduplication. | 6 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch. | 6 |
-XX:NewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=1600m. | 6 |
-XX:-UseSharedSpaces | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. | 6 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=1600m. | 6 |
-XX:AliasLevel | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21. | 6 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=./java_pid<pid>.hprof. | 6 |
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinity | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 5 |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation. | 5 |
-XX:+CriticalJNINatives | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK16. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19. | 5 |
-XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps. | 5 |
-XX:CompileCommand | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,net/minecraft/server/%nms_version%/ChunkProviderServer$$Lambda$4300/0x00000000801896ab8.accept. | 5 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m. | 5 |
-XX:+UseContainerCpuShares | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21. | 5 |
-XX:+UseBsdPosixThreadCPUClocks | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 5 |
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17. | 5 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12. | 5 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100. | 5 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::logs/gc.log | 5 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms12288m. | 5 |
-XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 5 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms6144m. | 5 |
-XX:CMSTriggerRatio | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 5 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4096m. | 5 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4G. | 5 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow. | 5 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=100,filesize=1024. | 5 |
-XX:+UseLargePages | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseLargePages. | 5 |
-XX:+UseLWPSynchronization | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 5 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=2147483648. | 4 |
-XX:+AssumeMP | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13. | 4 |
-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent. | 4 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 4 |
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | 4 |
-XX:CICompilerCount | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CICompilerCount=3. | 4 |
-XX:CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercent | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 4 |
-XX:CompileCommand | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::*_noinline. | 4 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err.log | 4 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/apollo/env/ATVCustomerOnboardingService/var/tmp. | 4 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/data/logs/url-forwarder. | 4 |
-XX:InitialHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialHeapSize=6442450944. | 4 |
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=256m. | 4 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50. | 4 |
-XX:MaxHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxHeapSize=6442450944. | 4 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=512m. | 4 |
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes=524288. | 4 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11, Obsoleted in OpenJDK12, Expired in OpenJDK13. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/app/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.71/logs/gc.log. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc::utctime. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::help. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::pagesize. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:age*=trace | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=./logs/gc.log:time,uptime. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:filecount=10,filesize=25m. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:filecount=10,filesize=25m:time. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:/opt/${INSTANCE}/tomcat/logs/gc.log.%t:time,level,tags. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ref*=debug. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/data/logs/user/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 4 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms4096m. | 4 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms7500m. | 4 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx7500m. | 4 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=trace:file=%jvm_log_path%-safepoint-%%t-%%p.log:time,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 3 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=96m. | 3 |
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=tmp/infix-monitor-test/logs/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M. | 3 |
-XX:+UseGCTaskAffinity | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK16. | 3 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/gc/gc-%p-%t.log. | 3 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx50G. | 3 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/gc. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint,gc+age=trace:file=gc.log:uptime,time:filecount=1,filesize=50M. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:file=/var/log/swish/swish-phz/gc.log:tags,uptime,time,level:filecount=5,filesize=20m. | 3 |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | 3 |
-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 3 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx900m | 3 |
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=5,filesize=1024 | 3 |
-XX:AggressiveOpts | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 3 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=30M. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/data/logs/gc_humio.log:time,tags:filecount=5,filesize=102400 | 3 |
-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*=info:file=/opt/logs/gc.safepoint.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=20,filesize=50M. | 3 |
-XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M. | 3 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/gc/hs_err_pid_%p.log. | 3 |
-XX:-UseCompressedOops | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseCompressedOops | 3 |
-XX:-CMSPrecleaningEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/dev/shm/service_strategy_server/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=1,filesize=10M. | 3 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2G. | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 3 |
-XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK16. | 3 |
-XX:CompileCommand | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,dev.morling.onebrc.CalculateAverage_shipilev\$MeasurementsMap::nameMatches. | 3 |
-XX:CompileCommand | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileCommand=inline,dev.morling.onebrc.CalculateAverage_shipilev\$Bucket::matches. | 3 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms256m. | 3 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2g. | 3 |
