Analysis Date | JDK | Operating System | CPU Architecture | Debug JVM? |
2023-06-02 | OpenJDK8 | Linux | x86 | N |
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
UseG1GC | boolean | Use the Garbage-First garbage collector | false | true |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
MaxRAMFraction | int | Maximum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap size |
4 | 2 |
Analysis | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24. |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
ParallelGCThreads | int | Number of parallel threads parallel gc will use | 0 | 2 |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions | boolean | Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental features |
false | true |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap | boolean | Use CGroup memory limit as physical memory limit for heap sizing |
false | true |
Analysis | This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Expired in OpenJDK11. |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
loggc | <file> | log GC status to a file with time stamps | ::/app/applogs/gc.log | |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | boolean | Dump heap to file when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown | false | true |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
HeapDumpPath | string | When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to java_pid<pid>.hprof in the working directory) |
NULL | /app/heapdump |
Analysis | OK |
Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Your Value |
PrintGCDetails | boolean | Print more details at garbage collection | false | true |
Analysis | OK |