JaCoLine - Viewing Historical Command Line #2961

Analysis Date JDK Operating System CPU Architecture Debug JVM?
2021-09-16 OpenJDK16 Linux x86 N
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseG1GC boolean Use the Garbage-First garbage collector false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDetails boolean Print more details at garbage collection.
Deprecated, use -Xlog:gc* instead.
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDateStamps boolean Print date stamps at garbage collection false true
Analysis This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCCause boolean Include GC cause in GC logging true true
Analysis This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime boolean Print the time the application has been stopped false true
Analysis This switch was removed after OpenJDK8. Your analysis was for OpenJDK16
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
loggc <file> log GC status to a file with time stamps.
This option is deprecated and may be removed in a
future release. It is replaced by -Xlog:gc:<file>.
Analysis OK