-XX:+UseSHM | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13.Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 3 |
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DisableExplicitGC | 3 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:ergo*=debug. | 3 |
-XX:+UseMembar | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. | 3 |
-XX:+UseCounterDecay | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK22. Expired in OpenJDK23. | 3 |
-XX:MaxPermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 3 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms50G. | 3 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=16. | 3 |
-XX:-UseCompressedOops | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseCompressedOops. | 2 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/ | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=info:file=/opt/local/live-admin-service/log/safepoint.log:uptimemillis,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=50M. | 2 |
-XX:+PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21. | 2 |
-Xbootclasspath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xbootclasspath:/a:$JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/logmanager/main/jboss-logmanager-2.1.18.Final.jar. | 2 |
-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat | 2 |
-XX:MaxHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxHeapSize=16005464064. | 2 |
-Xdebug | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xdebug: | 2 |
-XX:-BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=20,filesize=1024. | 2 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc:logs/gc.log | 2 |
-XX:CICompilerCount | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CICompilerCount=2. | 2 |
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15. | 2 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1303m. | 2 |
-XX:InitialCodeCacheSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=32m. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags . | 2 |
-XX:+UseZGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseZGC. | 2 |
-XX:+LogVMOutput | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+LogVMOutput. | 2 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=268435456. | 2 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms2048m. | 2 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=64m. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:$LOG_DIR/gc.log-`date. | 2 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms6144M. | 2 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError. | 2 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms768m. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx4g | 2 |
-XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapDeltaBytes=8388608. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1024m. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx30g. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1303m. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/home/entera/prod-instance/LOGS/${service}/gc/gc-%p__%t.log. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx1g. | 2 |
-XX:LogFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:LogFile=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/ | 2 |
-XX:+FailOverToOldVerifier | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 2 |
-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=872415232. | 2 |
-XX:ConcGCThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ConcGCThreads=1. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:logs/gc-%t.log. | 2 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=./hs_err_pid<pid>.log. | 2 |
-XX:MonitorBound | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 2 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/opt/payara/paasDomain/logs/jvm/ | 2 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/eero/fatal.log. | 2 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=YYY/XXXX/logs/XXXX_hs_err.log. | 2 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx6144M. | 2 |
-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=2. | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1073741824. | 2 |
-XX:+UseFastStosb | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseFastStosb. | 2 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4m. | 2 |
-XX:G1HeapRegionSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8388608. | 2 |
-XX:NewRatio | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewRatio=5. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:all=debug,exceptions=warning,gc*=off:file=../logs/vm-%t.log:time,pid,tid,level,tags:filesize=100M. | 2 |
-XX:MarkStackSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MarkStackSize=4194304. | 2 |
-XX:NewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=2147483648. | 2 |
-XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize=64. | 2 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=16G | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,gc+ergo*=trace,gc+age=trace,gc+marking=trace,gc+heap=debug,safepoint:file=gc_log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=200m. | 2 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4g. | 2 |
-XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem=64. | 2 |
-XX:OldSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:OldSize=4294967296. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/data/logs/url-forwarder/url-forwarder-gc.log:filesize=50m,filecount=5. | 2 |
-XX:InitialHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialHeapSize=318767104. | 2 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=2667577344. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug,gc+ergo*=trace,gc+age*=trace,safepoint*:file=/app/logs/gc/gc.log:time,tags,level:filecount=3,filesize=200M. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug,safepoint,age*=trace,ergo*=trace,gc+refine=info,classhisto*=trace,gc+ergo=trace,gc+liveness=trace:file=/var/log/eero/gc.log.started-at-%t.log:utctime,uptime,level,tags,tid:filesize=0. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=/data/logs/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M. | 2 |
-XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK19. Obsoleted in OpenJDK20. Expired in OpenJDK21. | 2 |
-XX:PermSize | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK8. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age=trace,gc+phases=trace,gc+humongous=trace,class+unload,class+load,os+thread,safepoint=info:file=log-gc-info.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M. | 2 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4g. | 2 |
-XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 2 |
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK8. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info:file=$CATALINA_BASE/logs/gc.log:utctime,level,tags. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc+ref*=debug. | 2 |
-XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK8. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24. | 2 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=251658240. | 2 |
-XX:MaxRAM | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAM=19999997952. | 2 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=96m. | 2 |
