JaCoLine - Viewing Historical Command Line #7169

Analysis Date JDK Operating System CPU Architecture Debug JVM?
2023-03-17 OpenJDK8 Linux x86 N
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxDirectMemorySize int Maximum total size of NIO direct-buffer allocations 0 128m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseG1GC boolean Use the Garbage-First garbage collector false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseStringDeduplication boolean Use string deduplication false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxMetaspaceSize int Maximum size of Metaspaces (in bytes) max_uintx 1G
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ScavengeBeforeFullGC boolean Scavenge youngest generation before each full GC,
used with UseParallelGC
true true
Analysis This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24.
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDetails boolean Print more details at garbage collection false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDateStamps boolean Print date stamps at garbage collection false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxGCPauseMillis int Adaptive size policy maximum GC pause time goal in millisecond,
or (G1 Only) the maximum GC time per MMU time slice
max_uintx 50
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent int Percentage of the (entire) heap occupancy to start a
concurrent GC cycle. It is used by GCs that trigger a
concurrent GC cycle based on the occupancy of the entire heap,
not just one of the generations (e.g., G1). A value of 0
denotes 'do constant GC cycles'.
45 30
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics trueInDebug true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
DebugNonSafepoints boolean Generate extra debugging information for non-safepoints in
trueInDebug true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
FlightRecorderOptions string Flight Recorder options NULL stackdepth=128
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
G1HeapRegionSize int Size of the G1 regions. 0 2m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxRAMPercentage double Maximum percentage of real memory used for maximum heap size 25.0 in range(0.0, 100.0) 80.0
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8