JaCoLine - Viewing Historical Command Line #8221

Analysis Date JDK Operating System CPU Architecture Debug JVM?
2023-06-02 OpenJDK8 Linux x86 N
Switches Identified
Switch Analysis
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics trueInDebug true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions boolean Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
OmitStackTraceInFastThrow boolean Omit backtraces for some 'hot' exceptions in optimized code true false
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
log <opts> control JVM logging, use -Xlog:help for details gc*=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/gc%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=50,filesize=100M
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
log <opts> control JVM logging, use -Xlog:help for details jit+compilation=info:file=${LOG_PATH}/jit_compile%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
log <opts> control JVM logging, use -Xlog:help for details safepoint=debug:file=${LOG_PATH}/safepoint%t.log:utctime,level,tags:filecount=10,filesize=10M
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK9. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxRAMPercentage double Maximum percentage of real memory used for maximum heap size 25.0 in range(0.0, 100.0) 45
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
InitialRAMPercentage double Percentage of real memory used for initial heap size 1.5625 in range(0.0, 100.0) 45
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK10. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MinHeapFreeRatio int The minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion.
For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and
ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.
40 0
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxHeapFreeRatio int The maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking.
For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and
ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.
70 100
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
AlwaysPreTouch boolean Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ss <size> set java thread stack size 512k
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxDirectMemorySize int Maximum total size of NIO direct-buffer allocations 0 1024m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxMetaspaceSize int Maximum size of Metaspaces (in bytes) max_uintx 384m
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
ReservedCodeCacheSize int Reserved code cache size (in bytes) - maximum code cache size
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
DisableExplicitGC boolean Ignore calls to System.gc() false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
MaxGCPauseMillis int Adaptive size policy maximum GC pause time goal in millisecond,
or (G1 Only) the maximum GC time per MMU time slice
max_uintx 50
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseBiasedLocking boolean Enable biased locking in JVM true false
Analysis This switch will be removed in the future. It will be Deprecated in OpenJDK15. Obsoleted in OpenJDK18. Expired in OpenJDK19.
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
GuaranteedSafepointInterval int Guarantee a safepoint (at least) every so many milliseconds
(0 means none)
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
UseCountedLoopSafepoints boolean Force counted loops to keep a safepoint false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
SafepointTimeout boolean Time out and warn or fail after SafepointTimeoutDelay
milliseconds if failed to reach safepoint
false true
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
SafepointTimeoutDelay int Delay in milliseconds for option SafepointTimeout 10000 1000
Analysis OK
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
StartFlightRecording string Start flight recording with options NULL disk=true,maxsize=4096m,maxage=3d
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8
Name Type Description Default Value Your Value
FlightRecorderOptions string Flight Recorder options NULL maxchunksize=128m
Analysis This switch is not available until OpenJDK11. Your analysis was for OpenJDK8