-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Expired in OpenJDK11. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*:file=safepoints-%p-%t.log:tags,uptime,time,level:filecount=10,filesize=50m. | 2 |
-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15, Obsoleted in OpenJDK16, Expired in OpenJDK17. | 2 |
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=36000. | 2 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/app/destination/tmp. | 2 |
-XX:StackShadowPages | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StackShadowPages=20. | 2 |
-XX:+UnsyncloadClass | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10, Obsoleted in OpenJDK11, Expired in OpenJDK12. | 2 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StartFlightRecording=delay=5m,maxage=1h,name=post-startup,maxsize=1g,dumponexit=true,filename=/var/log/post-service-startup.jfr. | 2 |
-XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+RewriteFrequentPairs. | 2 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50. | 2 |
-Xss | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss2048k | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/export/log/jvm/safepoint-%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 2 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=YYY/XXXX/logs/XXXX.hprof. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/opt/server/logs/gc/safepoint.log:time,uptime,tags. | 2 |
-XX:+PrintGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGC. | 2 |
-XX:TraceRedefineClasses | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 2 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/usr/local/swagger-demo-web-tar/logs/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 2 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms800M | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms8196m. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms8m. | 1 |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx128m. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx13312M. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx14336m. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx20480m. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2048m. | 1 |
-XX:CompileThreshold | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:CompileThreshold=8000. | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=/app/destination/logs/app-name_hs_err.log. | 1 |
-XX:ErrorFile | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err.log. | 1 |
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,settings=profile,disk=true,maxsize=500M,stackdepth=1024,dumponexit=true. | 1 |
-XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold=64. | 1 |
-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13, Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 1 |
-XX:CMSYoungGenPerWorker | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 1 |
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=75. | 1 |
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50. | 1 |
-XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod=. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,phases*=debug,region*=debug,age*=trace,ergo*=debug,safepoint,codecache,heap*=debug:stdout:time,level,tags. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx2g. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/app/esc/data/logs/smart-terminal/HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError/. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3000m. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/rmcp/cc-tariff/dump.hprof. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/rmcp/rths-history/dump.hprof. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/tabia/runner/logs/. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/tmp/tomcat_a. | 1 |
-XX:HeapDumpPath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:HeapDumpPath=logs/. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3048m | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMFraction | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. | 1 |
-XX:C1InlineStackLimit | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:C1InlineStackLimit=100. | 1 |
-XX:InitialRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitialRAMPercentage=80.0. | 1 |
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30. | 1 |
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35. | 1 |
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G". | 1 |
-XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:BaseFootPrintEstimate=20g. | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20,. | 1 |
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx3144m. | 1 |
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis. | 1 |
-XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize=64. | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=80. | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m. | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=150m. | 1 |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m. | 1 |
-XX:ActiveProcessorCount | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=28. | 1 |
-XX:MaxNewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxNewSize=512m. | 1 |
-XX:-UsePerfData | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UsePerfData. | 1 |
-XX:-UseMembar | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. | 1 |
-XX:-UseMembar | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. | 1 |
-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit. | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=45. | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50.0. | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0. | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.0. | 1 |
-XX:MaxRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.000000. | 1 |
-XX:MetaspaceSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m. | 1 |
-XX:MinHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinHeapSize=8388608. | 1 |
-XX:MinRAMPercentage | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:MinRAMPercentage=80.0. | 1 |
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary. | 1 |
-XX:-THPStackMitigation | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-THPStackMitigation. | 1 |
-XX:NewSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NewSize=512m. | 1 |
-XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=5826188. | 1 |
-XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=122916026. | 1 |
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=/usr/local/sbin/ | 1 |
-XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps. | 1 |
-XX:ParallelGCThreads | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4. | 1 |
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError. | 1 |
-XX:-FastTLABRefill | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12. | 1 |
-XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=122916026. | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1024m. | 1 |
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m. | 1 |
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=16005464064. | 1 |
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50. | 1 |
-XX:StartFlightRecording | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:StartFlightRecording=settings=/srv/www/actorcluster/ansible-releases/actorcluster-2022.05.16.thirteen2/bin/../conf/profile.jfc,delay=5m,maxsize=512m,disk=true,dumponexit=true,name=post-startup,filename=/var/log/eero/post-startup-3503.jfr. | 1 |
