JaCoLine - Viewing Historical Command Line #8220

Analysis Date JDK Operating System CPU Architecture Debug JVM?
2023-06-02 OpenJDK8 Linux x86 N
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseG1GC boolean Use the Garbage-First garbage collector false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxRAMFraction int Maximum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap
4 2
Analysis This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Obsoleted in OpenJDK23. Expired in OpenJDK24.
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ParallelGCThreads int Number of parallel threads parallel gc will use 0 2
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap boolean Use CGroup memory limit as physical memory limit for heap
false true
Analysis This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK10. Expired in OpenJDK11.
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
loggc <file> log GC status to a file with time stamps ::/app/applogs/gc.log
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError boolean Dump heap to file when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
HeapDumpPath string When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or
directory) of the dump file (defaults to java_pid<pid>.hprof
in the working directory)
NULL /app/heapdump
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
PrintGCDetails boolean Print more details at garbage collection false true
Analysis OK