-XX:SurvivorRatio | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:SurvivorRatio=4. | 1 |
-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent=. | 1 |
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80. | 1 |
-XX:-DisableExplicitGC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-DisableExplicitGC. | 1 |
-XX:-CMSParallelRemarkEnabled | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14, Expired in OpenJDK15. | 1 |
-Xbootclasspath | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xbootclasspath:/p:. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::filecount=50,filesize=1024 | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::::time,level,tags | 1 |
-XX:+VMThreadHintNoPreempt | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK11. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*,level,tags,time,uptime,pid. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc*,tags,time,uptime,pid. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc+init. | 1 |
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14, Obsoleted in OpenJDK15, Expired in OpenJDK16. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:${HYBRIS_LOG_DIR}/java_gc.log. | 1 |
-XX:+UseHeavyMonitors | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK18. Obsoleted in OpenJDK19. Expired in OpenJDK20. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/app/log/gc-{{. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/apps/log/exchangeui/exchangeui/gc_tomcat.log. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:/logs/canal-admin.gclog. | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-UseG1GC. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx60g. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog::gc:logs/gc.log. | 1 |
-XX:+UseG1GC | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseG1GC | 1 |
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class*=info:file=/opt/…/logs/classload.log:time,uptimemillis,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=50M. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class+load=info. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:class+unload=info. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:gc.log:time,uptime:filecount=10,filesize=10m. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=$PAYMENTPROCESSINGRECOVERY_LOGS_PATH/gc_%p_%t.log:time,uptime:filecount=10,filesize=10M. | 1 |
-Xss | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss64m. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/abacus360/QA/LVR/logs/gc/spark/spark_driver_gc.%p.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=4M. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*:file=/pulsar-logs-root/gc-$PULSAR_CLIENT_APPLICATION_NAME.log. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8196m. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx8G. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=/tmp/gc.log. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age*=trace,safepoint:file=/lingtian/logs/app/gc.$HOSTNAME._%t.log:time,tid,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=20m. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,gc+age=trace,gc+phases=trace,gc+humongous=trace:file=log-gc.log:time,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M. | 1 |
-XX:CMSBitMapYieldQuantum | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info,phases*=debug,region*=debug,age*=trace,ergo*=debug,safepoint,heap*=debug:stdout:time,level,tags. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc*=info:file=$CATALINA_BASE/logs/gc.log:all. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc,gc+phases,gc+ref,gc+init,gc+reloc,gc+task,gc+stats,gc+load,gc+mmu,gc+nmethod,gc+metaspace,gc+marking:file=/lingtian/logs/app/gc.$HOSTNAME._%t.log:time,tid,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=20m. | 1 |
-XX:+UseContainerSupport | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+UseContainerSupport. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:gc:none:/home/despegar/gc.log:filesize=1m:filecount=2. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:jit+compilation=debug:file=/supercell/logs/xlog-jit.log:time,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=100M. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:os+container=info | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint*=info:file=$LOG_PATH/gc.safepoint.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=20,filesize=50M. | 1 |
-XX:+UseAppCDS | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK11. Expired in OpenJDK12. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint,ergo*=level:file:logs/gc.log. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint:file=/var/log/pcf-service/,level,tags:filecount=5,filesize=10M. | 1 |
-XX:+TraceClassResolution | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK16. Expired in OpenJDK17. | 1 |
-XX:+ThreadLocalHandshakes | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15.Deprecated in OpenJDK13. Obsoleted in OpenJDK14. Expired in OpenJDK15. | 1 |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps. | 1 |
-Xmx | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmx9230m. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:safepoint=debug:file=/opt/ignite/server/logs/gc/safepoint.log:time,uptime,tags. | 1 |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal. | 1 |
-XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks. | 1 |
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags | 1 |
-XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics. | 1 |
-Xlog | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xlog:stringdedup*,gc*=debug:file=/srv/ais/prod/knz-p2/eap/standalone/log/gc.log:time,uptime,level,tags:filecount=6,filesize=100M. | 1 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/home/hadoop/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn_resourcemanager/rm.gc.log-202310081100. | 1 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/usr/libra/sms/logs/sms-gc.log. | 1 |
-Xloggc | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xloggc::/var/log/jboss61/UGI/QXA/log/DataServer_QXA_PROD_gc_20210924073144.log. | 1 |
-XX:+OmitStackTraceInFastThrow | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow. | 1 |
-Xmn | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xmn:15g. | 1 |
-XX:+MonitorInUseLists | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK12. Expired in OpenJDK13. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms128m. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms13312M. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms14336m. | 1 |
-XX:+MonitorBound | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK14. Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms1977m. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms20480m. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms3000m. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms30g. | 1 |
-XX:+LIRFillDelaySlots | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16.Obsoleted in OpenJDK15. Expired in OpenJDK16. | 1 |
-Xss | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss256K. | 1 |
-Xms | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xms4g | 1 |
-Xss | Duplicate switch. This is overridden by -Xss256k. | 1 |